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allow motorcyclists to weave through traffic?


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riding on the berm or splitting lanes doesnt say "im more imporant", it says "im doing my part to help reduce congestion"

sure i can sit there like a car and take up space, or i can use the space thats available to me and GTFO.

personally, i do it all the time downtown. vast majority of the time is at stoplights. it doesnt slow anyone down. the only reason people get pissed is because they are selfish bitches, and are angry that omg i may get to my destination a little before they get to theirs. same reason that people dont let you over when you signal. because they are bitches.

ive only had two people say anything to me. one guy said it wasnt fair whatever that means. i told him to get his own bike and he could do it too. he got this look on his face like he had an epiphany. must have never thought of that before.

the other guy yelled at me i couldnt really make it out what he was saying. light turned green and i was gone, filtered up to the next light. never saw him again.

the vast majority of people either smile at me or just totally ignore me when i slide up next to them.

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GOONER: have you checked out BARF yet?

It works in CA because most motorcyclists including the LEOs do it. CA even has bicycle lanes on the roadways, whereas in other states you're lucky to have sidewalks in your neighborhood. I lane split and love it, even at speed (if speed limit is 65 and traffic is moving at 55). I've only run into one :asshole: at a red light that saw me coming up the lanes and intentionally moved over and even opened his driver's door. I just jumped to the other side and accidentally bumped his mirror off:D

But in all the lane splitting I've done that is the only :asshole: I've encountered.

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about 3 different people tried to kill me yesterday... I usually never have an issue with other cars... but there must be something about Friday rush hour traffic....

either way, figured out real quick the safest place to be in rush hour is on the shoulder.

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