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And people wonder why I have guns..


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A mile is a lot around campus, One place I lived was a few blocks South of Hudson on 4th. I got lots of stories about anywhere I lived on campus. Dang wild west if you ask me. Moved away as soon as I could. Campus is a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there.

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Fun thing about this story is I live less than a mile from where this happened:(.


Yeah but this was on the "wrong side" of the "tracks" (aka 71).

I'm assuming you live on the other side.

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carrying a gun and having the balls to pull the trigger when pointed at another human being are far cries from each other.... I'm just say'n.:dunno:

Very true. Before i decided to go the military route or even before i bought my first gun i sat and wondered if i would ever be able to take a humans life. I could never kill a person randomly without being threatened, as i guess this is what separates us from murderers but i could kill someone who is a threat to me.

Last year that was put to the test when a man refused to stop approaching me in a very confrontational manner. I backed up and told him to stop three times and he said i don't have the guts to pull the trigger. I did and fired a shot into the ground next to him and said the next one will be in his chest. He ran away.

but like AOW said, you really have to mean it or you could risk having the gun taken and used on you by the criminal.

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