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Stony Ridge Rd Chase ... N. Ridgeville


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So who was got chased by the po po and apprehended this morning on Stony Ridge Rd in North Ridgeville? My wife just called me and told me that while she was driving to work that some guy in white and red leathers came blasting past her followed by 2 police cars and that another police car was waiting for him farther up the road and that he got nailed. Fess up.......who was it?

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I'm not up that early. That must be an interesting story, two cars behind and one waiting, long chase or habitual offender that they were waiting for.

+1 I have no idea who that might be, and that's my neck of the woods.

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without knowing the bike its probably a stretch to say it was my buddy's neighbor from where he used to live in North Olmstead. He had a red/white R6 with red/white jacket, don't know if it was leather or not

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I'm not up that early. That must be an interesting story, two cars behind and one waiting, long chase or habitual offender that they were waiting for.

Definitely sounds like someone who hauls through there regularly and the cops were waiting for him this morning.

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Definitely sounds like someone who hauls through there regularly and the cops were waiting for him this morning.

Seeing this was in Ridgeville, I'm surprised they didn't mobilize the entire force, Blues Brothers style. These guys seriously have nothing better to do. I had a cop who couldn't have been more than 22 pull a u-turn on Center Ridge Rd at speed just so he could give me a ticket for expired tags.

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I had a cop who couldn't have been more than 22 pull a u-turn on Center Ridge Rd at speed just so he could give me a ticket for expired tags.

How did he know you had expired tags if he was heading the other way??

But yes, North Ridgeville is known for there squidley PD force. I had one of there finest run me off the road while I was on my bicycle on Mills Rd. I watched him pull in his driveway with his squad car so I sat in front of his house and called his superior. The officer refused to come out. I eventually dropped it and figured it was not worth the trouble that I could be causing for myself to pursue it.

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How did he know you had expired tags if he was heading the other way??

But yes, North Ridgeville is known for there squidley PD force. I had one of there finest run me off the road while I was on my bicycle on Mills Rd. I watched him pull in his driveway with his squad car so I sat in front of his house and called his superior. The officer refused to come out. I eventually dropped it and figured it was not worth the trouble that I could be causing for myself to pursue it.

He said he had me at 54 in a 45 on Center Ridge Rd, and I was praying for him to write me up for that so I can fight the crap out of it. Instead he said he was "doing me a favor" and wrote me for expired tags. I swear the guy drifted when he made that u-turn.

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Being a resident of the fine city of North Ridgetucky, the local law enforemcent has at times been a tad overzealous in their efforts to protect and server. But I will say that when I had my accident, they were great with me and my family. But these claimes here are not unfounded, or unfortuantely inaccurate by any stretch from what mine eyes have seen.

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My wife said leather so take that part of the report with a grain of salt. Could have been white and red sweats for all I know......:tongue:

Oh no you didn't. I think Gary just called his wife less than smart. That's how flame wars get started and moved to Ranting and Raving so the mods can shut it down. I'm going to take her side because she is much prettier than you.

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While she is much prettier and smarter than myself :) I stand by my statement that at speed she can't tell the differance between leather and cotton. With that said I wonder if I can sneak my new Joe Rocket blaster pants by her if I say they are cheap sweats....

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While she is much prettier and smarter than myself :) I stand by my statement that at speed she can't tell the differance between leather and cotton. With that said I wonder if I can sneak my new Joe Rocket blaster pants by her if I say they are cheap sweats....

cheap is relative. Compared to your bike, or your house, the Blaster pants are cheap, and therefore, even if you get busted, you can stand by the logic that at least they were cheap.

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There you go again insinuating she is less than smart. Just because you state she is smarter than you doesn't mean you aren't calling her out. You asshole quit picking on her!

Seriously -- I feel bad for gary's dumb wife now. You should get her number and be friends w/ her. :lol:

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There you go again insinuating she is less than smart. Just because you state she is smarter than you doesn't mean you aren't calling her out. You asshole quit picking on her!

Look, I can dig myself of a hole much quicker without your help........:D

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