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how about this shit.......

kawi kid

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so insurance called me today and told me if i want reimbursed for my helmet jacket and gloves i need to have them at the shop with the bike for them to see. awesome right?...... wrong after they pay to replace them they take them and dispose of them! i would love to keep my helmet just for sentimental reasons. i mean it did save my life and all :nono::mad: im so sick of insurance companies its not funny...........

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Mine saved my life, but I could care less to keep it...:lol: I had pictures, I didn't want the worthless POS helmet that it was after the wreck taking up space. I would've just thrown it away.

State Farm only replaced my helmet. I had to buy new gloves and shit. I just gave it to the dealership and got my new helmet and was like, "Oh hell yeah!". :D

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Will they let you buy it back Bry, like they do the bikes?

Or get chummy with the adjustor, & jokingly ask him which trash can he's gonna dump your gear in, so you can swing over & grab it ;)

Maybe make some "recommendations" to him about nearby, clean dumpsters that would be easy for you to go divin' :D

Edited by Fonzie
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You should be able to argue to keep it. I doesn't make sense for them to take a junk helmet.

it might make sense.

they may have some kind of deal with helmet manufacturers where they get a discount on your new helmet by turning in the old one for analysis or something. Real-world data is expensive.

...or they might just not want some idiot wearing a crashed helmet.

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He wants to keep his helmet

I'm just brainstormin'

I know man. ;)

Lots of good memories jerkin' off to that she-devil, ehhh?!? :D

Oh yeeeeeeeeah. :bukkake:

go to iron pony

buy cheap ass 30 dollar clearance helemt

hit it a few times with baseball bat

problem solved

Then they will only reimburse him with another $30 helmet. :lol:

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i mean it did save my life and all :nono::mad: im so sick of insurance companies its not funny...........

So they are willing to reimburse you for it but your pissed off?? Do you expect them to reinburse you for a total loss on the bike and give it back to you? Not sure I see the issue here. If you want to keep it then keep it and go buy yourself a new one.

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i wanted it for educational reasons....... like roll on columbus. sit it on our table or something and if one person looked at it and said wow i should start wearing a helmet then it served its purpose.

im glad they are reimbursing me but they should i pay insurance for that. im mad cuz they are just going to burn something that can be used as a tool that i could use to possibly convince someone how not to die. that is why im mad.

would i rather have the money than a busted ass helmet? sure but if there is no possibility to keep it like there dont seem to be it makes me kinda angry......

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I understand the sentiment behind it man! That was exactly the way I was with my go-karts. Dad wanted to get rid of my rashed up suit, but, I forced him to keep it. :D

It's just a reminder and almost a badge of, er, honor?! :dunno:If anyone can understand that....

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