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Drivers Use Cars To Protect Fallen Biker


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Drivers Use Cars To Protect Fallen Biker

^--- That's the headline on Jalopnik.

After a squid crashed his ‘Busa on a Texas highway, drivers surrounded a Dallas motorcyclist with their cars to prevent him getting killed. Several vehicles were rear ended and one of the good Samaritans suffered a broken leg.
At this point you may be thinking -- that's kinda "good on them", cagers that actually do good things and not just have contempt for the guy.

Then you read the MSNBC article with the actual story and details:

Protected Motorcyclist to be Arrested on Drug, Gun Charges


Street racing and smoking weed... :eek::mad:

It's stuff like this that sets "the cause" back a little :nono:

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glad they did protect him from being killed , this way he will get the punishment, did you see this too ? http://jalopnik.com/5525672/total-wuss-uses-viper-to-tow-viper+powered-motorcycle lovely bike...... " i won't be riding one tho "

I pu the link here cause i saw it on the same website while reading about that dude .

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The rider is lucky that none of the drivers protecting him were killed. Depending on what they charge him with, and what the common law in that jurisdiction says, he could have been liable for the deaths of anyone else involved.

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i am honestly surprised that the drivers that blocked off traffic didn't get cited but actually got praised by the Lt.

sometimes people surprise me.

Agreed, My girl and I got in a wreck on 670 and Her grandmother who was following us pulled over behind us to see if we were ok, The Office present made her leave by telling her that he could ticket her Inciting Panic. lol:confused:

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when the two Gahanna cagers tried to kill me, the grey hair that hit me from behind used her car to block traffic and tended to me until the EMTs showed up. Don't know if it was guilt or a good heart, but it was definitely appreciated!

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He was on a Busa, whadda ya expect? Yes I know thats stereo typing and profiling and yes profiling is wrong. But damnit it usually pretty accurate.

Sadly every time I go to a bike night, the majority of the Busa owners fit that profile. :nono:

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Officers said those who tried to stop and render aid will not face any charges in connection with the secondary crashes.

why would they?

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i am honestly surprised that the drivers that blocked off traffic didn't get cited but actually got praised by the Lt.

sometimes people surprise me.

"necessity" is a viable defense to some crimes.

...but they'd still have to pay for any property damage. It's one of the (many) mixed-messages in the American legal system. if a small child wanders into the road, and I swerve to avoid him and crash into your car instead, I will probably not be cited for any crimes, but I will still be liable for the damages to the car.

Cars are a poor example, because of insurance though. Say i'm on a bicycle, and I pull the same scenario and destroy your mail box. I still have to pay for the mail box.

Edited by redkow97
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necessity or not, is it not the drivers responsibility to drive safely and alertly enough to avoid running into the back of someone? i mean, they should have been paying enough attention to see it coming.

its not like they just jumped out in front of the other car and they had zero time to react. its on the fuckin freeway for gods sake. you're not supposed to be staring at the ass end of the car in front of you, you are supposed to be looking as far ahead as you possibly can.

hitting a parked vehicle IMO is like hitting a building or something. its there, its not moving. you should be able to see that, and maneuver around it.

Edited by John
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necessity or not, is it not the drivers responsibility to drive safely and alertly enough to avoid running into the back of someone? I mean, they should have been paying enough attention to see it coming.

Its not like they just jumped out in front of the other car and they had zero time to react. Its on the fuckin freeway for gods sake. You're not supposed to be staring at the ass end of the car in front of you, you are supposed to be looking as far ahead as you possibly can.

Hitting a parked vehicle imo is like hitting a building or something. Its there, its not moving. You should be able to see that, and maneuver around it.

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