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My newest firearm.


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Well I got one of these the other day. It's a Tec-9. First off, yes a Tec-9 Mini was used in Columbine and this gun has a bad reputation of being the gun of choice in the 80's-90's for gangs/drug cartels. Intratec has since been sued out of business for creating a gun made for no real purpose. That being said I only have it just to have it and shoot at targets. It's a 9mm Luger, fixed sights, externally loaded magazine, and threaded barrel that excepts the barrel extension (not a silencer). I have done research to make sure this is legal to own and it is except for the fact you can get 32 and 50 round mags for it. Ohio law is 31 round limit. 30 in mag, 1 in barrel.

I've only but 20-30 rounds through it but it shot great. No jams and just point and shooting put all the rounds right on the target. Pretty fun.


Edited by chevysoldier
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