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UPDATED: Dayton May 30th ride meeting spot!


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Is it just me or do I see a desmo in that pic?

Yeah, it's an amazing sounding machine. It sounded like nothing on the road. Even sounded better/different than any other Ducati you hear. It sounded like what it is...a PURE race bike that you will not see on any tracks around here. MonsterMans custom Ducati was all carbon fiber and was 1 of a kind too with many special features. They both are sex on wheels...the bikes that is. :lol:

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As I touched on my previous post, this was my concern. That you would be coming into line directly in front of me (or anyone else) at the last minute (where I/they didn't have time to react) to avoid getting pummeled by oncoming traffic.

This isn't meant to be a bitch post by any means, you seemed to be concerned about others feedback, so I'm givin' it:)

That is a legitimate concern and one I hope was somewhat alleviated as you witnessed me doing it. I had some safety margin built in and a plan on what to do if I needed to move into line at all times. I guess it was somewhat dangerous if others would have reacted at the same time to help me in line and a concern worth evaluating for future events.

As far as bitching goes this is not directed at you but just a general observation about group rides. There are complaints after every group ride, it was too fast, it was too slow, too many stops, not enough stops, we stopped to eat, we didn't stop to eat, etc, etc. When thirty six people get together it's impossible to please everyone, skills are different and so are expectations. I am happy with the results of the ride overall with the exception of the last get off. I hope he doesn’t blame the group for his accident and I don’t expect he will he didn’t seem like someone to complain based on him not bitching about how badly he was hurt. The first guy that went down admitted what happened and realized what he did, good on him.

I think it was 2-3 bikes behind me, making it maybe 6-7 bikes back.

Thats about right. he was 6 I was 7. he was about 4 lengths in front of me and as soon as he hit the last corner and there was the stop sign, he locked up the rear and went left of you guys(as did I)the rear wheel slid to the right and he high sided and the bike rolled once or twice. I don't know if you guys saw buy i was the one who slid into the intersection and almost hit his bike. I Jumped off my bike and was in such a hurry to go check on him my kickstand wasn't all the way down and I about droped the bike lol.

It sound like hes ok but hopefully he will get on here and post up. he was up almost instantly but his adrenaline was probably pumping pretty hard.

I watched the whole thing happen and was worried you were going to hit the bike or him as the two were swapping for position in front of you. You did a good job avoiding the mess, I even saw you stop, get off and go to him for what help you could offer, I missed your bike going down. I wanted to make sure traffic stopped so no one would hit the bike in the road or any of us. I don't even want to think about what would have happened if there was traffic coming down the cross road. I don't know what happened to start the whole situation and wonder if there were signs posted for a stop ahead because the stop is positioned real close to the end of a blind rise. I could see how he would have missed that sign if another bike was in front of him blocking his view. Nick mentioned earlier that someone could have been seriously hurt if he hadn't went left of us to avoid hitting us and it's true that would have been serious.

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I watched the whole thing happen and was worried you were going to hit the bike or him as the two were swapping for position in front of you. You did a good job avoiding the mess, I even saw you stop, get off and go to him for what help you could offer, I missed your bike going down. I wanted to make sure traffic stopped so no one would hit the bike in the road or any of us. I don't even want to think about what would have happened if there was traffic coming down the cross road. I don't know what happened to start the whole situation and wonder if there were signs posted for a stop ahead because the stop is positioned real close to the end of a blind rise. I could see how he would have missed that sign if another bike was in front of him blocking his view. Nick mentioned earlier that someone could have been seriously hurt if he hadn't went left of us to avoid hitting us and it's true that would have been serious.

There was... I happened to notice the stop ahead sign and sat up just before I saw someone (ExtremeF4i maybe) waving his arms for all of us to slow down because there was an accident ahead.

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Yeah, it's an amazing sounding machine. It sounded like nothing on the road. Even sounded better/different than any other Ducati you hear. It sounded like what it is...a PURE race bike that you will not see on any tracks around here. MonsterMans custom Ducati was all carbon fiber and was 1 of a kind too with many special features. They both are sex on wheels...the bikes that is. :lol:

I know the sound.... I was with one on track at gingerman. It's sexier than anything else out there. It was behind me for a few laps and the only thing I could hear was that thing growling, I could barely hear my 600rr reving at 14.5 grand and that's when it was behind me, nonetheless when I attempted to trail it for the rest of the session.

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I wanted to make sure traffic stopped so no one would hit the bike in the road or any of us. I don't even want to think about what would have happened if there was traffic coming down the cross road.

You and me both, and thanks for all the traffic control.

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hey guys...

first off, i would like to thank john & John Stafford (the ducati duo) and Gibby for taking care of me like family. The first time we ever met was on this ride, and i dont know how i can pay u guys back for all u did for me. if any of u guys ever need anything, ever, please let me know...

i only have one hand to type with so this may be short.

the results were a broken wrist and finger, but the real pain is coming from my pelvis, which they thought fractured, but just turns out to be some torn ligaments right above my... well u know. so thanks to the guys who literally carried me to Johns truck. walking became increasingly difficult. so besides some road rash and the stuff already mentioned, all thats left is a bruised ego. I have surgery on friday to throw some metal into my wrist and finger.

but i'd really like to apologize to everyone for putting ur lives in danger. i couldve killed one of u, and think about that everyday. im truely sorry. i think the combo of a late night and hot sun was getting the better of my reactions, and by the time i seen our buddy on the Daytona 675 throw up his hand... it was too late. i had no clue we were stopping, and merely started scrubbing speed.

never highsided before lol, but hell, the whole thing seemed like it took an hour from braking to flying to rolling. and again, im just glad no one else got hurt. the 1000rr is not too bad either. it starts up and sounds fine. hopefuylly the insurance Co doesnt needa police report. ill still keep everyone up to date.

again, thanks to everyone. from getting me water to supporting me thru ur kind thoughts and words, i owe all u guys a thanks...


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Glad to see you posting and hope this all works out well for you in the end. I saw the whole accident and thought you did a good job avoiding the group. I wasn't upset about you putting us in danger because it looked like you made an effort to avoid us. You didn't complain much about your hip at the time so I at least had no idea how injured you were. Are you going to have work consequences related to this accident? The bike looks fixable to me but insurance companies like to cover themselves so with the right or wrong adjuster it could be totaled depending on how you look at it.

I would like to know more about what you can remember leading up to the accident mostly as a means to keep the same type of thing happening again if possible. Did you see the stop ahead sign or were you focused on the road in front of you? Was it blocked by other riders? I didn't remember seeing a sign but others have stated there is one.

You will find a lot of help from the riding folks when you need it, I’m sure you would do the same for them if given the chance.

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hey guys...

first off, i would like to thank john & John Stafford (the ducati duo) and Gibby for taking care of me like family. The first time we ever met was on this ride, and i dont know how i can pay u guys back for all u did for me. if any of u guys ever need anything, ever, please let me know...

i only have one hand to type with so this may be short.

the results were a broken wrist and finger, but the real pain is coming from my pelvis, which they thought fractured, but just turns out to be some torn ligaments right above my... well u know. so thanks to the guys who literally carried me to Johns truck. walking became increasingly difficult. so besides some road rash and the stuff already mentioned, all thats left is a bruised ego. I have surgery on friday to throw some metal into my wrist and finger.

but i'd really like to apologize to everyone for putting ur lives in danger. i couldve killed one of u, and think about that everyday. im truely sorry. i think the combo of a late night and hot sun was getting the better of my reactions, and by the time i seen our buddy on the Daytona 675 throw up his hand... it was too late. i had no clue we were stopping, and merely started scrubbing speed.

never highsided before lol, but hell, the whole thing seemed like it took an hour from braking to flying to rolling. and again, im just glad no one else got hurt. the 1000rr is not too bad either. it starts up and sounds fine. hopefuylly the insurance Co doesnt needa police report. ill still keep everyone up to date.

again, thanks to everyone. from getting me water to supporting me thru ur kind thoughts and words, i owe all u guys a thanks...


Dan, you are more than welcome!!! I just wished we could have gotten to you with the trailer sooner and not had you bake in the sun. There is no need for payback, I hope someone would do the same for my father or myself. Hope those two cute nurses took care of you real well ;) and you get feeling better soon!

Anyway, it was a good and we had fun.

Uncle Punk and Fusion, thanks for being the group nannies, you guys did an outstanding job!:cheers:

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I'm glad you posted this because your dad was the person I was most concerned about not appreciating my running to the front. He was leaving a big hole behind you so I kept using it on my way up front. I don't know if he was doing it on purpose to help me or if he wanted the room and I was upsetting him filling it in.

Thanks for the trailer help I would have done it if needed but you guys stepping up allowed me to head home for my 3-1/2 hour drive a lot soon I’m sure.

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does anyone happen to know the road or intersection the wreck happened at? my insurance needs to know...

unckle punk: i'll try to go thru the events as detailed as possible, but again, lol, its pretty tough to type.

we were on the best sweepers of the day in my opinion, and i gave the daytona a good bit of room in front of me, possibly 50 yards or so. on the last long sweeper right, i was in a pretty good full on lean, and seen him throw up his left hand, which throughout the day i took as slowing down/making a turn. i started picking up the bike and "scrubbed" my speed, expecting we were only turning far ahead or stopping far ahead, having no idea everyone was at a DEAD stop right over the bridge. i never saw a stop ahead sign either. as soon as i seen the group ahead i slammed on both brakes, and aimed for the left. i knew i was going down, but i just was planning on lowsiding honestly...

my dumb move was to let go of the back brake, which ended up highsiding me. i actually didnt even know my brakes were locked until my ass end started sliding out and the front was chattering. it was like i was on ice. possibly bad tires with new SS brake lines and pads that i wasnt used to yet... not sure.

but in hindsight, i was used to being able to atleast see 4-5 bikes taking the turn before i dropped in, and this time it was only the Daytona (in which no way am i putting any blame on anyone but myself) about 50 yards in front. fast sweepers with roads i never road= bad judgement on my part.

but the cute air force nurses worked out well... :-)

no consequences should be coming out of it hopefully. i had all the required gear besides boots. but they can do what they want, its the military for ya. my squadron commander seen me limping thru the hospital this morning and only wished me good luck, and inquired about the gear... but thats all, so far lol.

thanks again guys... and if anyone knows that road id sure appreciate it.

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I'm glad you posted this because your dad was the person I was most concerned about not appreciating my running to the front. He was leaving a big hole behind you so I kept using it on my way up front. I don't know if he was doing it on purpose to help me or if he wanted the room and I was upsetting him filling it in.

Thanks for the trailer help I would have done it if needed but you guys stepping up allowed me to head home for my 3-1/2 hour drive a lot soon I’m sure.

He was fine with it. When we ride he is always following, roads that he is not familiar with he tends to leave a decent gap.

I wouldn't second guess how you rode on Sunday, one bit. You were in total control and didn't do anything erratic that I saw (you looked like a control rider). I heard your sewing machine exhaust back there every once and awhile.:D You could have been on my hip and I wouldn't have cared.

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does anyone happen to know the road or intersection the wreck happened at? my insurance needs to know...

unckle punk: i'll try to go thru the events as detailed as possible, but again, lol, its pretty tough to type.

we were on the best sweepers of the day in my opinion, and i gave the daytona a good bit of room in front of me, possibly 50 yards or so. on the last long sweeper right, i was in a pretty good full on lean, and seen him throw up his left hand, which throughout the day i took as slowing down/making a turn. i started picking up the bike and "scrubbed" my speed, expecting we were only turning far ahead or stopping far ahead, having no idea everyone was at a DEAD stop right over the bridge. i never saw a stop ahead sign either. as soon as i seen the group ahead i slammed on both brakes, and aimed for the left. i knew i was going down, but i just was planning on lowsiding honestly...

my dumb move was to let go of the back brake, which ended up highsiding me. i actually didnt even know my brakes were locked until my ass end started sliding out and the front was chattering. it was like i was on ice. possibly bad tires with new SS brake lines and pads that i wasnt used to yet... not sure.

but in hindsight, i was used to being able to atleast see 4-5 bikes taking the turn before i dropped in, and this time it was only the Daytona (in which no way am i putting any blame on anyone but myself) about 50 yards in front. fast sweepers with roads i never road= bad judgement on my part.

but the cute air force nurses worked out well... :-)

no consequences should be coming out of it hopefully. i had all the required gear besides boots. but they can do what they want, its the military for ya. my squadron commander seen me limping thru the hospital this morning and only wished me good luck, and inquired about the gear... but thats all, so far lol.

thanks again guys... and if anyone knows that road id sure appreciate it.

I'm surprised your front was chattering it looked to me like your front hadn't settled down yet from the rise in the road as in your forks were extended and not giving you any braking up front. I may be sketchy on what I remember seeing because it happened so fast. It sucks to know you are going down without being able to prevent it except to try and lessen the damage which you did by not running into the back of anyone. I’m glad you aren’t having any work issues some folks have to wear more gear plus a vest even off base so I was concerned for you in that regard. Heal up quickly and let's go riding again.

I don’t know what we could have done to have prevented that accident except maybe gone faster the rest of the day. Ha, ha. It was the most we opened up all day and maybe it wasn’t expected. Good on the 675 rider for throwing up a hand about the danger in front of him he might have prevented things from being worse.

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Yeah Thanks to Fusion and UP for keeping everything together. I loved seeing the baby fly by. Yeah I tagged someone at a stop, like said before stopped for no reason didn't react quick enough. No damage except his rear signal but It looked like he can just pop it back on.

That was YOU!? Jk. :p

I was wondering who it was. It wasn't a big deal, and i didn't see damage at the time. Only did i notice the turn signal when the 2nd rider went down.

I wasn't able to get it in ALL the way, but good enough. Still works.

The reason i stopped so suddenly was...i was about to turn...another rider came up beside me. As i remember, there wasn't room for 2 bikes to move pass uncle punk. That's why i stopped, to let the other biker/rider go.

Again, not a big deal. My fault for stopping like that. Just didn't want to hit anyone myself.

Btw...we know Suntorn went down. But who was the other rider on the Gsxr?

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yea, if it wasnt for him i wouldve sailed right into the back of the group. huge thanks to him. thanks for the road names John. hopefully the State Farm guys will not dick around. this is the first bike outta seven that i ever got full coverage on.

but on to better subjects, i had a great time riding with u all, and cant wait to do it again... next time full leathers and half throttle.

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There was... I happened to notice the stop ahead sign and sat up just before I saw someone (ExtremeF4i maybe) waving his arms for all of us to slow down because there was an accident ahead.

I just threw my hand up signaling to slow down/stop. I saw the stop ahead sign but when you are going that fast, it sneaks up quick. Glas to hear Suntorn is doing ok.

Btw...we know Suntorn went down. But who was the other rider on the Gsxr?

The other guy was Starcade. He doesnt post much. I work with him and glad him and the bike faired well

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does anyone happen to know the road or intersection the wreck happened at? my insurance needs to know...

I'm surprised you're filing. Didn't seem like a lot of damage, for the trade-off in increased premiums.

i never saw a stop ahead sign either.

I never saw a stop ahead sign, but others have said it was there. I was pushing it pretty hard as well, and it just kinda came out of nowhere. Think I saw someone waving there arms before I saw the stop sign.

no consequences should be coming out of it hopefully. i had all the required gear besides boots. but they can do what they want, its the military for ya. .

They dictate what you wear off base on your own time?

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