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No Jeans, Denim In Newark Under Proposed School Dress Code

RC51 John

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Get out of hillbilly ass ohio for a minute and the US has more than its fair share of weirdos. Actually we have a bunch here in hickville ohio too. There is a very sucessfull chain store dedicated to selling stupid shit like that does hot topic ring a bell?

How many "vampires" do we have running around cause of their gay ass obsession with twilight? We even have adults on motorcycle forums starting gay ass threads on that shit.

I think there is a coorelation between the amount of brians in their head and what they choose to wear.

actually been around the world, and am aware that there are freaks everywhere. Hell I am a freak and I know it and I love it.

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does one click pick on the other, yes they do. I tend to always end up on the neutral ones, but I see it day in and day out. The "popular" people talk shit and maneuver against the less popular people. And it is funny how more times than not you can tell the difference by what they wear and drive.

Oh it that case it's okay to do that. You know we shouldn't teach kids it wrong when their minds are impressionable. Man we used to throw eggs at cars in HS, it's okay to do that now as an adult?

Is that all you have to come back with?

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actually been around the world, and am aware that there are freaks everywhere. Hell I am a freak and I know it and I love it.

so how exactly does that work with your "the wear uniforms in Japan and they dress like freaks outside of school so we shouldn't do it here" scenario?

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Oh it that case it's okay to do that. You know we shouldn't teach kids it wrong when their minds are impressionable. Man we used to throw eggs at cars in HS, it's okay to do that now as an adult?

Is that all you have to come back with?

I am not saying it is right or wrong. I am just saying that is how a large chuck of the corporate world works.

Appearances matter is the point, and if you don't let kids learn that on their own in a semi controlled environment (AKA School) they will just have to learn it later in life when it bites them in that ass

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so how exactly does that work with your "the wear uniforms in Japan and they dress like freaks outside of school so we shouldn't do it here" scenario?

actually that had more to do on the comment you made about me not getting out of hick Ohio

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I am not saying it is right or wrong. I am just saying that is how a large chuck of the corporate world works.

Appearances matter is the point, and if you don't let kids learn that on their own in a semi controlled environment (AKA School) they will just have to learn it later in life when it bites them in that ass

that went over your head didn't it. Maybe if we taught kids, when they are impressionable, that it is not right and held them to a standard they would expect to see in the real world it would take hold and adults in corporate america wouldn't act like children.

By your mentality we should let kids do whatever they want to so they can get it out of their systems, in a semi controlled environment, because this has nothing to so with how they will act as adults. Maybe life should be biting them in the ass now when they are young!! It wouldn't have to later in life.

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that went over your head didn't it. Maybe if we taught kids, when they are impressionable, that it is not right and held them to a standard they would expect to see in the real world it would take hold and adults in corporate america wouldn't act like children.

By your mentality we should let kids do whatever they want to so they can get it out of their systems, in a semi controlled environment, because this has nothing to so with how they will act as adults. Maybe life should be biting them in the ass now when they are young!! It wouldn't have to later in life.

actually I did get what you where going for, but I gave up trying to change the world years ago. The world is generally a shit hole, most of the people with the power will screw over anyone to keep the power, and if you rock the boat too much you get kicked in the teeth.

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actually I did get what you where going for, but I gave up trying to change the world years ago. The world is generally a shit hole, most of the people with the power will screw over anyone to keep the power, and if you rock the boat too much you get kicked in the teeth.

So explain to me why holding HS kids to a higher, adult standard is a bad thing?

Yes, the world is shit and we just want to lay back and do nothing because that's just the way things are. Heaven forbid we try to make the world better. Those people just get kicked in the teeth.

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So explain to me why holding HS kids to a higher, adult standard is a bad thing?

Yes, the world is shit and we just want to lay back and do nothing because that's just the way things are. Heaven forbid we try to make the world better. Those people just get kicked in the teeth.

I am not saying hold them to a lower standard, I am saying teach them to think and make the right choices, don't shove it down their mouths and expect them to take it as gospel. Uniforms do not teach them to make good choices, it teaches them to stay in line and not stick out and not think independently.

Heaven forbid we try to change it, yea been there, done that, got the the shit beat out of me literally more then once.

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I am not saying hold them to a lower standard, I am saying teach them to think and make the right choices, don't shove it down their mouths and expect them to take it as gospel. Uniforms do not teach them to make good choices, it teaches them to stay in line and not stick out and not think independently.


Oh yes, people shouldn't stay in line, not in school of all places. Because staying in line in school wouldn't foster a learning environment. And in that kind of environment people would never do anything to change the world. I feel much better when my investment manager comes to me wearing holey jeans and a "elvis isn't dead" tshirt.

Heaven forbid we try to change it, yea been there, done that, got the the shit beat out of me literally more then once

Then you are obviously doing it wrong. I've never gotten beaten up for trying to change something for the better.

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Then you are obviously doing it wrong. I've never gotten beaten up for trying to change something for the better.

See better is a matter of opinion. I think it is better to have a basic dress code (common sense basically, yea I know it is not that common) for kids in school and you think it is better to have them wear a uniform. Now who is right? In the end we may never know, because both options have good and bad to them. My son goes to a school that has a common sense dress code, and if they change that, I will move him to another school, as a parent, that is my choice. The ironic part of all this, is my son is much much more conservative than me. He gets on me when I club gear or even when I was still playing roller derby and would be in my derby gear.

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See better is a matter of opinion. I think it is better to have a basic dress code (common sense basically, yea I know it is not that common) for kids in school and you think it is better to have them wear a uniform. Now who is right? In the end we may never know, because both options have good and bad to them. My son goes to a school that has a common sense dress code, and if they change that, I will move him to another school, as a parent, that is my choice. The ironic part of all this, is my son is much much more conservative than me. He gets on me when I club gear or even when I was still playing roller derby and would be in my derby gear.

Do you wear club gear to work? What do you do for a living?

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Do you wear club gear to work? What do you do for a living?

No I wear my club gear when I go to the club.

what I do for a living? I am an IT nerd, lat 10 years being and admin and programmer.

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high school is miserable enough but dear god if I had to deal with no hot girls in tight ass jeans or sexy short skirts I might as well have went and played basketball at St Ignatius

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No I wear my club gear when I go to the club.

what I do for a living? I am an IT nerd, lat 10 years being and admin and programmer.

You're outdated! Better find something new to do then! :lol:

Back OT here,

What sort of apparel do you wear to work? I'm going to guess that if you were to go there in your "club gear" it wouldn't be appropriate, am I right?

The issue in Newark is that the common sense dress code is NOT WORKING! I went throught that school system, and have family going through it now. This school system doesn't have the resources to be taking care of dress code issues all day long, they can barely afford the teachers!

Come to think of it though, it's more on the administrative level that handles the dress code stuff, and they don't seem to be cutting back much in that area... Hmmmmm.......

I know a few teachers, and as I see them, I'll ask them about this issue, see what their take is on it as well.

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Why not wear your club gear to work?

Because it is not appropriate for work. How did I learn this? By making good and bad choices in school and learning from it.

Now lets not confuse the subject her. I am not in favor of kids going to school looking like gang bangers and hookers, but uniforms are not the answer either. Why do you take it to extremes? I am for middle of the road.

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Because it is not appropriate for work. How did I learn this? By making good and bad choices in school and learning from it.

Now lets not confuse the subject her. I am not in favor of kids going to school looking like gang bangers and hookers, but uniforms are not the answer either. Why do you take it to extremes? I am for middle of the road.

I wear a uniform to work, and most people conform to a certain type of attire for their job. Most office workers don't wear jeans and t-shirts (that I've seen) restaurant workers usually have guidlines as to what they wear, I wear a uniform to work at the auto shop, look around at the Iron Pony next time you're in there! I think it's resonable to have high schoolers wear the appropriate attire, and seeing that a comon sense dress code is not working, they're stepping it up a notch!

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Seeing where this thread went, lets play Devil's Advocate here...

What ever happened to making your own choices and freedom and all that nonsense? If you're under 18 you don't get Constitutional rights? Public school, public freedom.

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Seeing where this thread went, lets play Devil's Advocate here...

What ever happened to making your own choices and freedom and all that nonsense? If you're under 18 you don't get Constitutional rights? Public school, public freedom.

How about when one kid's right to wear what he or she wants interferes with my kid's right to an environment fit for learning?

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Khakis and a Polo seems very much like a uniform to me

Let me guess, did you get beat up for wearing your club outfit to work? You mean it's better not to wear it because it isn't professional looking? Anymore school isn't a professional place. Like someone else said, it's a place to let the kids go during the day until they are 18. And then they go into the work force, wear their club gear to their job and get their teeth kicked in. OR

We could teach them that school is their job and they are expected to learn. Showing off clothing isn't why their are their. I don't care if it's a uniform or a dress code. We allow the kids to do whatever they want and then thats all they know. So when they do grow up they don't understand what it means to be professional in what they are doing and they end up thinking like you.

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