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No Jeans, Denim In Newark Under Proposed School Dress Code

RC51 John

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How about when one kid's right to wear what he or she wants interferes with my kid's right to an environment fit for learning?

I am not sure how kid one's choice in clothing would keep your child from being able to learn? Unless they are wearing bells or other things that makes noise when moving?

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How about when one kid's right to wear what he or she wants interferes with my kid's right to an environment fit for learning?

I guess I never bought into that? If a hot chick came to class everyday with her whaletail hanging out, it'd get boring after a week and wouldn't be "distracting" anymore.

After awhile, you just ignore such things (baggy jeans, offensive shirts, etc), and you see how dumb/immature those 'other kids' are. No?

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I am not sure how kid one's choice in clothing would keep your child from being able to learn? Unless they are wearing bells or other things that makes noise when moving?

The distraction of everyone making a big hairy deal of what everyone's wearing. Bells? Maybe not, but chains and stuff, possibly!

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I guess I never bought into that? If a hot chick came to class everyday with her whaletail hanging out, it'd get boring after a week and wouldn't be "distracting" anymore.

After awhile, you just ignore such things (baggy jeans, offensive shirts, etc), and you see how dumb/immature those 'other kids' are. No?

Good point, but many of the are attention whores, and will push it more and more just to get people to notice. Yes, this happens.

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I am not sure how kid one's choice in clothing would keep your child from being able to learn? Unless they are wearing bells or other things that makes noise when moving?

"Hey kid, whatcha mean you got that crap from wal-mart. You white trash you" WHAM!

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Let me guess, did you get beat up for wearing your club outfit to work? You mean it's better not to wear it because it isn't professional looking? Anymore school isn't a professional place. Like someone else said, it's a place to let the kids go during the day until they are 18. And then they go into the work force, wear their club gear to their job and get their teeth kicked in. OR

We could teach them that school is their job and they are expected to learn. Showing off clothing isn't why their are their. I don't care if it's a uniform or a dress code. We allow the kids to do whatever they want and then thats all they know. So when they do grow up they don't understand what it means to be professional in what they are doing and they end up thinking like you.

actually I am very professional in what I do, and my appearance at work. And why do you attack me? Do you know me? Do you know anything about what I do and how I do it? Yet you try to speak about it like you do.

Again you aregument is if the school allows anything more then the very strick dress code, then all the kids will come to school looking like hookers and gang bangers. I doubt this is the case.

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Good point, but many of the are attention whores, and will push it more and more just to get people to notice. Yes, this happens.

Ok, so if they originally got their 'attention' from their clothing, if you mandate a dress code, what are they going to replace that 'attention' with?

The attention whoring psychology isn't going away, it'll just be replaced by something else. What else? Could be better (deciding to be an attention whore by being captain of the soccer team, captain of the debate team), could be worse (party chick, druggie)?

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actually I am very professional in what I do, and my appearance at work. And why do you attack me? Do you know me? Do you know anything about what I do and how I do it? Yet you try to speak about it like you do.

Again you aregument is if the school allows anything more then the very strick dress code, then all the kids will come to school looking like hookers and gang bangers. I doubt this is the case.

Please state where I said very strict dress codes. I asked you if you were expected to show a professional experience at work. Why shouldn't you be held to the same standard at school when you are being prepared for the "real world"

Edited by chevysoldier
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actually I am very professional in what I do, and my appearance at work. And why do you attack me? Do you know me? Do you know anything about what I do and how I do it? Yet you try to speak about it like you do.

Again you aregument is if the school allows anything more then the very strick dress code, then all the kids will come to school looking like hookers and gang bangers. I doubt this is the case.

I really don't think he's trying to attack you, just using your situation as an example. The way I see it, I doubt that you'd be dressing like a hooker anyway. If you do, we need pics for proof :lol:

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Ok, so if they originally got their 'attention' from their clothing, if you mandate a dress code, what are they going to replace that 'attention' with?

The attention whoring psychology isn't going away, it'll just be replaced by something else. What else? Could be better (deciding to be an attention whore by being captain of the soccer team, captain of the debate team), could be worse (party chick, druggie)?

Maybe they'll just do their apperance attention whoring after school? :dunno: I get what you mean, but still think a strict dress code would be a good thing in that district.

They have a similar dress code in area where I live, I'll ask around about how it is.

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:nono: You really are a nerd. Turn in your mancard now.....

:rolleyes: I don't understand 'getting your rocks off' by staring at the thong of a chick that you're not, or will be sleeping with. Especially if it's something you see ALL the time. Women like that are generally vapid and boring. (Before ALL the women take offense... I'm generalizing, I'm sure the girls reading this and taking offense to it are the 'special cases' -- yea, keep telling yourself that)

Porn is way more effective.

I guess my mancard does need taken because I don't think about sex 24/7 -- I do have a life and enjoy other things in it besides fantasizing about things I don't have, don't want, or don't need.

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Please state where I said very strict dress codes. I asked you if you were expected to show a professional experience at work. Why shouldn't you be held to the same standard at school when you are being prepared for the "real world"

My apologies, it was Isaac's Papa that called it a stick dress code

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My apologies, it was Isaac's Papa that called it a stick dress code

Okay, so could you now please answer why kids shouldn't be held to a dress standard while being prepared for being an adult where they most likely will be?

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:rolleyes: I don't understand 'getting your rocks off' by staring at the thong of a chick that you're not, or will be sleeping with. Especially if it's something you see ALL the time. Women like that are generally vapid and boring. (Before ALL the women take offense... I'm generalizing, I'm sure the girls reading this and taking offense to it are the 'special cases' -- yea, keep telling yourself that)

Porn is way more effective.

I guess my mancard does need taken because I don't think about sex 24/7 -- I do have a life and enjoy other things in it besides fantasizing about things I don't have, don't want, or don't need.

Yeah..... Back in high school..... Hormones raging.... :leghump:

Not now, I know you've grown past all that and become a full fledged nerd now.

My apologies, it was Isaac's Papa that called it a stick dress code

Pauly's an asshat anyway. I just happen to agree with that asshat on quite a few things. :lol:

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Okay, so could you now please answer why kids shouldn't be held to a dress standard while being prepared for being an adult where they most likely will be?

The question is not if they should, the question is what is that standard? That is what we disagree on.

And the standard as an adult changes all the time. My last job jeans and a t-shirt was standard wear all the time in the office. Where I am at now, jeans are only acceptable on Fridays.

Again I want to say, sense it keeps getting lost, is this is not a question of if there should be a standard, but what the standard should be.

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The question is not if they should, the question is what is that standard? That is what we disagree on.

And the standard as an adult changes all the time. My last job jeans and a t-shirt was standard wear all the time in the office. Where I am at now, jeans are only acceptable on Fridays.

Again I want to say, sense it keeps getting lost, is this is not a question of if there should be a standard, but what the standard should be.

Trashmen get to wear dirty stinky clothes and a orange vest, we should make them wear that. :rolleyes:

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Again I want to say, sense it keeps getting lost, is this is not a question of if there should be a standard, but what the standard should be.

There it is!

Since this district has such a problem, they're going to a more strict policy. Common sense does not exist in Newark, so they have to make it clear with what they have proposed.

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Trashmen get to wear dirty stinky clothes and a orange vest, we should make them wear that. :rolleyes:

if we want to play with silly extremes lets skip the orange vest and just go straight to orange jumpsuits. We can make them buy them from the school so they are all 100% the same that way no one can go and get designer orange jumpsuit so that they would feel superior.

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There it is!

Since this district has such a problem, they're going to a more strict policy. Common sense does not exist in Newark, so they have to make it clear with what they have proposed.



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if we want to play with silly extremes lets skip the orange vest and just go straight to orange jumpsuits. We can make them buy them from the school so they are all 100% the same that way no one can go and get designer orange jumpsuit so that they would feel superior.

Extremes? You were talking about not all jobs have a strict dress code or uniform so it isn't right to have one at school. So i gave you one a job that doesn't have obe. You gave me a prison inmate uniform, not a job in and of itself.

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Seeing where this thread went, lets play Devil's Advocate here...

What ever happened to making your own choices and freedom and all that nonsense? If you're under 18 you don't get Constitutional rights? Public school, public freedom.

I thought my prior post addressed this, but...

Kids have limited rights. There are a lot of "legal" activities that aren't allowed on school grounds. Don't we REQUIRE kids to attend school? Do you consider that a violation of their freedom as well?

when it comes to freedom, schools should be "multiple choice," not write-in your own answer. You get a list of subjects to schedule classes, and some are required to graduate. Adhering to the dress code is no different.

These kids are getting to choose from 2 colors of pants and 3 colors of shirts. That's not any more unreasonable than being told that they have to take 3 years of math and 2 years of a foreign language. They still get to choose whether it's algebra or calculus; or French or Spanish.

at my high school, I got to choose what specific subjects I took, but I still had to accumulate a given number of class credits each quarter, and I had to have a certain number of math, science, language, history, and 'arts' credits to graduate. I'd hardly call that a violation of my freedom.:rolleyes:

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