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What are some good track schools in the Ohio area?


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hey all! i am currently riding with ridesmart trackday school down here in Texas. I am still in level 1 and learning but im having a blast. I am coming back to Ohio in August and just curious what the good racing schools and tracks are in the Ohio, PA, WV areas are? And what kinda prices they are and if they teach in levels, ect... Let me know whats up there! Thanks guys!

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There's Mid-Ohio and I think Bluegrass opened in Kentucky. They do teach in the novice levels from what I've heard.

I used to live in Killeen, Texas back in the 1980's and early 90's. That was where my parents lived before we moved to Ohio.

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Keith Code Superbike School is at Mid-Ohio during the late summer I think. I was going to be a corner worker for them back in 2006 one time and couldn't make it.

Looks like it's not on the schedule this year...http://www.superbikeschool.com/schedule/

Keith Code no longer runs at Mid-Ohio...

The options for Ohio only are Mid-Ohio and Nelson Ledges.

Try checking outside Ohio and you will find plenty of tracks within a reasonable distance.

If you ran Texas, you were used to driving hours to get to a track...

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if you're a level 1 rider, I'd save your money on track schools and just do STT days and really bug the hell out of their coaches.

Without knowing your skill level, I'd say do a day in Novice, and ask to be in the fast group.

I would assume you'll do well there, and want to register in "intermediate" the following day.

TRACK DOWN THE COACHES in intermediate, and ask for feedback. The coaches in "I" are usually pretty under-utilized, which means they probably have time to work with you one-on-one quite a bit.

Schools are great, but they get expensive, and whoever's name is on the school can only work with one or two people at a time. if you're an "Advanced" pace rider, then yeah, look into riding schools, but an STT coach can explain more basic stuff just as well as Freddie Spencer.

If you really want something more in-depth, look at NESBA's "Skills Enhancement Days" as well. There's one at Putnam later this summer.

the basic format includes:

- a morning track walk

- 'fly by' rides from Control Riders, to illustrate what you're being shown on the track walk

- TONS of one-on-one time with instructors, and then open track in the afternoon (with instructors available for more one-on-one time, if you want it).

Those usually run about $300 for a day. "Beginners" are on Saturday, and "Intermediate" riders are on Sunday. I'd start in the "beginner" group just to be safe. Plus, if it's a track you've never been to before, you might be surprised by how quick the 'beginners' at an SED are.

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oh yea i am real use to driving hours to get to a track day lol the closet one is texas world speedway in college station texas which is like 2 hours away. The four i go to is Texas World Speedway, MSR Cresson, MSR Houston, and Eagle Canyon Raceway. Ridesmart is a great organization. Where i will be moving back to i will be about 30 minutes from Nelson Ledges. When did they get a track? I use to go there all the time when i was a teenager hanging out at the quarry and doing..... err.... yea. But im open to traveling about 4-5 hours tops. Also where i am at now they let you corner work and everyday you corner work you get a free trackday. Are there any places like that up there?

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I think Bluegrass opened in Kentucky.


...Nelson Ledges. When did they get a track?


In addition to Midohio and Nelson Ledges, Beaverun is just over the border out 80 into Pennsylvania. If you're willing to drive several hours west there are a few more perhaps someone else can fill you in on (Putnam, Grattan, Gingerman, etc.)

As far as track day providers, check out the following. They are not some much "schools", but they offer varying levels of instruction at different levels.





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