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Who has gotten reckless ops? Where?


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In ohio it's the cop's discression. when i was 16 i got an 83 in a 50 and the cop said he could give me RO but i was cooperating so just gave me the speeding ticket. But that was 20 years ago (wow) so things might have changed.

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Have you gotten a reckless operation ticket? YUP But....

When? 6 years ago

Where? Painesville, some park we had a prelude meet.

For what? doing a burnout in the Prelude :)

What was the outcome? I fought it. got it dropped down to improper starting

Impact on your L's and insurance? 2 pts on license and nothing on ins.

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well his argument was that it was a park and there was kids all over. but we was all leaving to avoid the storm that was coming from over Lake Erie. There was no kids in the park due that fact. the judge remembered the storm because it pretty much flooded painesville. i remember driving on the highway doing 10mph cuz you couldn't see a thing. Anyway, the judge pretty much laughed at the cop for tryin.

I was worried cuz it was the judge that made that guy stand on the side of the road dressed up and hold a sign just weeks before. lol thought i was screwed.

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4-5 yrs ago i got the lucky moment too.. was racing in my old GSX against a turbo Mustang... i hit the go go juice (50shot nitrous) just as we passed a cop on the side of the road estimate prolly about 130+... i beat the mustang... then promptly was pulled over the stang pulled over too... about 2 mins later a truck doing something stupid fast with some kids in the bed threw something wet at the cop yelled something and kept going.. the cop visably about to beat some ass said its both your lucky fucking days... and took the fug off!

Had a similar story. Was being dumb and 18 on Maple Ave in Zanesville back before they made cruising a crime. I was driving at night, no light, and went out the driver window to pass a sprite to a cutie in a mustang, while moving. Did not know the Sheriff was behind me :eek:

When I did finally see him (about a mile later) behind me, I pulled over. he had me out the car and giving me all kinds of shit. Half way through all that some folks down on Maple decided to drag race just then. He looked at them taking off and told me to go home and I was not allowed back on maple for the rest of the weekend.

The second time I later that year I was coming home from cat fishing about 2 in the AM with a friend and was racing him down 93. I get to the first exit to Roseville and hauling all kinds of ass, just about then my radar detector lights up like a x-mas tree. I see his gumballs come on and he is looking them up to swing around. I thought he was going to go after the guy because he was behind me but going almost as fast. No he passes the guy, comes after me. I pull over and the first thing he said was "How in the hell did you get a ford escort up to 93 mph?" I was all like "Ummmm played with the timing". He looked at the fish in the cooler, and made sure I had not been drinking and let me go, as he was hunting drunks that night.

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You can get a reckless ops for anything.

Have you gotten a reckless operation ticket? Yes

When? 1969

Where? Livingston Ave 35mph zone

For what? Changing lanes near stop light in traffic

What was the outcome? Asked judge to decide. I said the young patrolman was wrong, and I hadn't made the best decision either.

Knocked 2 points off and no fine.

Impact on your L's and insurance? 2 points, no change in insurance rates

A distance ahead of our two bikes, was another bike riding crazy. All three got tickets.

Moral of the story: Don't ride with crazy people. Guilt by association.

Edited by ReconRat
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i got one when i was younger and considerably more stupid than i am now. early 2000s. here in columbus. got pulled over for DUI, ended up getting convicted of reckless op.

my insurance did go up. i forget how much. its back down now though. i have not been pulled over since ::knocks on wood::

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Sure did. Slid my 93 mustang around a corner on campus - toyko drift style, smoke and all...cops first words - "give me one reason I don't take you to jail right now"...didn't have anything else on the record at that point, so he just gave me the reckless ops (6 pts., about $700 in fines/court time). No fun for a college kid. Points and $ sucked...but it was a great powerslide...

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Putnam County, West Virginia

74 in a 45 (I cannot verify this speed because I wasn't looking down at the speedo)

All I know is that I was riding to work, decided to pass two cars before the 4 lane changed to 2. I had time to signal, change lanes, pass, and signal again and get over without incident. Apparently the sherriff's deputy didn't like me or my California plates and I was berated on the side of the road for a good 10 minutes, in full gear at 7:30am. Hired the best lawyer in the county, paid $1200, and knocked it from a reckless to a speeding violation and $150 fine.

WV tightened the reckless driving law a few years back, I learned, to protect motorcyclists. Ironic. Apparently everyone in that county is aware that my particular deputy is a real ass, so I just paid up and moved on. Points were never added to my Ohio license.

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I have too much to write about this..... lets just say I have 7 Reckless Ops. And I paid heavily for it...still paying heavy for insurance....not worth it guys...... Now I truck my bike around to and from shows and practice....

Wow. Not trying to be a dick. But how do you still have a license? lol.

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I paid alot of money in fines and lawyers... trick is to get them dropped to regular moving violation of somesort for 2 points....Oh and I got out of one by doing a 100 hrs of community service......again its all not worth it....I have 3 reckless ops from parking lots...wtf right? oh well....live and learn....

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I paid alot of money in fines and lawyers... trick is to get them dropped to regular moving violation of somesort for 2 points....Oh and I got out of one by doing a 100 hrs of community service......again its all not worth it....I have 3 reckless ops from parking lots...wtf right? oh well....live and learn....

Wow... Lots of money spent on lawyers but I guess since you didnt lose your license it was worth it.

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Sure did. Slid my 93 mustang around a corner on campus - toyko drift style, smoke and all...cops first words - "give me one reason I don't take you to jail right now"

"because there are real criminals out there who are more deserving of that space in the cell"

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Got pulled over when I was like 18 in Delaware just south of Condit on Rt3 for doing 93 in a 55. It was like 3am and my buddy and I were heading back from my cousins house in Mt. Vernon. I honestly just wanted to get home and was cruising, didn't realize I was going so fast. The cop was tailing an SUV going the opposite direction and as soon as I passed them I pulled over cause I saw the Crown Vic headlights. When he got up to the window I had both windows down, all the lights on, and my keys on the dash, he said I seemed to know I was gonna get pulled over. I told him when I saw his headlights I looked at my speedo and knew I was going to get pulled over, so I saved him the trouble. Just said "sir" after about every other word, and was very cooperative. He told me he wanted to let me off since I was so polite, but that his boss would have his ass for letting someone go that was going 93 lol. So all I got was a 160 dollar speeding ticket and miraculously no reckless op. Insurance never caught it, although my mom was pretty pissed.

Another time I was on Lane Ave by Riverside Drive in my old RSX Type S at like 2:30. I was pulling up to a redlight and downshifted to 2nd to come to a stop, the Grand Prix at the light must have thought I was showing off or something because when the light turned green before I could stop and I passed him, he gunned it. Me being an ignorant 19 year old decided to play with him, so I gave it some gas too, turned the sharp left just before the intersection with Riverside, and again saw the Crown Vic headlights. I didn't even bother to slam on the breaks cause I knew he had me/us. Sure as shit he pulled a U-turn, but didn't turn his lights on. We got to the light and all 3 cars turned on to Riverside driving normal. After being on Riverside for a few hundred feet he pulled over the guy behind me, I just kept driving like normal. I could see he was next to him telling him to stay put. He then drove up and pulled me over, I again turned on all my interior lights, hazards, everything, and put my keys on the dash. This was our convo...

LEO-You know why I pulled you over?

Me-No sir.

LEO-No idea?

Me-No sir.

LEO-What's the speed limit on this road?

Me-45 sir.(Since we were on Riverside and he said this road, I told him the speed limit for Riverside)

LEO-Hmm..that's right. Do you know that car back there?

Me-No sir.

LEO-You don't know them at all? You two weren't streetracing or anything?

Me-No sir, definitely not.

LEO-Well I clocked a car back on Lane going 67, and that's a 35mph zone. Did you notice headlights coming up on you fast?

Me-(I turn and look at my speedo, turn back and look at him) 67mph?? I mean I saw headlights behind me, but I didn't know they were coming up that fast.

At this point two more Upper Arlington cop cars have shown up.

LEO-Alright, well I'm gonna go talk to the other guy. You stay put.

Me-Yes sir.

About 10 minutes pass and a different cop comes up to my window, an older guy.

LEO2-Well the other guy said he doesn't know you. Since we can't say for sure which car we clocked we can't really do anything about it to either of you guys. Here's your license.

Me-Thank you sir!

LEO2-Alright get home and drive safe, oh and nice car by the way!

Me-Haha thanks!

It was stupid as shit, but damn was I lucky.

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