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:lol: @ timotheus! I am right there with you man.

You know what's odd though...I'm not scared to top my zx14 out at all if I have a clear, safe spot, but no way in hell will I jump out of an airplane! Now many of the people that would jump out of an airplane, which is NUTS, do not have the balls to get near 200mph which is VERY strange. :lol:

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wow your the third person this week i know of that has gone skydiving. Was there a special somewhere and i missed it??!! id love to go, did you take pics?

Took a few pictures but not from the sky. Got some video though! AWESOME!!!

i can't wait to do it again! there really is no way to describe what it is like. you just have to live it!

You are correct... No way to describe it. I would love to keep going and so would the wife. It was amazing.

If i could get my wife to jump out of a plane i would be SO happy!

Ha ha ha ha....

lol just read my own post. i do mean with a chute. I like her. lol

Then I "ha ha ha ha ha"ed even more. That was great!

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