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Hard lesson in the duality of man (Now w/ pix)


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Ya know I find something interesting, not in this situation in particular, just in general. It seems that the courts have gotten tougher on the first time offenders, and not the repeat offenders. I know a couple people that have gotten first offenses recently, and they've had significantly stiffer penalties than I did when I got a DUI about 12 years ago.

We went through the whole insurance debacle almost 2 years ago. Not fun. The company that the guy worked for that hit the car wanted to total the car, and would not negotiate. We turned it over to my wife's insurance company (this was before we were married), they fixed it, then collected from the other company, including her deductible!

Good luck with getting this worked out!

If your thinking of one I'm thinking off, she's only 18, not even legal to drink yet.

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Glad the family is ok Fonz. I had something very similar happen to me in the late 80's. The fine young lady that came left of center and tagged me wanted to take off but her car was attached to mine. When the Toledo police showed up and pulled her out of the car she took a swing at them. Always fun watched cops use force on a sloppy drunk.

I fear for my family a lot. I don't know about Hancock county but I think the orange and red license plates are the official plate of Union county.

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If your thinking of one I'm thinking off, she's only 18, not even legal to drink yet.

That's only one of them. Someone else I know that's older than you got his first a couple years ago, and he was hit pretty hard, although he fought it and got off a little bit better. He got his second, and the penalties weren't much tougher than the first, if even as bad!

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^^ underage DUI/OVI get hit pretty hard. My brother got one when he was 18, and he lost his license until he was 21. Whats also funny about that though, is he joined the marines and had a hummer license when he was 19

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I guess this guy is 40'ish, so he should know better.... Especially after the first 3 times

Cop told us tonight this guy claims he didn't even know he hit anybody

Edited by Fonzie
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Glad that the family escaped without any physical injury.

Little more than 7 years ago, my wife, pregnant at the time, got hit by a drunk driver while I was in TX. Not a call you want to get and take during a business meeting. She and he baby were alright, but it still sucks the air right out of your lungs.

Folks that witnessed the incident followed the guy, called the police, and the drunk bastard was caught and dragged out of his window by bicycle cops!

Good people are out there, just gotta look past the assholes like me:D

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Suspending one's license only means its not LEGAL for them to drive. Of course, neither is driving impaired or taking someone's vehicle without permission. If they're willing to do the latter, the former won't matter to them either. The yellow and red plates? Another STUPID idea that does nothing to deter impaired driving.

The only solution for multiple OVI offenders is jail. Of course, jails are full of "real criminals" so there's no room for them there. I'm not real sure what should be done with them, but I think gouging out their eyeballs with a grapefruit spoon after the second offense would be a good start.

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Glad to hear everyone's OK. Wow...if I had walked up on that scene and my family was involved..I'm not sure how I would have handled it. Maybe, in some sort of twisted logic, it was better that the other driver wasn't at the scene when you got there.

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I chased and caught and identified a hit skip years ago. Went to court for that as witness. Plea bargain resulted since the witnesses showed up. I saw his lawyer walk around the corner and look right at us, and she went back in and entered a guilty plea.

Glad you are all ok, but take some time with the family. They probably won't admit the emotions that will haunt them for a while.

And yes, I think Ohio should start taking vehicles and licenses away for DUI/OVI with collision or injury. I think they already have enough laws to do that, they just aren't doing it.

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Suspending one's license only means its not LEGAL for them to drive. Of course, neither is driving impaired or taking someone's vehicle without permission. If they're willing to do the latter, the former won't matter to them either. The yellow and red plates? Another STUPID idea that does nothing to deter impaired driving.

The only solution for multiple OVI offenders is jail. Of course, jails are full of "real criminals" so there's no room for them there. I'm not real sure what should be done with them, but I think gouging out their eyeballs with a grapefruit spoon after the second offense would be a good start.

The jails aren't full until the doors won't clank shut!

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And yes, I think Ohio should start taking vehicles and licenses away for DUI/OVI with collision or injury. I think they already have enough laws to do that, they just aren't doing it.

What difference does it make if they take away their driver's license or vehicle? This shitbag was already in someone else's truck.

Case in point - my car got creamed in the company parking lot a couple of years ago. Thankfully, no one was in it. The guy that hit it, however, was drunk, uninsured, driving someone else's car, under suspension, and had minor fender bender earlier in the day, and had been released from jail on a criminal damaging beef earlier in the week because the county lockup was "full".

Shit like this will continue to happen until they figure out a way to keep asshole's like that from actually driving.

Grapefruit Spoon > eyeballs.

Works every time.

The jails aren't full until the doors won't clank shut!

I'd agree with that statement. I've always said they should stack them up like cord wood and toss a lit match at them.

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I don't know what to say, that hasn't already been said.

I'm glad your family is alright, and lets just hope the drunk driver has a severe heart attack and stroke at the same time and dies. One can only hope. He would deserve it.

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What difference does it make if they take away their driver's license or vehicle? This shitbag was already in someone else's truck.

Case in point - my car got creamed in the company parking lot a couple of years ago. Thankfully, no one was in it. The guy that hit it, however, was drunk, uninsured, driving someone else's car, under suspension, and had minor fender bender earlier in the day, and had been released from jail on a criminal damaging beef earlier in the week because the county lockup was "full".

Shit like this will continue to happen until they figure out a way to keep asshole's like that from actually driving.

Grapefruit Spoon > eyeballs.

Works every time.

I'd agree with that statement. I've always said they should stack them up like cord wood and toss a lit match at them.

Every vehicle is required to have finger print or voice identification to be able to be driven.

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Every vehicle is required to have finger print or voice identification to be able to be driven.

So, you're willing to exchange YOUR freedom to drive any vehicle at any time you choose because it'll keep a bad guy from driving someone else's car?? Willing to pay a higher "price" for a new car with more government mandated "safety" equipment? Willing to forgo the "test drive" because the dealership would have to "reprogram" the car for you to drive it? Bullshit.

Fuck with the people that fuck up, not those of us that don't.

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Glad that the family escaped without any physical injury.

wow God had mercy on your family.

hope everything works out to your benefit.

Quite a riveting story Fonz. It's great to see that your family is still with you and doing well!

I don't know what to say, that hasn't already been said.

I'm glad your family is alright, and lets just hope the drunk driver has a severe heart attack and stroke at the same time and dies. One can only hope. He would deserve it.

Thanx guys

Wife especially, was pretty stiff & sore yesterday. Hopefully it goes away shortly, but we're thinking of taking her to chiropractor for further evaluation

Glad to hear everyone's OK. Wow...if I had walked up on that scene and my family was involved..I'm not sure how I would have handled it. Maybe, in some sort of twisted logic, it was better that the other driver wasn't at the scene when you got there.

Officer that came to house last night, said the drunk claimed he didn't know he'd hit anyone

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How's your son holding up?

A little shook up. Says he's kinda afraid to drive after this

Here's some pix I took of the drunk's truck. Remember when viewing these, I said the girlfriend apparently told someone, somewhere, that he stole the truck from her, because her insurance is still waiting for her to fill out a police report stating that fact before they'll start paying on our claim....





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dude like i told you earlier if you need anything let me know ill do what i can for ya.

but honest opinion is the guy prob dont remember hitting your family cuz he prob passed out before impact and impact woke hiim back up :nono:

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Thanx guys

Now here's the damage to our car. Had it moved to the body shop this afternoon, & was finally able to get some pix....







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Police just dropped off the accident info for us, & shared that this is Michael Robinson's FOURTH DUI/OVI!!

Got some pictures of his truck tonight.... Still waiting for the tow company to let us in their garage to get pix of our car. Ins co is leading me to believe it may be totaled

Its amazing that this is still not punished harshly! My gramma was hit (as a pedestrian) by a drunk driver back in the 60s, thrown 150ft, landed face down in a puddle and almost drown to death. The guy got a slap on the wrist and then ended up killing someone doing the same damn thing shortly after. 50 yrs, you'd think they'd get this figured out by now.

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