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How to create a website for dummies


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I work for a small company which hasn't had a website in a few years and I've been asked the glorious task of building one. I have never done this before so basically I'm at a loss of what to do really.

I bought a domain from godaddy.com and found a template from http://www.freecsstemplates.org/ and now am at a loss of how to actually upload said template and add the info I need.

I only accepted this challenge because the website is going to be extremely basic and it is a way to help save money for the company but think I'm in over my head a bit so figured I'd come to my favorite place to ask for advice :D

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Create a folder on your local machine, give it a meaningful name, and copy your template into the folder.

Now, if you double-click a .html file inside that folder, it will open in your browser, and you can test basic navigation/functionality.

You can edit the .html file(s) in Notepad - just make sure you have a backup (perhaps create another folder and copy all the original files into it).

GoDaddy should have given you an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) address, e.g. ftp.yoursitename.com and a username and password to the FTP address. You'll probably want a GUI ftp client (FileZilla is free and works well), once you launch it you'll see basically a split screen Explorer-style view, with your local (C:\) drive on the left and your website's server on the right. Drag/drop between the two.

Once you've uploaded your base template and files to your web server, try the site in your browser, again testing basic functionality and navigation.

HTML can be real complicated, but it's basically pretty simple. Look to see what it's doing, what works and what doesn't, and ask Google (or post it up here), you'll be able to have the site up and running pretty quickly and without too much pain.

***EDIT If you want to, post up which template you grabbed and what you would like to see on it, and I'll see what I can do for ya.

Edited by jblosser
see the edit note
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thanks for the tips!

The template I selected is on the very first page called Vertebrata. I am currently going through the steps to get the site hosted and up so I can get the ftp address as well as user name and password in order to do the rest

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It's nice hosting a website where you can have direct access to the server! :D Just copy the site across the network, an poof! It's live! Now, I just need to do a total overhaul on what I have... I'm not feeling creative at all though...

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  • 4 months later...
oh jesus Brian. If you still need a hand with this just shoot me a text, I can set it up in about an hour at your house.

:lol: I throw parties and cook well, I don't do the internets well

I have a site up now but it could probably use some editing. If I'm sober enough to remember maybe I'll have you look at it Sunday

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:lol: I throw parties and cook well, I don't do the internets well

I have a site up now but it could probably use some editing. If I'm sober enough to remember maybe I'll have you look at it Sunday

We each have our own specialties :D I'm fucking pumped for Sunday

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yea i ordered everything today, now I just have to find a backup plan if I can't rent a steamer from the place I ordered the bakes from. 12 Clambakes plus 5 dozen extra clams is just a tad more than will fit in the steamer pot I got

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yea i ordered everything today, now I just have to find a backup plan if I can't rent a steamer from the place I ordered the bakes from. 12 Clambakes plus 5 dozen extra clams is just a tad more than will fit in the steamer pot I got

zomg... SO awesome! do you need me to bring anything else aside from money and brownies? butter? marinara?

... ok what about my question!!! MEE MEEE MEEEEE!!!!@! :)

jeeeeeez attention whore :D

Never heard of them, but hosting companies are a dime a dozen, any moron with a wallet can buy a reseller plan and start offering hosting, it's the Mary Kay of the 21st century.

I use this company, have used them for at least 4 years, extremely cheap and very reliable.


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