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Good call. Not even close. Try 25, 2 kids, and English Education major, and working for the 6th largest employer globally, as an Implementation Manager. You fucking OR fags just get my blood flowing. :D Fuck you, all of you.

you wouldn't happen to have grown up in Ft Thomas would you? serious question no underlying "fucking or fag talk to get your blood flowing" shit

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You fucking OR fags just get my blood flowing. :D Fuck you, all of you.

Putting that english education to use... good one.

I have no idea who you Assfault Junkies are, but it seems that you are the one that started the problems, jus sayin.... So, how about you go to your board and talk trash! Oh, that's right, you're to busy backing up your "Prez". So, queer!

BTW, how much is that sweet bike going for? It looks pretty nice.

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English major? Why'd you even bother going to college?

Silly Justin.... Because then he couldn't have gotten a Project Integration Manager position with G.E

You fucking OR fags just get my blood flowing.

Me again FTMFW :D

:D Fuck you, all of you.
:D Fuck you too... All of you... Really.... I just mean you :D
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This bike cant corner I forgot...


If you'd get your ass off the fucking seat a little, you wouldnt have to throw it over so far.

BTW, hows that "Race School on the Street" thing working out for you? Lots of students or are they opting for the Star Boys "Wheelie School"??

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Hey i like all this bumping. I'm guessing no one here wants to buy it lol. Don't think I've ever had this many GLWS's ever! Rock on!

But at this point i just want a busa. A decent one to line up and race u drag guys. Give me like 3-4 practice runs and i'll take you ha ha ha.

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If you'd get your ass off the fucking seat a little, you wouldnt have to throw it over so far.

BTW, hows that "Race School on the Street" thing working out for you? Lots of students or are they opting for the Star Boys "Wheelie School"??

Now tard i was wondering where u were. Yea the star boys are steeling my clients! Its so lame....

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But at this point i just want a busa. A decent one to line up and race u drag guys. Give me like 3-4 practice runs and i'll take you ha ha ha.

Naaahhh... You don't wanna do that Brandon. It's not "real" racing.... Only "fucktards" do it ;)

BTW.... glws

And because I forgot to use these in so many posts earlier where they would've tied in brilliantly, I'm obligated to toss them in randomly here.....


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you wouldn't happen to have grown up in Ft Thomas would you? serious question no underlying "fucking or fag talk to get your blood flowing" shit

No. I actually grew up in West Chester. I currently live in Ft. Thomas though. :lol: No offense taken man.

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English major? Why'd you even bother going to college?

I wanted to teach HS English/creative writing, but once I figured out how little money they make I decided to go elsewhere. I also played baseball, so that kinda helped with the "going to college thing."

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I wanted to teach HS English/creative writing, but once I figured out how little money they make I decided to go elsewhere. I also played baseball, so that kinda helped with the "going to college thing."

Here's what I did: Research salaries BEFORE getting my degree.

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This is starting to remind me of those high school fights when everyone is shaking hands and best buds when it's all said and done.

Kind of depressing. I want to be entertained and you guys are headed the wrong way. :coffee:

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Here's what I did: Research salaries BEFORE getting my degree.

At the time, I was 18 and REALLY wanted to teach and wasn't quite aware as I should have been regarding the cost of the degree and the average starting salary. I wanted to get into Lakota, Sycamore, or Indian Hill (LOL, a little unrealistic, now that I think back). Those schools pay teachers, first year, around $35k+, which I was okay with back then. Live and learn. I did, however, enjoy all the English classes though.

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This is starting to remind me of those high school fights when everyone is shaking hands and best buds when it's all said and done.

Kind of depressing. I want to be entertained and you guys are headed the wrong way. :coffee:

:lol: That's funny. It kind of is like that, isn't it. :flag:

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No. I actually grew up in West Chester. I currently live in Ft. Thomas though. :lol: No offense taken man.

ah I ask because you're my age and I have a bunch of friends that grew up in Ft Thomas. Hell, I pretty much have a friend or 2 from every damn suburb down there :lol:

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:lol: That's funny. It kind of is like that, isn't it. :flag:

Not quite. Here it comes. :p

damn yo brandon is just trying to sell a fucking bike and this has turned into an all out flame war.

if you are not interested in the bike, thanks for looking move the fuck on. everyone has their own opinion on what they consider fast. some people like to race the twisties on the track, other like drag racing. who the fuck cares though, we all like bikes.

i mean really? this all started because some dude who wont rev his bike past 6k rpm's said it looked beat? dude we ride the fuck outta our bikes, and when we are done with them it shows. i have had my bike redlined in every gear. i know exactly what my bike has in 6th gear at 15k rpms, and if you look at my bike it shows.

everyone needs to chill out, i am fucking sick of all this hate OR has for the junkies.

With all due respect and shit.

Last time i checked, this is the OR site. If we don't like someone or something, there's usually a pretty big fucking reason. I think the hate is clearly mutual. So...as some "english majors" have said before if you don't like this place and the inhabitants. Move the fuck on. No one is gonna cry. Promise.

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