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Dont take it so personal man. Re read my post. Does it really matter how many post I have. Do I have to post whore to be taken seriously?

I came on here because the dude treated me right and I want to share my personal real life experience I've had with him. I dont wanna get into the flame war, I was just sharing info. why would i want to come to a board just to shit talk on the internet?

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I wear a du-rag while I ride and some FUBU jeans as my protection... got a problem with that!

Thug doesn't mean hood, try again. But I don't doubt that you do ride with that. I throw on my white beater, shorts and flip flops from time to time but the track keeps denying me....

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I'm sure there are a few exceptions, but I think a OR and AFJ get together would do just fine... do some riding (I'm sure everybody can learn some new pointers from everybody else) and do some drinking... maybe hit up a QSL...

be a fun time.... maybe every few months you all can come hit the 10/22 route with us, and some of us can head up there and hit some roads... make a day of it.

/civilness over

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Thug doesn't mean hood, try again. But I don't doubt that you do ride with that. I throw on my white beater, shorts and flip flops from time to time but the track keeps denying me....

THUG = "Thug, a common criminal, who treats others violently and roughly, often for hire. Often a member of a gang, as an enforcer in organized crime, and misdemeanor."

I do no such thing!

On a serious note, I attempted to ride to my local blockbuster (less than 2 miles away) the other day without my full gear.... I turned around before I hit the top of the street... that shits just fucking stupid.

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Dont take it so personal man. Re read my post. Does it really matter how many post I have. Do I have to post whore to be taken seriously?

I came on here because the dude treated me right and I want to share my personal real life experience I've had with him. I dont wanna get into the flame war, I was just sharing info. why would i want to come to a board just to shit talk on the internet?

I'm not taking it personal at all, just statin' how it looks. That is cool that you came in here to say that Brandon is a good guy, awesome, but you could have left it at that. I don't know him but it seems a lot of people on here do. He has been the calmest of all the AFJ people from what I see.

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Dont take it so personal man. Re read my post. Does it really matter how many post I have. Do I have to post whore to be taken seriously?

I came on here because the dude treated me right and I want to share my personal real life experience I've had with him. I dont wanna get into the flame war, I was just sharing info. why would i want to come to a board just to shit talk on the internet?

I'm not taking it personal, maybe you didn't read the whole thread after shit got started past issues were brought up, these issues were addressed and we have moved on. No one is questioning his integrity or the bike at this point obviously this many pages aren't needed to sell a bike so this must be about something else. I don't care where someone is from but if anyone comes in here telling us to kiss their ass and fuck off it will be getting a reply from me.

I'm glad your outcome dealing with him was a good one for you and I do not doubt it won't be for someone who is actually looking to buy this bike. Your post count doesn't give you credibility but your timing and your input into this thread lead me to believe you have an agenda because of your post count and how the input didn't address the issue at hand.

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Im perfectly calm dude. Calmer than you are........

I think i said everything that i needed to say. I didnt tell anyone to fuck off. I said brandon was a good guy, he isnt gonna screw ya, and I didnt like the atmosphere in the thread. Ya its one of the few threads ive been on, but its still my impression of the site. Quit making it more than that, its done.

What is the issue at hand anyhow?

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I'm not taking it personal at all, just statin' how it looks. That is cool that you came in here to say that Brandon is a good guy, awesome, but you could have left it at that. I don't know him but it seems a lot of people on here do. He has been the calmest of all the AFJ people from what I see.

I'm actually one of the most calm down to earth guys you'll ever meet... along with riding/racing I have many passions that most wouldn't guess, just like all of us on here do.

Gotta take all the posts with a grain of salt I suppose... most people are complete different on the internet than real life.

For instance, I collect fountain pens, I love watching anime (I'm not embarrassed to say it!)... I do flash animations, photoshop (although not to my bike I swear it!!!)... build computers, anything computer related, am a paramedic, getting my master's degree in business... etc etc etc...

I think in most cases, like mine, the internet is a place to come and be something different for a nice escape from reality ;)

Plus I gotta keep my post count up, I have to catch up to jeremy... bastard has like 10k posts!

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I HATE flash! I've never had the patience to learn it. I am a Photoshop guy. I was to do prepress work when I was in Florida, and now I'm actually going to be doing graphic work for the school I work at. I always wanted to be a cop but never really had he support if family to get me through it so I didn't do it. Now, just graduated with my BA in business and not sure what I want to do from here. We'll see....

Wait, what is happening right now?

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I HATE flash! I've never had the patience to learn it. I am a Photoshop guy. I was to do prepress work when I was in Florida, and now I'm actually going to be doing graphic work for the school I work at. I always wanted to be a cop but never really had he support if family to get me through it so I didn't do it. Now, just graduated with my BA in business and not sure what I want to do from here. We'll see....

Wait, what is happening right now?

haha..... flash isn't horrible to learn, but save yourself the time, HTML5 will take the world over (with apple and google's support) in less than 5 years.

I have done TONs of prepress work, my folks print the diplomas for the colleges across the country.

Want to have your PhD... PM me!

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Im perfectly calm dude. Calmer than you are........

I think i said everything that i needed to say. I didnt tell anyone to fuck off. I said brandon was a good guy, he isnt gonna screw ya, and I didnt like the atmosphere in the thread. Ya its one of the few threads ive been on, but its still my impression of the site. Quit making it more than that, its done.

What is the issue at hand anyhow?

Not so much the issue at hand but any issue at hand. No one was questioning if he was a good guy or not at this point. Making your first post in a thread that has drama in it I doubt happened by accident so I can only assume you have an agenda. Your first post making a statement that you are not pleased with our behavior won't endear you to anyone quickly. Stick around to prove me wrong and we won't have a problem. Tell me how to reply, calm down or start shit and you will not enjoy your brief stay here.

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haha..... flash isn't horrible to learn, but save yourself the time, HTML5 will take the world over (with apple and google's support) in less than 5 years.

I have done TONs of prepress work, my folks print the diplomas for the colleges across the country.

Want to have your PhD... PM me!

I use to work for ABC Distributing. I worked on the magazines. You might not have heard of them but maybe LTD Commodities, something like that, they were pretty much the same but ABC sold out to LTD.

And about that PhD thing....lol!

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I'm actually one of the most calm down to earth guys you'll ever meet... along with riding/racing I have many passions that most wouldn't guess, just like all of us on here do.

Gotta take all the posts with a grain of salt I suppose... most people are complete different on the internet than real life.

For instance, I collect fountain pens, I love watching anime (I'm not embarrassed to say it!)... I do flash animations, photoshop (although not to my bike I swear it!!!)... build computers, anything computer related, am a paramedic, getting my master's degree in business... etc etc etc...

I think in most cases, like mine, the internet is a place to come and be something different for a nice escape from reality ;)

Plus I gotta keep my post count up, I have to catch up to jeremy... bastard has like 10k posts!

I'm the same asshole in person that I am on the interwebz ;)

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Whatttt in the hell is goin on in this thread, fo realz? I've been Brandon and rode with him...well way way behind him. Seemed like a stand up guy. :D GLWS? If this is even a selling ad anymore?! :lol:

Yeah, it's still for sale. If you're interested, there's a thread around here with a 2010 Corvette zr1 for sale, too. It's got a couple of dings, but overall, easy fix.

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This is all I have to say.

I bought a bike off brandon a little over a year ago. I met the man through craigslist, super nice guy, very straight forward. Told me everything that was wrong with the bike, let me ride it, showed me a leak on it I didn't even know was there. After I bought the bike from him for almost nothing I fucked up the ECU hardwiring the tail light. Brandon gave me an extra ECU FOR NOTHING.

Long story short the man is a good person.

See.... You're good to here. Sound like a reasonable, intelligent guy... You have my attention

I dont care about your stupid fucking internet wars. Bottom line is the guy helped me out and I was a total stranger to him. He listed the bike for the exact same price on AFJ. Everyone on there rides with Chris and knows the bike. There is a big crowd of people that get on here that aren't on the junkies.

This is my first impression on this site and I dont think I will be coming back. A few idiots can ruin it for everyone....

Then 'ya blow it..... k'Thanxbaibai
And fonz I didnt say anything bad abour O.R you guy(s) said things about my group and i just pointed out its like calling the kettle black.

I think I was pretty reasonable in my reply to you Brandon. I even left out the part about Nick observing you guys smoking pot while on one of your rides a couple years ago, or you trying to rally your guys to go vigilante on Schmuck last year.... But if you're gonna lump me in with the pots & kettles.... glws

I started shit because i said i wasnt happy with how people treat each other on these boards? I didnt talk shit about anyone. Why are you lumping me with anyone, I have no horse in this bike selling. I came on here to say brandon is a good guy, go meet him if you dont believe me.

Dont take it so personal man. Re read my post. Does it really matter how many post I have. Do I have to post whore to be taken seriously?

I came on here because the dude treated me right and I want to share my personal real life experience I've had with him. I dont wanna get into the flame war, I was just sharing info. why would i want to come to a board just to shit talk on the internet?

Let me ask you this.... How did you even find out about this thread, on a board you've never been on before?? I'm guessing Brandon's got a thread on AJ linking over to here, like he's done in the past when one of these "wars" breaks out

Im perfectly calm dude. Calmer than you are........

I think i said everything that i needed to say. I didnt tell anyone to fuck off. I said brandon was a good guy, he isnt gonna screw ya, and I didnt like the atmosphere in the thread. Ya its one of the few threads ive been on, but its still my impression of the site. Quit making it more than that, its done.

What is the issue at hand anyhow?

You've brought the new issue of newby's to this board coming on & trying to reprimand us because they don't like the climate of a 4 day old thread they're joining 20 pages deep in. Again.... How'd you find out this thread was even on this board??

I am admitting to nothing... that's for you to decide.

Take note that a blown up version of a sig tag is very distorted.

Ummm.... Yeeaahhhh.... I already said last night the blown up version looked funky. I was trying to be diplomatic about it, but since you're playin' all coy, I'm just gonna straight up call "Bullshit" that your bike is painted like that, or that it's even your bike for that matter

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So you're saying that it is indeed a photochop?

No photochop at all. I was falling from a 30 story building one day, when low and behold spider bike spun a web and saved my ass. This bike is the real deal.:cool:

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Wow, I must be really bored waiting to drink tonight!! I just read all 36 freakin pages!! so far all I got outta this is there is a 750 for sale with some assfault guy that says it has a few dings Some Dawghas hi PREZ's back and front from what everyone else has pointed out, Blac Tod is U.P. and has a mazzive cock, some guys a english minor, some dudes paint job is fake, maybe, some guy who has never been been here found a thread about Gix sale but doesnt come here, Busa's suck compared to 750's in a turning race, but busa rule the straights but a SV can beat them all, OH and I am gonna race you all with my YSR 50 when I get it and LOSE whether you LIKE IT OR NOT!!! Oh and I just wanted to raise my post count, So carry on and oh yeah cannot forget the obligatory GLWS as it seems required at the end of all posts in this thread.:lol:

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