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Wow, I must be really bored waiting to drink tonight!! I just read all 36 freakin pages!! so far all I got outta this is there is a 750 for sale with some assfault guy that says it has a few dings Some Dawghas hi PREZ's back and front from what everyone else has pointed out, Blac Tod is U.P. and has a mazzive cock, some guys a english minor, some dudes paint job is fake, maybe, some guy who has never been been here found a thread about Gix sale but doesnt come here, Busa's suck compared to 750's in a turning race, but busa rule the straights but a SV can beat them all, OH and I am gonna race you all with my YSR 50 when I get it and LOSE whether you LIKE IT OR NOT!!! Oh and I just wanted to raise my post count, So carry on and oh yeah cannot forget the obligatory GLWS as it seems required at the end of all posts in this thread.:lol:

:lol:.... Nice observation.

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Found out through the for sale on the junkies. Someone said the thread was funny so I came over.

Need two parties to fight on the internet, so I wasnt being exclusive when I said I dont give a shit about the fucking internet war. Its stupid on both ends.

You did a real good job NOT metioning all those things you JUST metioned by the way.

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See.... You're good to here. Sound like a reasonable, intelligent guy... You have my attention

Then 'ya blow it..... k'Thanxbaibai

I think I was pretty reasonable in my reply to you Brandon. I even left out the part about Nick observing you guys smoking pot while on one of your rides a couple years ago, or you trying to rally your guys to go vigilante on Schmuck last year.... But if you're gonna lump me in with the pots & kettles.... glws

Let me ask you this.... How did you even find out about this thread, on a board you've never been on before?? I'm guessing Brandon's got a thread on AJ linking over to here, like he's done in the past when one of these "wars" breaks out

You've brought the new issue of newby's to this board coming on & trying to reprimand us because they don't like the climate of a 4 day old thread they're joining 20 pages deep in. Again.... How'd you find out this thread was even on this board??

Ummm.... Yeeaahhhh.... I already said last night the blown up version looked funky. I was trying to be diplomatic about it, but since you're playin' all coy, I'm just gonna straight up call "Bullshit" that your bike is painted like that, or that it's even your bike for that matter

I assure you that it's my bike.

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It finally got put here. I thought the day would never come. I have to say i challenge fonze,tard and sambusa to all aspects of riding. Ride whatever you want and its on. YEp i'm drinking and i freeking like it. Its in the correct forum and i can say what i want now.

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It finally got put here. I thought the day would never come. I have to say i challenge fonze,tard and sambusa to all aspects of riding. Ride whatever you want and its on. YEp i'm drinking and i freeking like it. Its in the correct forum and i can say what i want now.

You're even more retarded when you're drunk;)


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sam u are a shithead period. U must be fat and lazy and got picked on by all the kids.

Yeah, I'm obese. How'd you guess?

So when you're taking it in the ass from your dawgs, do you reach back and tickle their balls for them?

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can we please GLWS in other random threads over the next couple years? I think it will really be funny. On a real note one day i have to go to the strip and do the dam thing. I'd like to go race u guys so i can learn. Plus it would make a fun for sale thread...

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It finally got put here. I thought the day would never come. I have to say i challenge fonze,tard and sambusa to all aspects of riding. Ride whatever you want and its on. YEp i'm drinking and i freeking like it. Its in the correct forum and i can say what i want now.

Oh heyyyy.... Look.... It's the return of drunk Brandon & his inebriated postings

This always gets entertaining :cool:

BTW.... glws Brando

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OK, I just read all this faggotry and here is my 2 cents, not that it matters.....

Calling the owner of a forum that you are a member of "Prez" is super fucking :supergay:

and catanni needs to meet the banhammer. Typical AFJ nuggetry.


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