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All in favor of replacing the word "assfault" with something else?


Replace the word "assfault" with something else?  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Replace the word "assfault" with something else?

    • Yes, replace it. Anything is better.
    • No, leave them alone, the Junkies are cool bro.
    • Hookers and Blow (but srsly, change it, they're retarded)
    • Nah, leave it alone, "Assfault" is retarded enough.
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    • Pimp Daddy Welfare was the motherfuckin' G
    • I like turtles
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Okay maybe I posted too soon. I decided to find out a little more about this little squabble between the orgs so I went over there to take a look around and found some interesting reading. I will have to say that my opinion has changed a little since doing so.

Here is a quote from someone over there. "I am going to start major shit over there. Fuck them guys and their hate." This post was made very recently by someone claiming his innocence to the drama, not cool.

....It does appear these retards think they are better than the folks here and purposefully get in here to start drama. What pathetic pieces of shit.

And it happens time and time again. One of them once said they were going to wire Schmuck's ignition to his gas tank.

Yeah.... That's why I kept asking that one guy how he found out about the thread over here.... Those kinds of comments/threads have popped up over there in past go arounds. Brandon's been pretty low key for awhile, but when Schmuck posted something about buying an AJ shirt & burning it last year, Brandon was "drunk" posting over there for his guys to find out where Schmuck lived so they could go mess with his house. Someone also mentioned something about hot wiring Schmuck's gas tank to the headlight :nono:

Brandon's been on good behavior lately, but I haven't forgotten any of that

Respect is earned..... Never given

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Here is another drunken post from over there.

"we can filter traffic and them LMAo. No I think we will only grow stronger. I will shut the site down if there is ever that crap starting. I heart you guys and will always try to remain myself,but when i'm drunk I like to be steUpid lol. Junkies will always be junkies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

I wonder if they realize how many members are here and how much negative traffic that could mean on that site, filtering can be a full time job. If he doesn't like it in this playground and only wants to start shit here maybe he should stay in his.

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i don't recall if joining this site involved an agreement to terms of use, but "go fuck yourself" doesn't sit well with me. Less coarse language certainly could have gotten the message across.

Personal attacks and insults made in a humorous manner are one thing. "go fuck yourself" isn't even creative. where's the effort?

Whether they realize it or not, I rode with a few of the junkies (on track) last season. Tyler is the one I remember in particular. Epic beard. SV650. Nice enough guy. Pretty sure i've been at several of the same events as Gixxie; many before I ever knew he was the junkie prez. Again, seems like a friendly enough guy.

here's where things get dicey: we all have or have had that friend with the big mouth. There are several times I can think of where friends of mine have said shit that I, 1) thought was way out of line, and 2) realized invited an ass-kicking.

Whether or not I step in and share in said ass-kicking (and let them hear it later), or let them get their ass beat depends solely on how good of friends we are. I honestly don't know how tight-knit the assfault junkies are, but especially in a forum, where the potential for physical violence is very low, I understand why they're defending their own, albeit in a manner that I may disagree with.

If people are really logging in or creating usernames just to cause problems, then ban 'em; but I don't think it's necessary or appropriate to ban the entire group, no matter what group it is.

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i don't recall if joining this site involved an agreement to terms of use, but "go fuck yourself" doesn't sit well with me. Less coarse language certainly could have gotten the message across.

Personal attacks and insults made in a humorous manner are one thing. "go fuck yourself" isn't even creative. where's the effort?

Whether they realize it or not, I rode with a few of the junkies (on track) last season. Tyler is the one I remember in particular. Epic beard. SV650. Nice enough guy. Pretty sure i've been at several of the same events as Gixxie; many before I ever knew he was the junkie prez. Again, seems like a friendly enough guy.

here's where things get dicey: we all have or have had that friend with the big mouth. There are several times I can think of where friends of mine have said shit that I, 1) thought was way out of line, and 2) realized invited an ass-kicking.

Whether or not I step in and share in said ass-kicking (and let them hear it later), or let them get their ass beat depends solely on how good of friends we are. I honestly don't know how tight-knit the assfault junkies are, but especially in a forum, where the potential for physical violence is very low, I understand why they're defending their own, albeit in a manner that I may disagree with.

If people are really logging in or creating usernames just to cause problems, then ban 'em; but I don't think it's necessary or appropriate to ban the entire group, no matter what group it is.

Who said "go fuck yourself"? I missed that. I haven't read all 380+ posts, and don't feel like it. It's the same rhetoric as every other asshat junkie thread.

If there are personal attacks/threats, the posts need to be reported (or at least PM me) and we'll take care of it.

As for banning them, I never said anything about banning them. They want to "filter" Ohio Riders members from joining their site. All I said was to censor the word "assfault" so it automatically changes to something else, thus changing "assfault junkies" to "random_word_here junkies". Funny. And it's a joke. That's all. I've never banned any of them. Some of them were rickrolled the last time they came on here spouting off at the mouth, but never banned.

Just keeping the record straight.

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For posterity, just in case these get edited later.....

CattaniDuc user_online.gif

Milf Rider


Join Date: Sep 2008

Location: Ft. Thomas

Posts: 1,218


Yeah, I was getting pissed. I can't stand mother fuckers that talk shit about guys FS threads...............plus, I'll always have ANY AFJ's back at all times against anyone but my immediate family. I can't stand those bitches over there. At least we actually ride our shit

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Surfer Boy


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Now that i have been drinkn i am really me. HA HA HA. I am so tired of arm chair riders and wana be arm chair racers. Why do they hate so much. I can help them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S i am going to start major shit over there. Fuck them guys and their hate.

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For posterity, just in case these get edited later.....

CattaniDuc user_online.gif

Milf Rider


Join Date: Sep 2008

Location: Ft. Thomas

Posts: 1,218


Yeah, I was getting pissed. I can't stand mother fuckers that talk shit about guys FS threads...............plus, I'll always have ANY AFJ's back at all times against anyone but my immediate family. I can't stand those bitches over there. At least we actually ride our shit

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Surfer Boy


Join Date: Feb 2008

Location: cincinnati(home base)

Posts: 6,445


Now that i have been drinkn i am really me. HA HA HA. I am so tired of arm chair riders and wana be arm chair racers. Why do they hate so much. I can help them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S i am going to start major shit over there. Fuck them guys and their hate.


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For posterity, just in case these get edited later.....

Yeah, that's not cool that they are over there talking like that. Where's Jess when we need her. She always tries to heal the rift between O.R. and A.J. She's probably the only member who's completely comfortable on both sites

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Yeah, that's not cool that they are over there talking like that. Where's Jess when we need her. She always tries to heal the rift between O.R. and A.J. She's probably the only member who's completely comfortable on both sites

jess is awesome, but you can't rely on one member to eliminate animosity between groups.

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jess is awesome, but you can't rely on one member to eliminate animosity between groups.

It is what it is.... 2 different groups with 2 different mentalities, that I don't think will ever truly get along, especially when one group continually has members going to the other groups site with the intention of causing problems

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It is what it is.... 2 different groups with 2 different mentalities, that I don't think will ever truly get along, especially when one group continually has members going to the other groups site with the intention of causing problems

well, I think certain individuals in both groups are more responsible for the animosity. If they were both members of the same group before their disagreement, they would just be members who disagree, but because they are members of different groups first, their disagreement spreads to this group vs that group.

It just gets overblown that way.

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It is what it is.... 2 different groups with 2 different mentalities, that I don't think will ever truly get along, especially when one group continually has members going to the other groups site with the intention of causing problems

You assume that everyone (in either group) shares the same mentality.

I doubt that's the case.

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