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I'm buying my wife a mustang for x-mass.Black gt for who cares. My ? is should I give it to her on christmass day or now ....she really needs a good car...I can tell her that I'm putting the car in the shop and borrow one of my parents car." I'm trading her car in on it. They said she could sign paper work after christmass soooooooo what do you think? Make her wait or give it to her now to enjoy...The only bad thing is I need to find someone to drop it off that morn!! But I think one of my friends should help me out w/ that "I HOPE". Anyway christmass is fun fun fun. what do ya think.

I was thinking of steeling her car from work but, A few ppl told me thats mean.

And I need to find a big ass bow "not red" maybe Ford blue!!

ideas ideas I will only do this once "I hope" thanks:D

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from a girls side I would give it to her on christmas morning only because she won't be expecting it at all! No one expects to get a car on xmas morning....You can buy large bows at any fabric store! Don't steal her car that might piss her off and you don't want her calling any cops cuz her car is missing from work! Borrow one put hers in the shop!

You could always wrap the key or put it in a card! I love my mustang I didn't get it for xmas but I love driving that car! ( not so much in the winter I drive a truck then) She will love it!

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Thats all good stuff right there....She didn't want a foreign car because she is foreign ...and tight w/ my $$!

And no need for a bow ....she is so tight I could have got away w/ maybe everything except for the 7500 dollar down payment sooooo I said fuk it took her down there and oddly enough she pick that one. Worked out sweet .Shes real happy =my life is good!!....expect snow we have a mustang now!!!!

I'll post pics when I figure it out!!

To who might car 2005 black /black gt/cs

Thanks again Bret!!I'll see you soon for those parts.

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NO foreign cars ....She likes benz but, We are going to build a new house. We are saving big $$ staying with american cars. Plus she's crazy she wants a indoor pool at the new place .............she is stuck w/ the mustang!!

I'm old school....... And I have no respect for anything metal w/ wheels its all junk!! And I treat them all that way!!.

Plus I raced w/ some mustangs a few years "PRO 5.0" small block, 10" tire, street legal stuff ...big waste, but fun and I learned how to fix everything on the car!!. Fastest pass 8.37 at 167 mph and I broke A LOTof shit!!!Thats why I got the bike. Cheaper parts and I have more garage space for work. The car broke and it flip on me at 1000' mark....bad very bad ...even bent the tags on the car.I was going about 150mph..it sucked.bikes are way smoother at the track!!

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