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Cat, Deer, Dog, and Fawn


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Wuss dog, wussier owner, funny cat just wanted a friend. Awesome Momma deer.

Did you noticed she only postured to scare the cat first then after the cat took the first swing it was game on. Awesome threat assessment skeeelz.

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dear all of you that think (and I use that term loosely) that charging a mother that is protecting her offspring would have been a good idea.... WRONG!!!! I don't know of any mammal that would abandon it's child in the presence of danger. You would have gotten your asses kicked by a fucking deer.

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dear all of you that think (and I use that term loosely) that charging a mother that is protecting her offspring would have been a good idea.... WRONG!!!! I don't know of any mammal that would abandon it's child in the presence of danger. You would have gotten your asses kicked by a fucking deer.

A woman you may be right, but a big guy can grab it, snap neck, take fawn to shelter. ;) Or, you can easly just slice/stab its neck with a knife when it gets to you. Only deer I fear are Bucks because homie doesn't play with antlers. :eek: Seriously though man...that doe would've wished it didn't fuck with my pets.

If you guys read the info for the video on YouTube the camera man posted that the dog survived but was beaten bad.

Edited by NinjaNick
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dear all of you that think (and I use that term loosely) that charging a mother that is protecting her offspring would have been a good idea.... WRONG!!!! I don't know of any mammal that would abandon it's child in the presence of danger. You would have gotten your asses kicked by a fucking deer.

I never said it was a good idea, but you still wouldn't have been able to stop me either...and I promise you that fucker would be dead.

Edited by BonkerS
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That dog wasn't anywhere near the deer. Mama had to run like 3 houses down just to get to it, & the fat dog immediately turned tail to run, but did so slowly

My only regret is the deer didn't go over & start knockin' around the annoyingly whiney lady screaming in the background.

The cat was hysterical pimpslap.gif

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Dog is on menus in Cambodia. The government there in 2004, or a year close to it, made dogs a legal food in restaraunts because of how many they have in their country. A woman I work with moved from there and said she has eaten dog before but would never do it in this country because she'd be killed by the people if they knew.

I think it's a bit sadistic because of how intelligent dogs can be. I feel they are here for us as pets/companions.

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i heard pigs are pretty smart too.

also, very tasty. i wonder if there's a correlation there...?

next stop: cannibalism! but not people from walmart. they'll be gross.

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i heard pigs are pretty smart too.

also, very tasty. i wonder if there's a correlation there...?

next stop: cannibalism! but not people from walmart. they'll be gross.

People veal. Might help with the overpopulation in places? :dunno:

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