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hand signal for OR riders..


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So are you wanting to use a hand signal instead of just a normal wave when passing bikes?

thats too plain jane, plus i want to know if your on OR or not.. it might get people interested and if they know sign language they may look it up and find out about OR..

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American Sign Language for the word "OR"

Video of how it works:


click on O, scroll down to Or - 2

it's an "O" with either hand, palm out, flicking quickly to "R", index and middle finger salute (crossed). Push it forward between the "O" and "R".

edit: if I see a "minivan", I'll understand...

Did any one else look at oral whilke doing this.. hahahaha..

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here it is.......if you are an OR noob start with teaser....then go up according to your level...if you are like OR godfather like Ben.....:p or say Fonz...then the showstopper.....


hollywood, when are you coming over to try out the new hand signals?

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