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Free cat, inquire within


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Okay, here's the deal. In my split I with the ex, I ended up with the cat. Don't ask, its a long story. Anyway I am not particularly a cat person, but I don't hate them like some do. And I got the cat at the kids request. Well, as he has gotten older, he plays rough with them to the point of attacking them. He's not being mean, but my youngest is so small and doesn't understand and tonight he nipped her and it scared her. So its time for him to go. So if there is anyone out there who is a cat lover, doesn't have little kids but wants some company, he is all yours. I am gonna give it a week here, and if not, he's going to a shelter. (Or at least half way to one. I keeed, I keeed!) But I won't have my little girl afraid of a household pet, and I hate litter boxes. Since the ex isn't here to tell me I can't, I'm getting rid of him. But if I can match him up with someone who would love him, he'd return the favor. He is a bit mischevious, but WTF....he's a cat. When they are gone, he's affectionate with me, lying with me on the couch when I watch tv. So he has some endearing qualities. But he's worn out his welcome here. So if you are interested or know someone who would want a 2 year old cat, PM me. I have visions of a couple with no kids, or a grandma looking for some quiet company around the house. He's not very vocal, but like to gallop about the home. Like I said, not a bad cat, but just not a fit here. He is fixed and declawed, so he will be an indoor cat. Very much litterbox trained and likes to kill and eat large house spiders when he finds them. Came into a home with our dog (which went with the ex) but they got along find and played together. Never had any fights between them. Never been with another cat, so I cannot tell you how that would go.

Edited by RVTPilot
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Litter trained?

Has he ever been around other cats or dogs?

Looks like the Stay-a-While Cat Shelter in North Royalton is a no-kill shelter where he can stay until he gets adopted.

Yeah, I was thinking about this when I got up. I forgot all this stuff. He is fixed and declawed, so he will be an indoor cat. Very much litterbox trained and likes to kill and eat large house spiders when he finds them. Came into a home with our dog (which went with the ex) but they got along find and played together. Never had any fights between them. Never been with another cat, so I cannot tell you how that would go. (I have also edited the original post with this info.) I don't have any pics of him really, but will take one tonight and post it up.

I appreciate the link to that shelter. I certainly don't want to see him put down and would like for him to find a good home.

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why dont you just give it back to the ex, i'd hate to see it have to go to a shelter.

She is renting a house that, get this, allows dogs but not cats. So she got the dog and I got the cat.

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