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kawi kid

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Now who else has tried telling me this same thing?? Seems kinda familiar... Like I've heard it before 33.gif

As if you haven't intentionally been offensive to many on here?? :wtf:


removing my mod hat....

It was meant as a funny Todd, as your evasive answer was laughable to me. Sorry it wasn't up to your high brow Cambridge standards of comedic humor. Apologize to your wife for me, if you've for some reason shown it to her & she was offended. I'm sure she's a beautiful woman.

Otherwise.... Lighten up Francis. As much offensive shit as you dish on here, I hardly think you're able to cry "foul" anymore. Besides.... You're not my daddy, so therefore everything after that was obviously a fictitious joke

All joking aside (I assume you've reinstalled your "mod hat", I really don't intentionally try to offend anyone. Okay, maybe JRMiiiiiiiiiii, but he usually has it coming.

I knew you were attempting to throw a funny out there, and I responded in kind. Sorry you didn't get the joke. Must be the lack of all the cutsie, winkie, dancing smiley banana emoticons.

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Must be the lack of all the cutsie, winkie, dancing smiley banana emoticons.

That's what happens when you've "Been emoticon free" since 1.1.2010


Classssssic!! :lol:

Just so long as the strip tease stops there. :slap:

Quit tryin' to act like you don't want more than just the tip :cool:

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That's a great shirt!

Here is an interesting read. Were it not penned by Brian Windhorst, I'd not bother, but Windy is usually pertty close to the truth (much closer than the talking heads at ESPN). If the basics of the story is legit, the NBA has some essplainin' to do. And as mad as the Cavs might be, NY and Chicago might be even more pissed, with how they gutted their rosters. Does this have a scent of conspiracy theorists to it? Yeah, a little. But after the self-righteous egofest LeBolt just put on and his "I am all that is the NBA" attitude, what would make him think he, Bosh & Wade couldn't get away with it?


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OK, so I read this and couldn't stop laughing. First off, it was written where? Oh yeah, Ohio, where you turkey's are pissed off as it is. Second, Isn't it business to plan ahead? If you act in the moment you will end up like the Cavs...LOL! So what if these guys wanted to play together. I'm sure there were a lot of players in the day that wanted to paly together and didn't just because. I know you guys are a little ticked at the fact that Riley = Genious and Gilbert = Idiot, but come on.... What if they all came to Ohio? Oh yeah, nevermind, that would never happen. Why? because obviously Gilbert doesn't know how to get players to come to Ohio. The only reason they landed LeBron in the first place was because he grew up here. If he grew up somewhere else he would not have picked the Cavs, I'm sure of that. I feel bad for you Cavs fans, but I will be cheering like a crazy goon when LeBron drops 50 on the Cavs. And when they win their first title, I hope LeBron dedicates it to Gilbert and his foolish self.

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OK, so I read this and couldn't stop laughing. First off, it was written where? Oh yeah, Ohio, where you turkey's are pissed off as it is. Second, Isn't it business to plan ahead? If you act in the moment you will end up like the Cavs...LOL! So what if these guys wanted to play together. I'm sure there were a lot of players in the day that wanted to paly together and didn't just because. I know you guys are a little ticked at the fact that Riley = Genious and Gilbert = Idiot, but come on.... What if they all came to Ohio? Oh yeah, nevermind, that would never happen. Why? because obviously Gilbert doesn't know how to get players to come to Ohio. The only reason they landed LeBron in the first place was because he grew up here. If he grew up somewhere else he would not have picked the Cavs, I'm sure of that. I feel bad for you Cavs fans, but I will be cheering like a crazy goon when LeBron drops 50 on the Cavs. And when they win their first title, I hope LeBron dedicates it to Gilbert and his foolish self.

Dude, why don't you get LBJ's cock out of your mouth long enough to look at this objectively?

Riley was a great coach, but he's yet to prove himself a genius at being the president of the Heat. If you'd like to compare him to the Owner of the Cavs, be my guess but you're missing the point.

First of all, the reason Lebron "landed" in Cleveland had nothing to do with him "growing up here" (although some will say that at 25 he STILL hasn't grown up). He didn't "pick" the Cavs, the Cavs picked him. He wasn't going anywhere else, because there wasn't any more money to be had by going somewhere else. The fact that he was from Akron merely made the story better.

Those on the inside (all over the country - not just in Ohio) have been talking about the "pact" made by the three musketeers three years ago for months, and it was common knowledge that whoever signed Bosh and/or Wade had a great chance at getting James. Do you really think it was an accident that all three of them signed three year deals? Do you think it was a coincidence that Wade, James and Bosh all talked to Chicago in the last two weeks?

I'm sure as a "new" Miami Heat fan, you'd be ecstatic if the boy wonder scores 50, but seriously with all the other personalities on the floor there he'll be lucky to touch the ball enough to score 50. In all honesty, with that many egos (Riley's included) in the same building, my objective view is that they have the potential to be an unstoppable team, or drown in their own "greatness".

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:lol: Ok, I am not an LBJ fan by any means, so I hope you feel stupid! I just feel bad for the guy from all the crap everyone has been giving him. I understand he is in the spotlight and that was his choice, but I can still feel bad without dbags like you saying I'm all on his nuts. I have my opinion and you have yours. And as for being called a "new" Heat fan, piss off. I grew up down there and have been a fan since they started. Oh yeah, and I haven't pissed and moaned about players leaving unlike you clowns!
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:lol: Ok, I am not an LBJ fan by any means, so I hope you feel stupid! I just feel bad for the guy from all the crap everyone has been giving him. I understand he is in the spotlight and that was his choice, but I can still feel bad without dbags like you saying I'm all on his nuts. I have my opinion and you have yours. And as for being called a "new" Heat fan, piss off. I grew up down there and have been a fan since they started. Oh yeah, and I haven't pissed and moaned about players leaving unlike you clowns!

If you'd have been paying attention, you'd know that I'm not Cav's fan. I'm also not a Lebron fan.

However, the level of attention whoring by this guy is amazing. The way he treated the city and the team was shitty.

By the way, thanks for calling me a "dbag". Did you do it that way because you couldn't spell "douche" or because you're too lazy to type it out?

Seriously, you should probably move back down there. I'm sure they miss you.

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Ok, I will agree that the attention shoring was uncalled for, and that he never should have given up in the playoffs, but if he would've stayed no one would have cared or even mentioned it. That is what I find funny.

As far as spelling.... Wow, really? :lol: don't hurt my feelings please.

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OK, so I read this and couldn't stop laughing. First off, it was written where? Oh yeah, Ohio, where you turkey's are pissed off as it is. Second, Isn't it business to plan ahead? If you act in the moment you will end up like the Cavs...LOL! So what if these guys wanted to play together. I'm sure there were a lot of players in the day that wanted to paly together and didn't just because. I know you guys are a little ticked at the fact that Riley = Genious and Gilbert = Idiot, but come on.... What if they all came to Ohio? Oh yeah, nevermind, that would never happen. Why? because obviously Gilbert doesn't know how to get players to come to Ohio. The only reason they landed LeBron in the first place was because he grew up here. If he grew up somewhere else he would not have picked the Cavs, I'm sure of that. I feel bad for you Cavs fans, but I will be cheering like a crazy goon when LeBron drops 50 on the Cavs. And when they win their first title, I hope LeBron dedicates it to Gilbert and his foolish self.

First off, before you go chucking everyone into a lot as to how one fan or another thinks or feels, check yourself. Not all of us are pissed because he's gone, or even pissed at all. Second, as it was just stated, LeBron didn't pick Cleveland, the Cavs picked him. Its kinda how the whole draft process works. Third, the reason this article is worth discussing is that for three players subject to a collective barganing agreement, the same one the owners are subject to have virtually admitted that plan was set into motion couple years ago, and to come to fruition required a certain amount of effort on their parts. Had ownership done something along those lines, it would be considered collusion, and the players union would have a field day shredding the owners' establishment. The question worth asking is if the shoe being on the other foot and this activity coming from the players' side of the fence considered the same? They absolutely had the right to sign deals that expired the same year, and the teams they all signed with agreed. (A good bit of that might have been just as beneficial for both sides, as the CBA ends after this season.) But they orchestrated a plan, some may argue that its final pieces of which were done before the playoffs ended and the last week leading up to free agency, that had a negative effect on not just Cleveland, but other teams as well. Chicago jettisoned a player simply to add cap space because they were led to belive they were in positon to add one or two of these players. The Knicks (in typical Dolan wisdom) started their cap cleasinsg process two years ago. And while some have the right to argue they didn't have to, they had to if they wanted to be players in the free agent sweepstakes that was understood to be a buyers market. But if there were meeting, meetings in play that involved team representation, and agreements about taking reduced contracts in order to get onto the same squad, that is a potential anti-trust violation and in direct conflict no doubt with the terms of the CBA. At the bare minimum, it is a defection by Miami from acting in good business faith with their partners in the NBA, and sure to draw warranted criticism and inquiry from their fellow ownership groups. Years ago, teams and the union negotiated the infamous Bird Rights into the CBA, allowing a team to offer more money (the greatest incentive in all the world, not winning championships) to its star FA players in order to keep them. The teams and the league recognized it is far better for the league and 'sport' as a whole to have stars in as many cities as possible. The union loves it because it gets the most moeny avaiable for its biggest stars. The teams love it because it gives them the opportunity to maintain a competitive balance talent-wise. So if Riles is having Wade collude with his boys, aided by the son of the owner (who now is a front office exec for said team), they have both managed to circumvent and fly right in the face of all that amendment in the CBA stood for, and the compromise it took to acquire it. In most unionized occupations, that is an anti-trust violation. But even if the NBA has an exemption from anti-trust laws, it is an act that is not in good faith with the goals and aspirations of either side of the ownership/players union relationship.

While it will ultimately end up being something David Stern will turna blind eye and deaf ear to, it is something worthy of discussion. But Stern won't because as they say, there is no such thing as bad publicity. And this whole free agency farce had the sports world talking about the NBA when nothing more than insignificant summer league games are being played. And while the conversation reeks of impropriety and casts the entire league in a negative light thanks to the mockery made of it by LeBron, Wade, and Bosh (who, by the way, is the ultimate backpack in this entire story), Stern will willingly accept that. He is commissioner of a sport that has enjoyed its irreverence to common sense, and is by far the easiest to fix. He's gladhanded his way past indiscretions in judgement before, and this time will be no exception. So Heat fans can enjoy their moment of glory. Just know that, like most deals in South Beach, it wasn't done above board, but behind closed doors and with misdirection and outright deception. And the sad reality is that while the greatest victim of this aren't legions of loyal Cavs fans, or spurned bridesmaids like Chicago and NY, its the integrity of the NBA. However, that has been a long suffering victim in professional sports, and its caretaker David Stern wouldn't have it any other way. So go ahead and start making your plans for ticker tape parades in South Beach now before the season starts. Just know that for every season in the next 5 that the Heat don't win it all, the sound of laughter you hear isn't just coming from Cleveland, its from across the country. And perhaps across Lake Erie from colder climes.

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