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Last time I checked , they sell out every show. Maybe just a few people would pay to see them. Duane your responses to me a f-n worthless you tool

elton john sells out every show too... are you his fan boy too :D

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I liked metallica until they ruined their image in my mind and started whining about people downloading music....

yeah, suing your own fans does make for some bad PR...

"but but, we only made 100 million this year, and how are we supposed to live on that?":violin:

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I liked metallica until they ruined their image in my mind and started whining about people downloading music....

Same here..... well that and when I went out the first day and bought what I consider the worst album I own, St Anger...... I guess I should have just downloaded it huh

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Last time I checked , they sell out every show. Maybe just a few people would pay to see them. Duane your responses to me a f-n worthless you tool

Sell out is the key. They went from a legendary metal band, to a pop radio band. Then tried to prove they were a metal band again...St. Anger, really?

AJFA is the last album that is worth listening to.

Watch Some Kind of Monster. Lars is a whiny bitch, even James hates him. Kirk Hammet is an amazing guitar player.

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I liked metallica until they ruined their image in my mind and started whining about people downloading music....
Sell out is the key. They went from a legendary metal band, to a pop radio band. Then tried to prove they were a metal band again...St. Anger, really?

AJFA is the last album that is worth listening to.

Watch Some Kind of Monster. Lars is a whiny bitch, even James hates him. Kirk Hammet is an amazing guitar player.

this and this is why I can't stand Metallica anymore

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Metallica was great in the day, they became popular because of a large fan base that made bootleg copies of the "no life till leather" demo tapes, soon they had a huge following, leading to the record contract and then finally really broke after Ozzy picked them up on the "Master Of Puppets" tour. That concert cost $12.00 BTW.

For that poser fuck Lars to make his millions and actually condem people for doing the same thing that made Metallica popular in the first place is messed up, MJ is right.

And Justice for all was even alot of filler. Croud control, give me a fucking break, croud control is going out and playing your music and letting the croud go crazy. True thrash metal might not have the following it did in the states, but it's alive and well across the world.

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All a biz = sellout (and not the filled seats kind). A true artist doesn't cater to the market. They play their craft. When you cater to the market, you're no longer an artist, your a suit.

Love Metallica, though not all their stuff. St. Anger was atrocious, but they purposely went with that sound, and I respect an artist that does that. But Lars is all about the benjamins. But he came from a good bit of money from daddy's tennis days, so its what he knows. HUGE fan of how Robert Trujillo sounds with them though. That dude flat out rocks. Makes them sound like they did back in the Burton days.

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I gave up on Metallica shortly after Justice, I think. I was at the li-berry not too long ago, and they had Death Magnetic, so I checked it out. I was blown away. Its MUCH more like their old stuff. Not Load, not ReLoad. None of that crap. I'm listening to DM quite a bit. I was pleasantly surprised. I'm an old metal head, and listen to a wide range of stuff. Current favorite is 5FDP. If you're a metal head, and haven't checked it out, give Hard Drivin' Radio on the net a try. Not the same dozen songs over and over.

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All a biz = sellout (and not the filled seats kind). A true artist doesn't cater to the market. They play their craft. When you cater to the market, you're no longer an artist, your a suit.

Love Metallica, though not all their stuff. St. Anger was atrocious, but they purposely went with that sound, and I respect an artist that does that. But Lars is all about the benjamins. But he came from a good bit of money from daddy's tennis days, so its what he knows. HUGE fan of how Robert Trujillo sounds with them though. That dude flat out rocks. Makes them sound like they did back in the Burton days.

He is not Cliff Burton, but I do agree with the fact that he is a great Bass player and fits Metallica well.

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