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How to piss off liberals on the internet


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When does anything start being "Obama's fault"? When does he take responsibility for anything, instead of trying to convince us that this is the "Summer of Recovery", when absolutely NOTHING indicates ANY improvement? In 1932 (Great Depression), unemployment was about 23.5%. Right now, our "real number" unemployment is around 19%. Liberals believe that if you tell a lie enough times, that it eventually becomes truth. The media caused this recession/ downturn/ whatever you want to call it. Things were actually pretty good, with unemployment hovering around 5%. The media started talking nightly about how bad things were. Not many of us were having troubles or feeling any pinch, but they wanted to make Bush look bad for the upcoming election. Most of us were doing fine, but getting the impression from the news idiots on a constant basis that things were getting really bad. We started pulling back, spending less, eating out less, buying less bike stuff. Whatever. We all pulled in, and thus began the contraction. Not buying as much stuff, so less was manufactured, so people got laid-off, and so on.

The media started this mess, because of politics.

We're America. We'll survive. But first we have to negate the Socialist and his ilk. He was raised to hate America (research his upbringing and history), and will do as much damage as possible. He's shown over and over already that he doesn't care what The People want. He's out to overwhelm with his agenda. He lied to every single group he could in order to get elected. He talked a center-left agenda on the campaign trail, and once in office, started right away to show his intentions.

Liberals hate wealth, except their own. Hypocrites, especially the "rich" ones. I think that any true liberal should live on $12k a year. That would cover a small apartment (small carbon footprint, right?), food, and bus tokens. If they make more than that, they should give it to the "less fortunate" (in America, "less fortunate" means that your flatscreen TV is less than 50". The "less fortunate" in America have cell phones, cable/ dish, and flatscreens). Those idiots standing out in front of the burnt butter Jesus a few weeks ago saying "I can't believe they'll rebuild it. That money could be put to better use by helping the less fortunate" make me sick. Then they got in their $27k Subaru's or Volvo's and went to their overpriced converted lofts downtown, where they live so they don't contribute to "urban sprawl", but instead make their weekly trek to Ikea out in the 'burbs.

If you're gonna force your ignorant and hypocritical lifestyle down my throat, you better start living it like you mean it first. I don't WANT mercury-filled twisty bulbs that hurt my eyes. The fact that you put them in your carriage lights, then leave them on 24/7 doesn't make a whole lot of sense, does it?

I don't understand how one can live in this great country, can benefit from all that we have and the lifestyles that we enjoy (yes, where the "poor" have cell phones and flatscreens), yet bash it at every turn and want to convert it to a model of government (Socialism) which has been shown over and over that IT WON'T WORK. Inherently, it can't work. And it won't.


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Okay, on the constant "Fair & Balanced" swipes by the LWNJ's: What other network offers even a HINT of the right wing/ conservative view? Unless its a five-on-one presentation like "The View": Nobody. Nearly every Fox segment offers "presenters" from both sides of the issue. Seriously. And to even insinuate that "the media is slanted to right" is laughable, wrong, and ignorant. Stats prove it. Your media dominates in numbers, and helps to perpetuate the White House agenda and lies.

I am SO SICK of liberal lies and distortion, and the fact that they can't put any blame on Obama (78+ days of oil spewing into the gulf, but don't be started on that one), but try to give him credit for things he didn't do. Like Biden, last week, trying to give Obama credit for "winning" in Iraq. Are you KIDDING ME?? And nobody calls him on it. Nobody. And his mindless, hateful, distorted little minions keep drawing hateful, deceitful cartoons.

Facts show that liberals are much more racist than conservatives. It would now seem that the liberals are getting all that they wanted from Obama, and they're STILL pissed off. Angry. Spiteful. Mean. Pissy. Whiney. Name-calling, finger-pointing, sniveling little minions. Brainwashed by their teachers and professors to hate this country, and to feel guilty about being Americans. I refuse to feel guilty about being American, and will never apologize for it. Thank God that when I was in school (I'm 42), they taught us to honor America. We said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. We were taught that America IS exceptional and great. My niece graduated from OSU a couple of years ago. Went into the college as a conservative, came out as a sniveling snot-nosed hypocritical liberal. Whines about injustice while telling us about the "great wines" she is learning about. Then quits her social-work type job to work as a private-care autism attendant because SHE COULD MAKE MORE MONEY. If she were true to her convictions, she'd give the new "extra" money to the less fortunate. I'm guessing that she won't.


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I'll bite, I'm in for a little mental stimulation this morning :D

When does anything start being "Obama's fault"? When does he take responsibility for anything, instead of trying to convince us that this is the "Summer of Recovery", when absolutely NOTHING indicates ANY improvement?

It start becoming his fault when he causes the problems. Right now he's just trying to fix things that are already broken.

Liberals believe that if you tell a lie enough times, that it eventually becomes truth. The media caused this recession/ downturn/ whatever you want to call it. Things were actually pretty good, with unemployment hovering around 5%. The media started talking nightly about how bad things were. Not many of us were having troubles or feeling any pinch, but they wanted to make Bush look bad for the upcoming election. Most of us were doing fine, but getting the impression from the news idiots on a constant basis that things were getting really bad. We started pulling back, spending less, eating out less, buying less bike stuff. Whatever. We all pulled in, and thus began the contraction. Not buying as much stuff, so less was manufactured, so people got laid-off, and so on.

The media started this mess, because of politics.

OMG!! Everyone turn off your TVs, quit reading things, and just do whatever the hell you want!! Really? This is the media's fault? No, this is peoples' fault for believing the hype and bullspit from the last 8 years.

But first we have to negate the Socialist and his ilk. He was raised to hate America (research his upbringing and history), and will do as much damage as possible. He's shown over and over already that he doesn't care what The People want. He's out to overwhelm with his agenda. He lied to every single group he could in order to get elected. He talked a center-left agenda on the campaign trail, and once in office, started right away to show his intentions.

1) Don't use words that you don't understand the meaning of -- like Socialist

2) Some on here wear tinfoil hats from time to time, but it sounds like you built your whole house outta the stuff.

Liberals hate wealth, except their own. Hypocrites, especially the "rich" ones. I think that any true liberal should live on $12k a year. That would cover a small apartment (small carbon footprint, right?), food, and bus tokens. If they make more than that, they should give it to the "less fortunate" (in America, "less fortunate" means that your flatscreen TV is less than 50". The "less fortunate" in America have cell phones, cable/ dish, and flatscreens).

You have any facts to back that up? "Rich" liberals by the by tend to be the smart ones if you look up education statistics (Most college professors are liberals). I don't understand why a "true liberal" has to live poor? :wtf: What does that have anything to do with it? The typical bleeding heart liberal agenda is to help the poor, so I don't understand wtf you're talking about and why living on $12k/yr would change that?

Why do you care what someone making more than enough for them to live comfortably on and be happy in life, does with the rest of their money?

Those idiots standing out in front of the burnt butter Jesus a few weeks ago saying "I can't believe they'll rebuild it. That money could be put to better use by helping the less fortunate" make me sick. Then they got in their $27k Subaru's or Volvo's and went to their overpriced converted lofts downtown, where they live so they don't contribute to "urban sprawl", but instead make their weekly trek to Ikea out in the 'burbs.

What are you ranting about here? Still liberals? Those athiest "gonna go to Hell" liberals? You don't have to be a liberal to realize how hypocritical it is to preach charity and then go spend money on Touchdown Jesus -- the cult can do what they want, because it's not my money, I don't care, but regardless of political affiliation -- you should be able to see the hypocrisy in it.

If you're gonna force your ignorant and hypocritical lifestyle down my throat, you better start living it like you mean it first. I don't WANT mercury-filled twisty bulbs that hurt my eyes. The fact that you put them in your carriage lights, then leave them on 24/7 doesn't make a whole lot of sense, does it?

I don't understand how one can live in this great country, can benefit from all that we have and the lifestyles that we enjoy (yes, where the "poor" have cell phones and flatscreens), yet bash it at every turn and want to convert it to a model of government (Socialism) which has been shown over and over that IT WON'T WORK. Inherently, it can't work. And it won't.


I feel bad for you. Sounds like capitalism has let you down since you can't afford your meds any longer.

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I don't know what it is about young minds, but they just don't see the folly of liberalism. Most realize it by the time they get into their 40's, but some (Union Workers, Social Workers, those on the public dole) never get it.

not all young minds.............

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Okay, on the constant "Fair & Balanced" swipes by the LWNJ's: What other network offers even a HINT of the right wing/ conservative view? Unless its a five-on-one presentation like "The View": Nobody. Nearly every Fox segment offers "presenters" from both sides of the issue. Seriously. And to even insinuate that "the media is slanted to right" is laughable, wrong, and ignorant. Stats prove it. Your media dominates in numbers, and helps to perpetuate the White House agenda and lies.

Fox can present whatever views they want, it's when they lie about facts to present an agenda -- that's the issue. Fox news shouldn't be a SOLE source of information for anyone. Show me the stats? I have stats from studies that show people who watch the Daily Show with Jon Stewart are more informed on current events than people who watch Fox. And the Daily Show is political satire - not technically "real news".

Sorry Fox News, The Daily Show's Viewers Are More Informed Than Yours

I am SO SICK of liberal lies and distortion, and the fact that they can't put any blame on Obama (78+ days of oil spewing into the gulf, but don't be started on that one), but try to give him credit for things he didn't do. Like Biden, last week, trying to give Obama credit for "winning" in Iraq. Are you KIDDING ME?? And nobody calls him on it. Nobody. And his mindless, hateful, distorted little minions keep drawing hateful, deceitful cartoons.

1) Why is it Obama's to fix? Conservatives are all about free market, deregulation, small gov't, but when shit hits the fan you cry "Where's Obama at?" (Obligatory cartoon to make Todd#43 still relevant)


2) Anyone remember "Mission Accomplished"? Iraq was won in 2003, right?

I didn't read Biden said that, but if he did we should probably look at the context behind it rather than a couple word blurb. Kinda like how Todd has me quoted in his signature saying he was right -- I said it, but in a VERY specific context. It wasn't a blanket statement. That's how conservatives spin things -- missing the forest for the trees.

Facts show that liberals are much more racist than conservatives.

Quoted for lol-worthiness

It would now seem that the liberals are getting all that they wanted from Obama, and they're STILL pissed off. Angry. Spiteful. Mean. Pissy. Whiney. Name-calling, finger-pointing, sniveling little minions. Brainwashed by their teachers and professors to hate this country, and to feel guilty about being Americans. I refuse to feel guilty about being American, and will never apologize for it. Thank God that when I was in school (I'm 42), they taught us to honor America. We said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. We were taught that America IS exceptional and great. My niece graduated from OSU a couple of years ago. Went into the college as a conservative, came out as a sniveling snot-nosed hypocritical liberal. Whines about injustice while telling us about the "great wines" she is learning about. Then quits her social-work type job to work as a private-care autism attendant because SHE COULD MAKE MORE MONEY. If she were true to her convictions, she'd give the new "extra" money to the less fortunate. I'm guessing that she won't.


I hate how getting an education makes you enlightened. I HATE it.


Edited by JRMMiii
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You're 2 for 2 in this thread, Jeff.

I don't know what it is about young minds, but they just don't see the folly of liberalism

Maybe it is just my generation you speak of but holy shit 90% are morons. Myself included as politics have annoyed me since I was a kid so I'm half ignorant on somethings but it is a necessary evil. On top of that they all just want shit for free and handed to them which is my only explanation why they fell for someone who has a way with words and promised them the world with no intention of being able to follow through

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I'll bite, I'm in for a little mental stimulation this morning :D

It start becoming his fault when he causes the problems. Right now he's just trying to fix things that are already broken.

The liberal Democrat controlled congress spent the money to get us where we are today. The current agenda (Obama's) is to continue to spend. Explain to me how continuing to do the same thing over and over again is going to fix the problem.

Hurricane Katrina happened during Bush's presidency. Obviously, he didn't cause the hurricane, but he was held accountable for the cleanup. Every day "what's Bush doing for the people of New Orleans to fix this mess?" We have the oil spill in the Gulf. Since it happened during Obama's presidency it MUST be his fault - especially if we use the kartrina inspired liberal logic of a few years ago. WHAT IS BHO DOING TO FIX THE PROBLEM AND HELP THE PEOPLE? Answer is - NOTHING. Unless you count golfing, vacationing, avoiding the subject, not repealing the Jones Act via executive order, etc.

Just as he did in his "campaign" for the presidency (which continues to this day) BHO continues to blame others for issues while "promising" to fix EVERYTHING.

OMG!! Everyone turn off your TVs, quit reading things, and just do whatever the hell you want!! Really? This is the media's fault? No, this is peoples' fault for believing the hype and bullspit from the last 8 years.

1) Don't use words that you don't understand the meaning of -- like Socialist

2) Some on here wear tinfoil hats from time to time, but it sounds like you built your whole house outta the stuff.

Usually this is the point where you post up a cartoon or a link to "support" your OPINION. Today you resort to an ad-hominem attack. Congratulations.

You have any facts to back that up? "Rich" liberals by the by tend to be the smart ones if you look up education statistics (Most college professors are liberals). I don't understand why a "true liberal" has to live poor? :wtf: What does that have anything to do with it? The typical bleeding heart liberal agenda is to help the poor, so I don't understand wtf you're talking about and why living on $12k/yr would change that?

Why do you care what someone making more than enough for them to live comfortably on and be happy in life, does with the rest of their money?

Its an opinion - if you'd reread that paragraph he says "I think" at the beginning. You don't need any facts to back an opinion up.

Liberals seem to think that anyone making over $250,000 a year is rich and should pay MORE in taxes to help the "less fortunate". We have all seen plenty of those "less fortunate" souls that receive free cell phones (paid for by all of us that pay our bills), cars, cable, internet, etc. The facts are out there if you want to see them.

What are you ranting about here? Still liberals? Those athiest "gonna go to Hell" liberals? You don't have to be a liberal to realize how hypocritical it is to preach charity and then go spend money on Touchdown Jesus -- the cult can do what they want, because it's not my money, I don't care, but regardless of political affiliation -- you should be able to see the hypocrisy in it.

Yet you don't see the hypocrisy in the wealthy liberal mindset? You know, the "I got mine, but you need to give yours to someone else" concept? Again in this instance those with no stake in the situation deride someone else's decision to do something with them money. Perhaps to some the Jesus sculpture is inspirational and may motivate them to do things beyond their apparent abilities. Yet, you feel its a waste of money and hypocritical - yet you have ZERO stake in it.


feel bad for you. Sounds like capitalism has let you down since you can't afford your meds any longer.

Again with the attacks. Can't you find a fucking cartoon?

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Maybe it is just my generation you speak of but holy shit 90% are morons. Myself included as politics have annoyed me since I was a kid so I'm half ignorant on somethings but it is a necessary evil. On top of that they all just want shit for free and handed to them which is my only explanation why they fell for someone who has a way with words and promised them the world with no intention of being able to follow through

now see i have loved politics from the time was little. but i still agree with you our generation is pretty pathetic. hell look at the rock the vote bullshit!! :nono: and yes im tired of seeing all this give me shit too. Honest to god i checked it out awhile back and i have been paying into social security since i was 14, that was when i "officially" started getting paid for working for our family business. Nothing makes me more mad than watching someone work the system. this is why i fear the perminant welfare state or underclass that is coming, and they are content with it cuz they keep getting the handouts for doing nothing.

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now see i have loved politics from the time was little. but i still agree with you our generation is pretty pathetic. hell look at the rock the vote bullshit!! :nono: and yes im tired of seeing all this give me shit too. Honest to god i checked it out awhile back and i have been paying into social security since i was 14, that was when i "officially" started getting paid for working for our family business. Nothing makes me more mad than watching someone work the system. this is why i fear the perminant welfare state or underclass that is coming, and they are content with it cuz they keep getting the handouts for doing nothing.

i only hated it because every god damn holiday the family got together the bitching and moaning would start and then the fighting would get underway and I just wanted to open my freakin christmas presents :mad:

I am the same way, started working at 14 and been paying into that worthless social security that I will probably never see a dime of :rolleyes:

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The liberal Democrat controlled congress spent the money to get us where we are today. The current agenda (Obama's) is to continue to spend. Explain to me how continuing to do the same thing over and over again is going to fix the problem.

Worked for FDR, and the leading economists still say we aren't spending enough. What qualifies your opinion?

Hurricane Katrina happened during Bush's presidency. Obviously, he didn't cause the hurricane, but he was held accountable for the cleanup. Every day "what's Bush doing for the people of New Orleans to fix this mess?" We have the oil spill in the Gulf. Since it happened during Obama's presidency it MUST be his fault - especially if we use the kartrina inspired liberal logic of a few years ago. WHAT IS BHO DOING TO FIX THE PROBLEM AND HELP THE PEOPLE? Answer is - NOTHING. Unless you count golfing, vacationing, avoiding the subject, not repealing the Jones Act via executive order, etc.

:lol: First, it's a very weak comparison to equate a man-made disaster with a natural one. There are gov't agencies setup to cope with natural disasters which is why people derided Bush's response and dispatching of those resources. Katrina wasn't caused by a profit motive, nor can we pin responsibility on ONE entity for a cause.

BP is the opposite.

Usually this is the point where you post up a cartoon or a link to "support" your OPINION. Today you resort to an ad-hominem attack. Congratulations.

Already ahead of you.

Its an opinion - if you'd reread that paragraph he says "I think" at the beginning. You don't need any facts to back an opinion up.

No, he said Liberals hate wealth. Not, he thinks liberals hate wealth. Then goes one to say he thinks <scenario presented>.

Liberals seem to think that anyone making over $250,000 a year is rich and should pay MORE in taxes to help the "less fortunate". We have all seen plenty of those "less fortunate" souls that receive free cell phones (paid for by all of us that pay our bills), cars, cable, internet, etc. The facts are out there if you want to see them.

Have we all seen those? How many do you know, personally and have daily interaction with in what capacity? I've read about them in the news, but I don't really meet a lot of those people. Where are they? How many of them are REALLY there?


Yet you don't see the hypocrisy in the wealthy liberal mindset? You know, the "I got mine, but you need to give yours to someone else" concept? Again in this instance those with no stake in the situation deride someone else's decision to do something with them money. Perhaps to some the Jesus sculpture is inspirational and may motivate them to do things beyond their apparent abilities. Yet, you feel its a waste of money and hypocritical - yet you have ZERO stake in it.

Which is exactly why I don't care. I can deride other peoples' decisions regardless of my apathy towards them -- it's the internet.

Again with the attacks. Can't you find a fucking cartoon?

Again, already ahead of you.

Edited by JRMMiii
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Oh, where to start? I've got paperwork to do (that whole "nasty Capitalism thing", y'know...), but especially like the "house out of tinfoil thing". Actually, I "built my house" on hard work and forming a company. Capitalism has been very good to me. I AM educated, and my degree was in psychology. I worked in different arenas of social work for seven years out of college. I didn't come out of college as a liberal, and in fact didn't know or care what that meant. I left social work because I got tired of all of the freeloaders coming through the door, trying to get their gaggle of kids on SSI/ disability so they'd get a bigger check every month. "He's got ADHD". "No, he doesn't". I didn't like the fact that they were sitting on their duffs all day, and living better than I was. I left the profession to make a better life for myself and my family, and I have.

The Daily Show?? "More informed"?. Yeah, I've heard that. They're more informed about whatever it is that Stewart is selling them that day, which may or may not be the truth, but is certainly biased. I was amazed when Stewart and others actually starting calling Obama out. A little bit, anyhow. You could fill in "The Daily Show" with any broadcast name. "The viewers of Mister Rogers Neighborhood are more informed. About puppets, trains, and what jobs the people in their neighborhood have". We absorb whatever we feed ourselves. Seems that "young 'uns" have chosen to get their "news" from entertainment sources, and are more concerned with which Kardashian is pregnant this week, or which Tiger mistress just came out.

Obama took the job of "fixing things", and said he could, but hasn't. Please just take a look at his upbringing. Look at the people who raised him, what he was taught, and how he got to where he is so quickly, with virtually no experience. "But he's qualified" to be president. Yes. Technically.

I'll revisit this later. I've got work to do.


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Oh, where to start? I've got paperwork to do (that whole "nasty Capitalism thing", y'know...), but especially like the "house out of tinfoil thing". Actually, I "built my house" on hard work and forming a company.

I was just bustin' your chops, but your rant was seriously misguided.

Capitalism has been very good to me. I AM educated, and my degree was in psychology. I worked in different arenas of social work for seven years out of college. I didn't come out of college as a liberal, and in fact didn't know or care what that meant. I left social work because I got tired of all of the freeloaders coming through the door, trying to get their gaggle of kids on SSI/ disability so they'd get a bigger check every month. "He's got ADHD". "No, he doesn't". I didn't like the fact that they were sitting on their duffs all day, and living better than I was. I left the profession to make a better life for myself and my family, and I have.

And that's great, but what's the "so what" of all that? If you're happy with your life, what more do you want? Has your life gone drastically downhill in the last 1.5 years compared to the last 8? If so, why is that? Misplaced anger is entertaining, but in the end, still misplaced.

The Daily Show?? "More informed"?. Yeah, I've heard that.

Yeah, and I posted it.

They're more informed about whatever it is that Stewart is selling them that day, which may or may not be the truth, but is certainly biased.

But isn't that what you were just sticking up for Fox News about? Except the kool-aid that the Daily Show people drink is at least the truth.

We absorb whatever we feed ourselves. Seems that "young 'uns" have chosen to get their "news" from entertainment sources, and are more concerned with which Kardashian is pregnant this week, or which Tiger mistress just came out.

I don't know where you get that. It depends on what type of young people you're talking about. You can stereotype the group, but you still have to take individual knowledge on a case-by-case basis.

Obama took the job of "fixing things", and said he could, but hasn't. Please just take a look at his upbringing. Look at the people who raised him, what he was taught, and how he got to where he is so quickly, with virtually no experience. "But he's qualified" to be president. Yes. Technically.

I'll revisit this later. I've got work to do.


What about his upbringing? What about your upbringing? Are you the epitome of innocence and purity? You need to cite facts about why Obama is worse than McCain or Bush or any GOP alternative without any blemishes in their past for us to judge them on.

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<<And that's great, but what's the "so what" of all that? If you're happy with your life, what more do you want? Has your life gone drastically downhill in the last 1.5 years compared to the last 8? If so, why is that? Misplaced anger is entertaining, but in the end, still misplaced.>>

The "so what" is that if Obama gets his way, its all going to change. For the worse. I've been blessed in that my life has changed little in the past year and a half, and that I prospered in the eight years prior to that. The reality is that Obama's plan will kill more jobs, and that there are a LOT of people suffering right now. Job losses, foreclosures, uncertainty. Do you have any idea of the taxes coming down the road? The "Bush tax cuts" didn't just help the wealthy, but the "wealthy" create jobs, for the most part. You CAN'T spend money in order to save money, especially not on his scale. Why does he keep saying "we can't keep spending like this", but then KEEPS SPENDING?? AMERICA is BROKE. Even his appointee came out recently stating that we can't keep spending like this ( http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/07/11/AR2010071101956.html).

Stewart may be telling the truth, but he's only telling the part of it that fits his paradigm. He doesn't present both sides. When he DOES have someone from the other side on his show, he excoriates them (i.e. O'Reilly) and tries to make them look foolish by setting them up. Fox News (BTW, not my only source for info) lets both sides present their side.

You're correct in your response to the "we absorb what we feed ourselves". I need to look at the individuals, not the group. Thank you

Upbringing: His upbringing shaped his beliefs and paradigm, just like mine did. I had no idea where my parents stood politically until I was well into my adult years (and truthfully, I didn't care). BUT, they always made me work for what I wanted. Mowing lawns, selling greeting cards door to door, whatever. If I wanted something, I had to earn it. Same with Obama. He was raised by socialists (and yes, I DO know what I'm talking about, what the word means, and what the concept encompasses), and that formed his world view. The little red church and all of that.

I don't "need to cite facts about why Obama is worse than Bush". It doesn't matter at this point. The "point" is that Obama sold himself as the saver, fixer, and almighty, and he's not any of that. He was going to lower the sea levels (even though they didn't rise in the first place). He made it clear that equality is more important than true justice and that spreading the wealth is a focus.

On a prior note, about "why should a liberal live on $12k a year....": Good point. I need to rethink that. The butter Jesus issue ("they could spend the money better by helping the less fortunate") is more about "don't tell me how to spend my money", but I still feel that liberals should live what they preach.

Socialism doesn't work. It can't. Just curious, have you read Atlas Shrugged? When you penalize the producers too much, we'll stop producing. Seems that we're heading in that direction, especially with the new taxes coming. Maybe Stewart will cover that. Its interesting to see libs like Barbara Streisand finally speaking out, when THEY see what his taxes will do to their stash.

No, I'm not pure nor the epitome of innocence. Never said I was. Where did that come from, and what does it have to do with this discussion?

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The "so what" is that if Obama gets his way, its all going to change. For the worse. I've been blessed in that my life has changed little in the past year and a half, and that I prospered in the eight years prior to that.

So you're basing your argument on.... fear. Got it. You're scared of the future. I'd have trouble getting out of bed each morning with that attitude. I don't know how you do it, or why you even bother if everything's all going to change. The world is going to end in 2012 anyway, does that terrify you? Better start living while the living is good.

The reality is that Obama's plan will kill more jobs, and that there are a LOT of people suffering right now. Job losses, foreclosures, uncertainty. Do you have any idea of the taxes coming down the road? The "Bush tax cuts" didn't just help the wealthy, but the "wealthy" create jobs, for the most part.

It'll kill jobs? Sources?

Ahh, you're a "trickle down" economist.


The "Trickle Down" Economics Straw Man

Income Gaps Between Very Rich and Everyone Else More Than Tripled In Last Three Decades, New Data Show

And I know I'm making a totally off-the-wall grandiose assumption here, but I doubt anyone frequenting this board is making an income which puts them in the upper quintile for income.

Stewart may be telling the truth, but he's only telling the part of it that fits his paradigm. He doesn't present both sides. When he DOES have someone from the other side on his show, he excoriates them (i.e. O'Reilly) and tries to make them look foolish by setting them up. Fox News (BTW, not my only source for info) lets both sides present their side.

How does Stewart "set them up"? All he does is pull clips from what they're saying and string them together just to show how they don't make any sense, flip-flop, or are just plain wrong when presented facts. He's good at research and documentation with a comical spin -- nothing more.

Upbringing: His upbringing shaped his beliefs and paradigm, just like mine did. I had no idea where my parents stood politically until I was well into my adult years (and truthfully, I didn't care). BUT, they always made me work for what I wanted. Mowing lawns, selling greeting cards door to door, whatever. If I wanted something, I had to earn it. Same with Obama. He was raised by socialists (and yes, I DO know what I'm talking about, what the word means, and what the concept encompasses), and that formed his world view. The little red church and all of that.

Do all children of racists become racists? Do all children of Republicans become conservatives? Do you think Obama was just handed everything to get to where he is -- like he won some lucky "mulatto child lottery"? Work ethic isn't a political issue, so I don't know why these debates end up turning into "I work hard for my money" meaning you're a Republican or conservative, and "laziness" is a liberal trait? That doesn't make sense.

I don't "need to cite facts about why Obama is worse than Bush". It doesn't matter at this point.

It does matter because you think he's the devil -- well give me some alternatives that we had a better political savior. They all make big promises that they can't hold -- you think it'd be different is McMaverick was in office?

He made it clear that equality is more important than true justice and that spreading the wealth is a focus.
Is your wealth being spread right now? Or are you still just scared? I remember posting information in the tax thread when people were bitching about their tax returns that the numbers actually showed people ended up getting more money back now than under the previous administration when you account for all factors.
Socialism doesn't work. It can't. Just curious, have you read Atlas Shrugged? When you penalize the producers too much, we'll stop producing. Seems that we're heading in that direction, especially with the new taxes coming.

I have not heard of this, please cite some sources so I can educate myself. Though, it does sound more like "trickle down" economics -- which is as effective as Socialism. You keep throwing that word around, but you still haven't shown an appropriate usage.

No, I'm not pure nor the epitome of innocence. Never said I was. Where did that come from, and what does it have to do with this discussion?
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Edited by JRMMiii
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Do you think Obama was just handed everything to get to where he is -- like he won some lucky "mulatto child lottery"? Work ethic isn't a political issue, so I don't know why these debates end up turning into "I work hard for my money" meaning you're a Republican or conservative, and "laziness" is a liberal trait? That doesn't make sense.

He won the Nobel Peace Prize for nothing. Well he won it for what he wanted to do. :)

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doesn't really appear the Republicans have a good grasp on not racking up debt.


Not to dive head first into this one, but the economy tends to cycle over 10 years. So one has to look to the last president (typically) to see what policies affected the economy.

Carter's well meaning economic policies were disasterously implemented, which affected the economy under Reagan. Reagan made some boneheaded moves, which affected Bush. But the positives of Reagan and Bush, gave Clinton that amazing and robust economy.

Clinton however, torpedoed it for G. W. while torpedoing Monica Lewinsky. And to cap it off, he drained our reserves to deflate gas prices, AND he started the whole sub-prime mortgage thing. Great jarb there!

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10 years!?

If that's true, then the major economic slump we're in now was caused by electing President Bush in 2001 and 9/11. That's what you're saying?

I get that the economy is cyclical and complex... but you have to look at the policies each President supported/implement as well as WHEN they were implemented to get an accurate fiscal analysis.

Clinton's surplus was NOT due to GHWB's "good economic policies", nor can GWBs deficit be attributed to Clinton. Money for war has to come from somewhere...

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Fun thought to consider from the middle of the road:


The gist of the article is that we turn off our decision making centers when we perceive someone to be a charismatic leader. Similar things happen when someone is believed to be an expert.

The danger here is two fold: Someone like President Obama, who is incredibly charismatic, is above examination by his followers. No one stops to think that maybe a one term senator wasn't the best decision for our country, or that his ideas might not be the best. The same thing happened with Kennedy. Group think ruled the decisions regarding the Bay of Pigs.

And our news commentators and casters both, are presented as experts. They have access to knowledge we don't; so we tend to trust their views, and fail to examine it. Somewhere some news source highlighted that the economy was great under Clinton and awful under G.W. This is a true statement, but it doesn't reflect the economy.

So we have people we agree with (both sides), and people we like and believe to be charismatic and/or experts. As soon as they say something: It's gospel truth.

the Times and CNN (http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/01/22/guantanamo.order/index.html) reported that Obama had closed Guantanamo. Not true, he had actually authorized a committee to look at closing Guantanamo.

Or when Bush declared "mission accomplished" in Iraq. Our mission was to dismantle Saddam Husseins government, which we did. Our mission now is to rebuild and stabilize Iraq. "Mission Accomplished" and "War Over" are two different things.

To keep it light hearted:


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10 years!?

If that's true, then the major economic slump we're in now was caused by electing President Bush in 2001 and 9/11. That's what you're saying?

I get that the economy is cyclical and complex... but you have to look at the policies each President supported/implement as well as WHEN they were implemented to get an accurate fiscal analysis.

Clinton's surplus was NOT due to GHWB's "good economic policies", nor can GWBs deficit be attributed to Clinton. Money for war has to come from somewhere...

Roughly ten years, the economy had started to falter under Clinton towards the end. Of course, I lean towards the republican side, so this is my bias coming out.

Yes you do have to look at the policies, but the effects are felt years later. G. W inherited some seriously messed up policies, for example:

One of the big factors in our current recession was subprime mortgages. Who pushed subprime mortgages onto banks? Democrats; to make the American dream more "affordable" for the poor (one of their consituencies).

Secondly, look at every bill and earmark that dipped into Social Security. 9 times out of 10 it was authored by a Democrat.

Lastly, any president can affect the economy in the short term (stimulus packages, tax returns, draining federal reserves) more often than not though; the short term gain is at the expense of long term prosperity and stability.

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