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Guil Oil Spill - Interesting


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I have to say if I lived down there, I'd probably be looking into going north soon. There are reports of THOUSANDS of military humvees on trains at rail yards in Louisiana, blocks of 100+ hotel rooms being reserved at major hotels all over Tennesse, Kentucy, Georgia, etc using government credit cards, FEMA back at their storage facility (where the trailers from Katrina have been stored), etc. Sure sounds like they may be planning for something bad. Plants and animals already dying is definitely a bad sign. Add that to the link I posted last week, it's kinda scary.

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I have to say if I lived down there, I'd probably be looking into going north soon. There are reports of THOUSANDS of military humvees on trains at rail yards in Louisiana, blocks of 100+ hotel rooms being reserved at major hotels all over Tennesse, Kentucy, Georgia, etc using government credit cards, FEMA back at their storage facility (where the trailers from Katrina have been stored), etc. Sure sounds like they may be planning for something bad. Plants and animals already dying is definitely a bad sign. Add that to the link I posted last week, it's kinda scary.

You got links for those Ben? Interesting, & scarily suspicious

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