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Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah fire?

I thought Blah Blah Blah Blah check, Blah Blah Blah @ the table.

Does your boss know you're wasting HIS time?

Why do you care anyway? Are you that infatuated with me that you have to hang on every word? Is this your way of saying you need me?


I have my very own liberal fucktard internet stalker.


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You're infatuated with me. You can't get enough of me.

Remember now?

Carry on.

You're delusional... you're trying to change the subject of the entire thread (see: Infraction) because you realized how petty you are to cry about an eSpanking on the net from a motorcycle website because you lack some common decency.:violin:

Pathetic really for a "45+ yr old small business owner". You make sure EVERYONE and their brother knows what a big shot you think you are. :rolleyes:

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So says the fucking homo that runs a scooter forum.

Give me a break.

Swinger runs a scooter forum. Bahahahaha. What a fucking tool. Winnar chicken dinnar.

Up until these statements I was entertained by you two but this is just uncalled for. Scooters rule and if you are too insecure to realize that maybe I need to reevaluate my estimation of your manlyhood.

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Up until these statements I was entertained by you two but this is just uncalled for. Scooters rule and if you are too insecure to realize that maybe I need to reevaluate my estimation of your manlyhood.

Seriously. I'd ride the shit outta this thing:


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14 pages, and the only conclusion to be reached is that ohio-riders.net is not a democracy. It is not a fair universe. OR is a benevolent dictatorship where the rules change at the whim of those in power.

...but no one's forcing anyone to stick around.

it is what it is. I don't always like it, but I keep logging back in.

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Alot of people are bitching about the rules and how the mods/admins abuse their power by only enforcing them on a "whim" What's that gonna do for the OR?

It's gonna force Ben to tell every one of his admins/mods to start enforcing the rules to a T. Before now they only enforced them when shit got out of hand. So keep it up peeps. It's gonna be awesome when they start being strict with the rules 24/7. :nono:

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14 pages, and the only conclusion to be reached is that ohio-riders.net is not a democracy. It is not a fair universe. OR is a benevolent dictatorship where the rules change at the whim of those in power.

...but no one's forcing anyone to stick around.

it is what it is. I don't always like it, but I keep logging back in.

i got a lot more outta it then that... the word fucktard keeps resonating in my head

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alot of people are bitching about the rules and how the mods/admins abuse their power by only enforcing them on a "whim" what's that gonna do for the or?

It's gonna force ben to tell every one of his admins/mods to start enforcing the rules to a t. Before now they only enforced them when shit got out of hand. So keep it up peeps. It's gonna be awesome when they start being strict with the rules 24/7. :nono:

more fear!!!!!!

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Alot of people are bitching about the rules and how the mods/admins abuse their power by only enforcing them on a "whim" What's that gonna do for the OR?

It's gonna force Ben to tell every one of his admins/mods to start enforcing the rules to a T. Before now they only enforced them when shit got out of hand. So keep it up peeps. It's gonna be awesome when they start being strict with the rules 24/7. :nono:

FINALLY! Someone gets "it"

How much leeway did I give Dude on Saturday, when I could've technically nailed him with 4-5 pts... Just to put up with even more bullshit a few days later. Had I just banned him Saturday, half this crappy thread wouldn't be here now

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Swinger runs a scooter forum. Bahahahaha. What a fucking tool. Winnar chicken dinnar.

"Did" run a scooter forum. Closed it shortly after getting rid of my scooter for a motorcycle, you know, one of them things that all the REST OF US have :lol:

I'm purdy sure you're not older than SwingR. I think his SSN is #8. :D

Awe, c'mon, I ain't that old, Strictly Streets and Recon both got me beat :)

...Scooters rule...

That they do. Just plain good ole fun.

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14 pages, and the only conclusion to be reached is that ohio-riders.net is not a democracy. It is not a fair universe. OR is a benevolent dictatorship where the rules change at the whim of those in power.

...but no one's forcing anyone to stick around.

it is what it is. I don't always like it, but I keep logging back in.

I guess I'll ask you the same question I've asked the others: How has this affected you? Have you had posts moderated? Have you had any infractions?

Out of the 25K+ posts this board sees every month, maybe 10-20 of those are moderated in some form. In the past six months, only six infractions have been handed out. Three of those were yesterday and to only two people.

I keep hearing about unfair this, democracy that, over moderation here, blah blah blah. Well show me where this is happening.

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