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I'm Just Mad as Hell!!


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You guys know what happened to me today, I went to the BMV, and I was just trying to get a renewal. So the bitch at the counter was being slow, so I says "YO BITCH HURRY THE FUCK UP!!!", and you know a security guard came over and said "sir you need to calm down" just like that with this snarky motherfucking tone. Can you believe that shit?!! I just had to come and vent my frustration that someone in a position of authority would come over and give me a warning that almost had no bearing or effect whatsoever upon my day!! OOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!! it just gets me so fired up!!!!!!!

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Also you know Bitch can be a term of endearment, like........"BITCH YOU CRAZY!!!!"......or...."SHUT UP BITCH OR THE LEFT WILL MATCH THE RIGHT!!!!!!!!"

so........that's how I was saying it like (Happy) "HURRY UP BITCH!!!" ....like that, and then that big SOB got all kinds of snarky on my ass!!! OOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I'm sorry I just can't even think I'm so mad. Just let me post 300 times or so over the course of multiple threads and maybe I'll simmer down some.... Snarky SOB!!!!!

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There were probably too many guards pushing everyone around.

OHH SHIT!!! I did forget to mention that. After he got all snarky a whole host of other security guards came out and told me.......TOLD ME!!....to please quiet down. It was like they were clanish, they all stuck together and they all backed each other up! Can you imagine that Security backing up one another in a difficult situation??!!!!! It's like they new that the job could be rough and wanted to support one anothers' actions. AND THEY WERE ALL SNARKY!!!!!! ....I think they were FUCKTARDS!!! yeah that's it they were a vicious pack of FUCKTARDS!!!!! SNARKY FUCKTARDS!!!!!!!! I'll be scarred forever!!!!

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You know I'm not sure I left after the incident. See usually I don't shit where I eat. If I like a place or frequent a location I usually conduct myself with some respect for those who run or own the establishment. Not that I was being a dick at the BMV!!! they were snarky!!!!

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You know I'm not sure I left after the incident. See usually I don't shit where I eat. If I like a place or frequent a location I usually conduct myself with some respect for those who run or own the establishment. Not that I was being a dick at the BMV!!! they were snarky!!!!

Then don't go back there, go to another location. :rolleyes:

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You know I'm not sure I left after the incident. See usually I don't shit where I eat. If I like a place or frequent a location I usually conduct myself with some respect for those who run or own the establishment. Not that I was being a dick at the BMV!!! they were snarky!!!!

Bro, you're fuckin hilarious. You need to join us for a ride, SRSLY!

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