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Facebook Bridge


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I have OR bridged to FB and it posts my new threads to my FB page. Lets Casper posts a reply on OR, because he has them bridged, it will automatically post to my FB. If Kawi Kid doesn't have them bridged, his reply on OR won't show up on my FB. How do I turn of the replies from OR from posting? It can get confusing for those that don't know any better, and some comments I don't want on FB. lol

These are my settings:

Connection Established - Granted

Permission to Read Stream - Not Permitted

Permission to Publish Stream - Not Permitted

Permission to access your data when you are offline - Granted

Sending Email via Facebook - Not Permitted

Facebook Bridge Options (Disconnect Facebook from Ohio Riders)

Posting new thread

Post short story - Working

Posting new reply

Post short story - Sleeping

Post comment (if the appropriate wall post is available) - Sleeping

Rating thread

Share via Facebook News Feed - Sleeping

Like post (if the appropriate wall post is available) - Sleeping

Sending private message

Post wallpost - Sleeping

Sending visitor message

Post wallpost - Sleeping

Uploading image (avatar/profile picture)

Publish photo to friends' News Feed - Sleeping

Add new pictures to album

Share via Facebook News Feed - Sleeping

Comment on a picture

Share via Facebook News Feed (if capable only) - Sleeping

Post comment (if the appropriate wall post is available) - Sleeping

Notifications Opt-in

New Private Message arrived - Do nothing

Receive new Visitor Message - Do nothing

Reply posted on your threads - Do nothing

Reply posted on your subcribed threads - Do nothing

Reply posted on your recent replied threads - Do nothing

Somebody rated your threads - Do nothing

Comment posted on your pictures - Do nothing

Comment posted on pictures which you commented - Do nothing

Other Options

Auto Authentication (login and logout automatically) - On

Always display checkboxes for available actions - Off

Display a Facebook Block in Member Info page - Off

Display posts from friends - Off

Display a Wall Tab/Profile Box in Facebook Profile page - On

Synchronize Avatar - Off

Edited by chevysoldier
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Just shut off the bridge and the few OR threads that you WANT to go onto FB, manually link them. That would be the best solution I can think of.

Well, like the roadkill beer thread I posted. Good, clean thread but my mom had posted on it on FB then Casper's post on OR was "Sense, you make none" and it got put on right after my mom's post. :lol:

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Well, like the roadkill beer thread I posted. Good, clean thread but my mom had posted on it on FB then Casper's post on OR was "Sense, you make none" and it got put on right after my mom's post. :lol:

Chevy's mom's gonna kick Ben's ass.:boxing:

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  • 7 months later...

Just noticed my threads posted are bridging to FaceBook, and I don't even have a FaceBook bridge set up in ORdN. This started recently. I R confused... I'd rather shut it off, but there is nothing to shut off.

Should I blame me? FaceBook? or Casper? Or combinations thereof.

edit: just noticed it's not an OR bridge, it's an RSS Graffiti bridge. Still no clue...

Edited by ReconRat
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