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How to be awesome


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No. Freaking. Way.

Is that really JRMMiii, as in the same from here? Buwahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!

Yes. That's the forum I run.

Sorry to spoil the joke, but there's nothing on there but news copied over from Digg and discussions with some personal friends on said news articles.

The name? That's a dig on me because of my perceived ego. The forum used to be named for my employer, but the forum group decided that wasn't a good idea for the google search to come up with that, so that was the name it was voted to be... and because I have a sense of humor and can take the ribbing -- "Captain Awesome" it became.

Being invite-only... I wondered why my inbox was getting new member requests. :lol: And no offense to anyone here, but unless I work with you - you probably aren't getting in.

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