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i love clevelanders


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holy shit someone's X chromosome is swollen today.

i just dont see how anyone can defend that kind of group mentality and think its "OK"...the guy has every right to wear that jersey, he was not hurting anyone...this is america, not cold war era russia

maybe its because i dont care about the cavs? it makes no sense to me how low people will go all because one guy decided to play for a different team...hell, tons of athletes switch teams all the time and it doesnt blow up like this....who cares? its just a game

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youre being serious?

comparing the klan to a basketball team is the dumbest shit ive ever fuckin heard...really??

the klan has a violent history, they have taken lives, their entire foundation is built upon racism and supremacy....they are a hate group, and wearing their symbols ANYWHERE is offensive....the patrons of the bar would have a valid reason for being upset.

do you even think before you type? i must have missed the memo where the miami heat became a hate group known for taking the lives of people nation-wide

free speech is free speech, the degree is completely irrelevant.

I said earlier that I was conflicted on the issue - on the one hand, Heat fans have every right to express themselves and not be harassed, but on the other hand, when someone is asking for trouble, I don't think it should be some big indignant shocking experience when they find it.

two wrongs don't make a right, but the moron in the heat jersey took the first poke.

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i just dont see how anyone can defend that kind of group mentality and think its "OK"...the guy has every right to wear that jersey, he was not hurting anyone...this is america, not cold war era russia

maybe its because i dont care about the cavs? it makes no sense to me how low people will go all because one guy decided to play for a different team...hell, tons of athletes switch teams all the time and it doesnt blow up like this....who cares? its just a game

its not THAT he did it, its HOW he did it that pisses off people the most. And no, its not just Clevelanders who feel that way

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They intentionally caused a disturbance and got kicked out. End of story. Lawsuit? I hope you're kidding.

yeah, i'm wondering what their "damages" would be. The cost of their bleacher seat ticket that they got half-off with a pepsi can?

settling that $13 out of court won't be a tough call. :rolleyes:

the embarrassment and humiliation of being escorted out in front of thousands of people? I think they'd have a hard time proving that was Progressive Field's fault, given the jersey.

there's just no cause to bring suit.

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