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They want a fucking apology??


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"We are sorry we didn't use a bigger bomb"

"We are sorry you thought you'd get away with Pearl Harbor without any repercussions"

"We are sorry you brought us into the war"

"We are sorry we didn't use the bomb sooner"

That was my thought too! The U.S. didn't start the war. We just finished it! :bow:

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I remember in the 80s, that Japan started to re-write all their history books for schools.

Now WW2 isn't their fault, didn't start it, didn't lose it, etc etc...

Making it all our fault, of course...

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I remember in the 80s, that Japan started to re-write all their history books for schools.

Now WW2 isn't their fault, didn't start it, didn't lose it, etc etc...

Making it all our fault, of course...

I'm pretty sure that we are in the process of rewriting the history books regarding WWII as we speak. I think that I read somewhere that everything bad that has happened in U.S. history was the fault of the Bush Administration!;)

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we should bomb them again for not apologizing for pearl harbor


They did apologize for Pearl Harbor. At least, attempted to.

Emperor Hirohito himself arrived at General MacArthur's office (in Tokyo), to make an official apology on behalf of Japan, and MacArthur refused to see him.

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Yea, I get that... but who is "They".... is "They" anyone important? "They" isn't the Japanese gov't (unless I misread something). It sounds more like it's political activist nobodies to me. :dunno:

I read the article and thought "some disfigured survivors want an apology, sucks to be them" .

How the fuck did the rest of you guys come up with "every Japanese person wants an apology?"

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When "they" pay US back for rebuilding "their" country, then maybe we.... Never mind fuck 'em I hear the're really good. I like a little asian take out now and then. Oh um what were we talking about. It seems the years have faded my memory a little bit. Maybe the question should be did we really do anything at all...... I didn't do it so I am not sayin' sorry for something I don't remember doing.

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I think we owe them an apology. We killed a shit load of Jap civilians and then the radiation made sure we kept killing them for an additional generation or three. We owe the killed civies an apology. Fuck the government and soldiers though

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I don't feel that civilians should ever be directly targeted for an attack, and I think it's unfortunate that they had to be the ones that were on the wrong end of the beginning of the nuclear arms race. Honestly, I think it's down right disgusting that the nuclear bomb was "demonstrated" on some of the most highly populated areas of non-combatant civilians in the country. That said...

For the atrocities committed by Japan against Korea, China, and many other countries and their civilians: fuck Japan, they can cram a foot long apology in their ass.

And let's be honest, getting their shit ruined was probably the best thing that ever happened to them (in the long term). Without the mass reconstruction and pimpin' trade deals with the US, they would NEVER have gotten to where they are today. I can say the same for Korea. Maybe my vagina is just sore and I've been brain washed, but some history is hard to deny.

So yeah, I don't know how I feel about it. I hope they keep making shit that my cousins can copy and improve on and sell more of.

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Jbot makes a good point.

Historically speaking, the bombs were demonstrated on Hiroshima and Nagasaki for two big reasons: 1) Hiroshima hadn't been bombed, and was relatively intact, with plenty of buildings still standing. Meaning any damage done to the city would be entirely from the Bomb.

2) According to this site, there was a significant military presence in Hiroshima.

We bombed a legitimate target (and not an abandoned island) because military planners and the scientists, weren't sure if the bomb would even work. Had it been dropped on Hiroshima and not gone off, we could hush it up.

Personally, my take on it is this: Japan at the time had pledged to fight to the last man, woman, and child if we invaded the homeland. The best estimates of US casualties was 50,000 upwards to 1 million+ (Wikipedia. Actually a decent article). Japanese casualties were significantly higher, and given the actions of Japanese civilians on some islands (opting to commit suicide rather than surrender) we could have seen the majority of the Japanese people dead.

So in that sense, a few hundred thousand sacrificed for the lives of millions. I'm not even a believer in utilitarianism, but that's a decision that makes sense given the facts present at the time.

Of course we can debate back and forth hypotheticals forever.

If we do apologize it should be something along the lines of "sorry for choosing to bomb you into surrendering, not invading and fighting for every square inch of land, and inflicting awful casualties on your military and your people. Our fault for deciding to NOT destroy your entire nation."

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+1 to jbot and dorifto240. The only thing I can add is my two cents on the attack on Pearl Harbor. Up until 9/11 it was the most devastating single attack against the U.S. in history but for years England was asking and eventually begging for help from the U.S. in fighting the Nazis and we were content to work both sides of the war by selling goods to both the Brits and the Germans. The country was basically split down the middle, half wanted to get into the war and help the Brits and the other half didn't want anything to do with "another of Europe's wars." Until the attack on Pearl, that is. Nearly everyone in the country threw their support behind the war effort and we went in swinging. The Japs were at least as bad if not worse than the Nazis durring the war and in my opinion they deserved what they got. Sure we were running roughshod over them in the pacific before the attack on Pearl but fuck them, they were with the Germans and they were running roughshod on the Chinese who were our allies at the time. Wow, that turned into more of a rant than I ment for it to. Bottom line, they got us off the bench and into the war and we did exactly what we had to do to win. No appology needed or deserved because they would have done the same thing.

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