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I-270N(West Side) 8/16 Green/White Jordan Logo Sport Bike


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Jagr: Post more?!? Why, when the thread seems to have degenerated into a nonsensical discourse of babbling monkeys pecking away at typewriters...

I'm gone.

please. your first mistake was thinking that this sort of topic in this type of forum breeds intelligent discourse.

this is about having fun, at your "i are so srsly on teh internetz" expense. don't forget to fill out your hurt feelings report.

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Sure he was the typical squid that gives us sportbike guys a bad name, but if there is a length of a car between cars, that's enough room for a 53" wheel based bike to fit...

Sounds like it was your opinion that it was too tight and too close. We get that a lot at the track when people come in and state they had people passing too closely. Remember, to you, it may have felt like they were laying on top of you, but in essence, it was more like 6 foot of room...

I'd say he was under dressed, but as proof from the drivers stabbing brakes - usually they are the issue and from your story, they were too close and they were not paying attention and maybe made it look worse than it was...

So, you are saying that you leave at minimal, a car's length in front and behind you when changing lanes between cars when you are driving? You also are saying that you leave over 5 feet in front and behind you on your bike?

Man, we rode in CA a few times and the lane splitting takes some getting used to, but guys like Casper would shit their pants if they did so... It was TIGHT!

And that wasn't a track!

Cagers hit their brakes when a full semi behind other cars. The OP could have easily been unable to judge correctly... I mean, there are ALWAYS two sides to every story.

Hmmm.... I sense a discrepancy here 33.gif


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BTW, voice of experience... regardless of the road speed, multiple lane changes that cause other vehicles to jab on their brakes to get out of your way, will get you a reckless ops ticket. I've seen it happen.

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95% of the time I leave 2-3 seconds following distance. I do count it off in my head from time to time. If I do ride close, I ride far left of the lane to be able to see in front of the cage in front of me.

Yo mama so fat she jumped up in the air and got stuck.

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95% of the time I leave 2-3 seconds following distance. I do count it off in my head from time to time. If I do ride close, I ride far left of the lane to be able to see in front of the cage in front of me.

Good idea that I use as well. I do my best to avoid being in a bumper to bumper traffic situation, especially at speed, to begin with.

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must only be cool when its his rant............

Speakin' of which.... Now that I think about it....

I'm just spitballin' here... But isn't he the one who caught a bunch of grief last year or so for ranting about wanting to run some squid off the road with his car, for the way he was ridin'?? :dunno:

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