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I-270N(West Side) 8/16 Green/White Jordan Logo Sport Bike


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I guess we can't all be as cool as you are.

Ben always uses the damn track side of things when I chime in. Apparently, I never ride street nor do I have any street experience...

The comment was directed to Ben to say that while I agree a car length is close, it isn't anything out of the norm that we've all done. It's not just a damn track deal and IF we were on track, we get a LOT closer than a car length...

So, while I am still cooler than most, that's not the point...

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So... Do you? Reason I ask is that I know you don't. Anyone on here that says they do every damn time is lying.

All I am saying is that you sit here and preach about this type of thing and yet, how many threads are there where guys are talking about making laps around 270? Running flat out speeds out on the road?

If you are an advocate for safety, what's the change?

I guarantee I do every time, and I'm not lying. I"ll get passed by kids on tricycles before I ride like an idiot on the highway where no one is paying attention.

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I guarantee I do every time, and I'm not lying. I"ll get passed by kids on tricycles before I ride like an idiot on the highway where no one is paying attention.

Well, you are probably one of VERY few. I drive over 48-50k miles a year and I am here to tell you that people aren't leaving 2 seconds minimum behind the car in front. Behind? Maybe. But, there are even signs posted to make sure people aren't cutting in so soon...

But, if you drive with at minimal 2-3 seconds gap behind the car in front, you are a minority.

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Ben always uses the damn track side of things when I chime in. Apparently, I never ride street nor do I have any street experience...

The comment was directed to Ben to say that while I agree a car length is close, it isn't anything out of the norm that we've all done. It's not just a damn track deal and IF we were on track, we get a LOT closer than a car length...

So, while I am still cooler than most, that's not the point...

I don't think most of us ride that way as the norm. I-270 is NOT the track, and most of the cars out on I-270 don't drive that well to begin with. If you decide to put yourself in that tight of a situation, you are putting your life in the hands of the other drivers. That's not something I'm about to do. Have I? Yes, in a pinch to get where I needed to be. Do I do it as the norm? Hell no! It's not something that I'm comfortable with, and I don't like it when I do it, on the bike, OR in the car.

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Man, we rode in CA a few times and the lane splitting takes some getting used to, but guys like Casper would shit their pants if they did so... It was TIGHT!

And that wasn't a track!

Wow..... And when was the last time you rode with Ben?? Dude your not always right and Ben is not always right but quit the bitch fit when someone doesn't agree with you!

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Well, you are probably one of VERY few. I drive over 48-50k miles a year and I am here to tell you that people aren't leaving 2 seconds minimum behind the car in front. Behind? Maybe. But, there are even signs posted to make sure people aren't cutting in so soon...

But, if you drive with at minimal 2-3 seconds gap behind the car in front, you are a minority.

Now are you talking driving or riding? A minute ago you talking about swerving in and out of traffic on a bike with only 5 foot of clearance.

But yeah, even driving, I usually do follow the 2 second rule on the highway.

What I find funny about guys serving in and of traffic on their bikes is that when I'm behind them, I usually get to the light at the exit ramp the same time they do and I didn't risk an accident or a ticket.

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Well, you are probably one of VERY few. I drive over 48-50k miles a year and I am here to tell you that people aren't leaving 2 seconds minimum behind the car in front. Behind? Maybe. But, there are even signs posted to make sure people aren't cutting in so soon...

But, if you drive with at minimal 2-3 seconds gap behind the car in front, you are a minority.

I leave a gap in front more times than I don't. I also try to get over, or let someone by that is riding my tail, unless I can speed up enough and not be dangerous, or go too much over the speed limit. It's not the track.

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Pulling into my neighborhood yesterday there were a pair of bikes sitting at the stop where I was turning left into. On dude on a mid 2000s gixxer 600 and a dude w/girlfriend mounted on back of a ZX9. The kid on the gixxer was in jeans, boots, t shirt, but helmet. The pair on the 9...she's in a tanktop, shorts, and sandals, the squid pilot in shorts, t-shirt and sneaks. Before could say it myself, my 9 year old son blurted out "Get a helmet on, squid!" Guess I am beginning to rub off on Junior.

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Well, you are probably one of VERY few. I drive over 48-50k miles a year and I am here to tell you that people aren't leaving 2 seconds minimum behind the car in front. Behind? Maybe. But, there are even signs posted to make sure people aren't cutting in so soon...

But, if you drive with at minimal 2-3 seconds gap behind the car in front, you are a minority.

70mph equals 106 ft. Per second. 2 seconds covers 212 feet. Five feet could get ugly quick.

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What I find funny about guys serving in and of traffic on their bikes is that when I'm behind them, I usually get to the light at the exit ramp the same time they do and I didn't risk an accident or a ticket.

^^^ This. Had this happen yesterday in the cage with another cage. I was then slowed down through a curve by them. I did the right thing and just kept my distance.

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Pulling into my neighborhood yesterday there were a pair of bikes sitting at the stop where I was turning left into. On dude on a mid 2000s gixxer 600 and a dude w/girlfriend mounted on back of a ZX9. The kid on the gixxer was in jeans, boots, t shirt, but helmet. The pair on the 9...she's in a tanktop, shorts, and sandals, the squid pilot in shorts, t-shirt and sneaks. Before could say it myself, my 9 year old son blurted out "Get a helmet on, squid!" Guess I am beginning to rub off on Junior.

:lol: My daughter is ALWAYS doing that

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Now are you talking driving or riding? A minute ago you talking about swerving in and out of traffic on a bike with only 5 foot of clearance.

But yeah, even driving, I usually do follow the 2 second rule on the highway.

What I find funny about guys serving in and of traffic on their bikes is that when I'm behind them, I usually get to the light at the exit ramp the same time they do and I didn't risk an accident or a ticket.

Either. 2-3 seconds is what you are told in driving school. Nobody does that. Car or bike...

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Wow..... And when was the last time you rode with Ben?? Dude your not always right and Ben is not always right but quit the bitch fit when someone doesn't agree with you!

Lane splitting and following within a car's distance in front of you are different things, but the lane splitting is VERY, VERY close. I think lane splitting is crazy and to do it on freeways and everything, out here, following closely and in and out of traffic like described is child's play in comparison...

Also, not sure where we were disagreeing... I was asking what he did as a rider and driver. I was called an idiot...

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Always. Everyone. Never.

You'd be wrong.

I'm constantly counting off. It helps keep my head in the game.

Again, after so many miles of freeway driving, I see what the average driver does and they aren't 2-3 seconds back...

Again, if you do, that's great and something I wish everyone did. But, truth be told, on average, they are not...

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Either. 2-3 seconds is what you are told in driving school. Nobody does that. Car or bike...

That my friend, is an assumption, and you can assume you are wrong.

Do most people break the rule on occasion? Probably. Do all people break the rule? No.

Don't think that just because you do everyone does. Remember, you are cool, we are not. Being the awesome person you are is what separates you from the rest of us lame folks and what makes you cool. ;)

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That my friend, is an assumption, and you can assume you are wrong.

Do most people break the rule on occasion? Probably. Do all people break the rule? No.

Don't think that just because you do everyone does. Remember, you are cool, we are not. Being the awesome person you are is what separates you from the rest of us lame folks and what makes you cool. ;)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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So... Do you? Reason I ask is that I know you don't. Anyone on here that says they do every damn time is lying.

All I am saying is that you sit here and preach about this type of thing and yet, how many threads are there where guys are talking about making laps around 270? Running flat out speeds out on the road?

If you are an advocate for safety, what's the change?

You have no idea how I ride. You've never ridden with me. And by your posts in this thread alone, I will never ride with you. I enjoy my life. I always leave plenty of room when changing lanes regardless of being in a cage or on the bike. I NEVER tailgate on the bike. That's idiotic, especially on the freeway. Twice now I've had the car behind me hit the car in front of me on 70. The only reason I wasn't sandwiched in between both times was because I gave myself enough distance and time I was able to swerve over to the shoulder. Have I made mistakes? Sure. I've had cars/bikes in my blind spot before. But never an accident, and it was a mistake. Have a sped? Fuck yeah. Have I ever denied that? Nope. But I don't speed in rush hour traffic on 270 within 5' of the car in front of me changing lanes with less than a car length between. And loops around 270? I think you might be mistaken.
Ben always uses the damn track side of things when I chime in. Apparently, I never ride street nor do I have any street experience...

The comment was directed to Ben to say that while I agree a car length is close, it isn't anything out of the norm that we've all done. It's not just a damn track deal and IF we were on track, we get a LOT closer than a car length...

So, while I am still cooler than most, that's not the point...

I never get into your online bitch fests. I avoid them. There's no way you can say I always use the damn track side of things against you. This one is simply unavoidable. You're calling me out on safety, yet you're saying it's perfectly acceptable to tailgate and that one car length between cars is perfectly okay for a lane change. Go get a measuring tape. I think your perception of distances may be off. My VStrom is 90.4" long. That's over 7 and a half feet. One car length (mid-size, Camry/Accord ish) is what, roughly 15 feet? So that'd leave somewhere around 3.75 feet between my front tire and the car in front, and my rear tire and the car behind. Make that car length a Civic, and you're down to less than 2 and a third feet in front and behind. No way. Especially not on the freeway during a commute.
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