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should i bump to "I"


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i have been riding B group this all this summer, and im wondering if i should bump to I group. i can hold my line well, i jsut dont think im fast enough yet.

anyone care to give me there suggestion...

here is video from my last track day

its a few different sessions compiled into one video i just took the laps i didnt get held up and put them in the video. first few laps are my slow laps.


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i think if you're talking NESBA, you'll want to get with an instructor the next time you're out and ask them if you should bump up. for other orgs, usually if the novice and/or intermediate group isn't stuffed to the gills, they're good about letting you go up/down. so if you're feeling brave, you can sign up for an intermediate day and if you feel you're in over your head, or you're getting lapped by multiple people, you can bump down (or vice versa).

Not sure if you've done a track day with any other org, but novice is usually instructional, so you have classes and are riding in groups with your instructor.

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ive ridden with STT as well.. and B group there is to slow for me

but Nesba's B group moves pretty good. i just get held up sometimes by slower guys and i cant really get a good "full" session out of it.

if i bumped to I in Nesba then id probably be getting lapped like crazy

i used the instructors quite a few times with Nesba, but lately the last 2 times i went there was so many B riders and so little control riders it was hard to get one. so i just kind of did my own thing and worked on the things i needed to.

i still would follow a control rider (even if i was behind 2 or 3 other people that were behind a CR) the first session or 2 of the day to refresh me on my lines. after that i just kind of did the work on my own

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oh ok. if it's STT and other orgs you are talking about, and you've done their novice days, and the "fast" group was too slow for you, then it sounds like you might wanna give intermediate a try.

if you do, just grab an instructor right after riders meeting and get a tow around. i try to harass as many instructors as possible.

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oh ok. if it's STT and other orgs you are talking about, and you've done their novice days, and the "fast" group was too slow for you, then it sounds like you might wanna give intermediate a try.

if you do, just grab an instructor right after riders meeting and get a tow around. i try to harass as many instructors as possible.

and you do a damn good job at harassing them

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I always assumed b and intermediate are the same thing.

a being advanced/race group

b being intermediate. above average street riders with some track experience

and c being beginners average to slow street riders with no track experience

I'm in the same boat as you. I decided to get in the advanced racer group and I was keeping pace with 80% of the other guys. it's still a track day. the pace isn't anywhere near a race pace. I can tell by your video you'll be just fine. but expect the unexpected pass. since this group is pretty much no rules on passing.

oh and nice sig. lol.

Edited by serpentracer
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the group names are so pointless... I spent 12+ trackdays in NESBA's "beginner" group. It's only relative to NESBA's intermediate and advanced groups; not relative to any other trackday org's groups, and really a poor name for people who have been there a while.

I would say Hoblick is fine to ride "I" with STT, "open" with Fasttrax.

For NESBA, they will want to see you ride consistently, courteously, and predictably, navigating through slower traffic with ease, and NOT breaking any of the passing rules. When I got bumped to Intermediate, the lead CR specifically complimented me on backing off a couple of times and waiting to make a cleaner pass. Safety is the highest priority. Speed is secondary.

As Brian pointed out, NESBA staff decides when you are moved to intermediate, but if you line up at the front of the faster line (different sides at different tracks), you'll go out right behind a control rider, and they should give you some feedback or move you up.

I would not ask to be bumped, but rather tell them "I feel like I'm riding pretty consistently, and I just need some feedback on what I need to improve to get better."

It's a psychological thing - instructors in any activity are more receptive to helping people than simply granting requests because you asked. Subconsciously, the implication of asking to be moved up is that you think they've been negligent in not doing so already. Trust me, ask where you can improve.

NESBA can be a tough nut to crack, because they will also usually want to see you ride at more than one track. Because you can't change groups at will with NESBA, the control riders want to be confident that you can ride an "I" pace at Putnam, but also be up to "I" pace at BeaveRun within a few sessions.

As noted, I did about 12 days in NESBA's "B" group, almost all of them at BeaveRun. I was bumped to Intermediate the first time I rode Nelson Ledges with NESBA.

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nesba is tuff .last weekend i ride at putnam with them in I.i lap everybody every session some riders twice and they still not let me ride in A.

what tracks do you ride with NESBA? They won't say it, but especially for "A" group, they'll want to see you ride an Advanced pace at more than one track.

Ohio guys get kind of screwed because of their region setup. I ride Putnam and BeaveRun with NESBA. Different groups of control riders, so none see me at multiple tracks.

IMHO, anyone in the teens at Putnam ought to be in "A," but obviously it's not my call. I lap a lot of people in "I" group too.

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For NESBA, they will want to see you ride consistently, courteously, and predictably, navigating through slower traffic with ease, and NOT breaking any of the passing rules. When I got bumped to Intermediate, the lead CR specifically complimented me on backing off a couple of times and waiting to make a cleaner pass. Safety is the highest priority. Speed is secondary.

i dont pass unless i can make a clean pass, unlike alot of people in B group who just dont care and want to get around the track as fast as they possibly can no matter what.

that kind of pisses me off.. i mean if i know im gonna get passed, ill back off so that person can complete there pass a little easier, and when i pass i make sure i have the room to make a clear pass and not put the slower rider in a panic or danger.

its a track day its not a race, we are there to learn

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Left line in nesba is the slow line
the faster line (different sides at different tracks

Tell those Midwest guys to RTFM. :D


When lining up to start your session, we stage in two lanes. The left lane

is “lane one.” This lane will be the first lane to enter the track and will

consist of the faster riders in the group. The right lane is “lane two.” This

lane is the second and last lane to enter the track. It is generally for those

new to the track or wanting to ride toward the rear of the group. Control

Riders will be staged to the far left of the track and dispatched into the

group. Anyone wishing to be evaluated to move up in class should

stage in the front of lane one. Control Riders will notice you here and

if they feel your riding is smooth, consistant, and courteous, they will

approach you to upgrade to the next riding group.

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Nesba is

B is beginner

I is for Intermediate

A is for Advanced

that makes perfect sense to use the first letter of the word.

I do remember that from the day I did with them. but it's just common sense to me that I is intermediate. and for riders that have done a few track days and can pace fast enough.

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