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Israel Has '8 Days' To Strike Iran


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russia has always disliked us. they have just been downtrodden since the end of the cold war. bible says in revelations "the big bear from the north will rise again." and when they do its probably all over. yes, israel or the u.s. needs to bomb that plant in like 3 minutes from now.

yep, whenever I want to get a barometer on historical events, the bible's the first book I turn to. Totally historically accurate, and it's predictions for the future are always spot-on.

Riddle me this, why is it that just us and our friends should be the only ones to have access to nuclear power? We don't seem to have a problem with India having it, or Pakistan even and they are a Islamic (omg, mooslems! and a unstable and corrupt government to boot!) state.

But hey, if Israel wants to thump the Torah and declare that Iran can't have nuclear power (even though they themselves are in talks to build a nuclear power plant), I really hope that this country stays the hell out of it. They won't, of course, but I would love to see it happen.

If you can answer this question WITHOUT being xenophobic AT ALL, I'll personally deliver to you a free puppy. no one can argue with a puppy. :)

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yep, whenever I want to get a barometer on historical events, the bible's the first book I turn to. Totally historically accurate, and it's predictions for the future are always spot-on.

Riddle me this, why is it that just us and our friends should be the only ones to have access to nuclear power? We don't seem to have a problem with India having it, or Pakistan even and they are a Islamic (omg, mooslems! and a unstable and corrupt government to boot!) state.

But hey, if Israel wants to thump the Torah and declare that Iran can't have nuclear power (even though they themselves are in talks to build a nuclear power plant), I really hope that this country stays the hell out of it. They won't, of course, but I would love to see it happen.

If you can answer this question WITHOUT being xenophobic AT ALL, I'll personally deliver to you a free puppy. no one can argue with a puppy. :)

if i answer the question in a non-xenophobic manner, would i be eligible for the puppy? i'm fresh out.

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i dont know cheech. i dont watch much news and not well versed on the goings on in the world. and not that smart either, lol. sure u would agree with that. i do know those folks in the middle east have been fighting forever, and when we pull out of iraq all hell will break lose again.

Thanks for your candor. You can improve your situation by putting down the mainstream American news (CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX, which by and large exist purely for entertainment and ratings value) and embrace truly objective news sources like the BBC. Start reading, doing a little research, and you'll begin to get a better, non bullshit-crowded picture of the world in no time.

You are correct in that the ME has been in pretty much a perpetual state of conflict for the past, oh, 100 years or so. Seeing as a lot of that is religiously based, I don't see us changing that anytime soon. I do know, as you pointed out, that nature abhors a vacuum and that's essentially what we're creating leaving this puppet government in charge in Iraq. Look how well it worked for Afghanistan.

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Thanks for your candor. You can improve your situation by putting down the mainstream American news (CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX, which by and large exist purely for entertainment and ratings value) and embrace truly objective news sources like the BBC. Start reading, doing a little research, and you'll begin to get a better, non bullshit-crowded picture of the world in no time.

You are correct in that the ME has been in pretty much a perpetual state of conflict for the past, oh, 100 years or so. Seeing as a lot of that is religiously based, I don't see us changing that anytime soon. I do know, as you pointed out, that nature abhors a vacuum and that's essentially what we're creating leaving this puppet government in charge in Iraq. Look how well it worked for Afghanistan.

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yep, whenever I want to get a barometer on historical events, the bible's the first book I turn to. Totally historically accurate, and it's predictions for the future are always spot-on.

Riddle me this, why is it that just us and our friends should be the only ones to have access to nuclear power? We don't seem to have a problem with India having it, or Pakistan even and they are a Islamic (omg, mooslems! and a unstable and corrupt government to boot!) state.

But hey, if Israel wants to thump the Torah and declare that Iran can't have nuclear power (even though they themselves are in talks to build a nuclear power plant), I really hope that this country stays the hell out of it. They won't, of course, but I would love to see it happen.

If you can answer this question WITHOUT being xenophobic AT ALL, I'll personally deliver to you a free puppy. no one can argue with a puppy. :)

Because they're the only infidels within range, someone decided to give them the holy land, and ajmajedenagenerhaburat is nuts? Do I win? Oh, and I am in no way escared of xylophones.

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The Persians are a crazy bunch...but they aren't stupid. I agree with their right to nuclear power. But I also believe their goal is to be at least on the same footing militarily as Israel and the US. That's just human nature. I don't think they are stupid enough to drop a bomb on Israel. Additionally, if they provided a third party with a weapon, it would be quickly traced back to them. That's the only scenario I see in play when it comes to Iran using nukes...via a third proxy party....but the costs outweigh the gains in my mind.

Taking this nuke plant out or bombing Iran won't stop them. They've already devised their research and designed their facilities to be functional in case of an air strike. Like I said...they aren't stupid. The only way you could stop them would entail troops on the ground. Not gonna happen.

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You'all missed it, Russia made the surprise announcement two days ago, which gave 10 days for an air strike. Oddly, so far no one cares. That's the mystery. What do they know that we don't? Is this a fake? Is the air strike already a done deal? Is it the quiet before the storm? Or is the concept of hitting just one of 8 to 15 Iranian breeder reactors under construction, just out of the question? Exactly why does Iran need that many breeder reactors? Which is three to five times more breeder reactors than any other country? And why does all but three of the first ones, need to be buried deep under mountains in secrecy? This won't get any better till it's done and over with, one way or the other.

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