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iPhone users: App question


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Me & the wife (F4iBunny) just ordered our iPhone 4's today.

Anyone got any "super great" "cant miss out on" apps or good app sites?

I was told Angry Birds was good (played it & it was kind of fun).

Does not have to be games but good free or cheap apps to mess about with waste time etc.

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jail break available yet? if so do it.... where, facebook, weather channel, chase bank, navigon, weather bug elite, i heart radio, espn, cnn, tap tap nirvana ,ihook , cydia winterboard, installous, flick fishing is ok, paper toss, i mario, i-gun ultimate, wififofum, 5-0 radio police scanner, scan & shop, scanner 911, fishing kings, angry birds,cod black ops guide, karting,swift shooter,free wifi, ikamasutra, ebay mobile, webers on the grill, etc etc etc..

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jailbreak is always available at some point. its just a cat and mouse game between the jailbreakers and apple.

apple just released the 4.0.2 update to cover teh pdf exploit of the last jailbreak. i dont think a new one will be out til mid september.

but yes jailbreaking is a must

edit: forgot to answer the question-- here are my list of favorite apps:


slacker radio


usa today





documents to go - view and print documents from your iphone

usaa - i can take pictures of my paychecks and its automatically deposited into my account


around me






redlaser - take pics of barcode and see if its cheaper somewhere else

nfs shift

the best part of the apps are teh remotes:

wifi printing

itunes remote

keynote remote

vlc remote

air mouse remote

u verse tv - control my tv as a remote control if you have uverse

Edited by natedogg624
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^ yes netflix and i found a game that i totally was addicted to.

Paper Toss. super simple but extremely addicting!

there are a shit ton of apps, just start searching. there are a lot of free ones incase you cant get it jail broke till the new one comes out. Just enjoy it. :)

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