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California MC noise law


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Yup, it finally passed. It only needs the Govenator to sign it. I'd expect other states to try something similar. There are already laws for noise, but this is an EPA law, requiring the EPA sticker on the muffler can. That makes it easier to enforce without using the decibel meter test stuff. At a previous go around, it had been considered to make the stock muffler system mandatory. That's pretty close to what this does.

The Mercury News

Lawmakers pass bill to quiet motorcycles

By Robin Hindery

Associated Press

Posted: 08/30/2010 03:57:11 PM PDT

Updated: 08/30/2010 03:57:12 PM PDT

SACRAMENTO -- ...The bill makes it a crime to operate a motorcycle manufactured after Jan. 1, 2013, that fails to meet federal noise-emission control standards...

Considering how many motorcycles are running modified cans or pipes, this is a huge change. Edited by ReconRat
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I wonder how this will impact the mototcycle gangs?

Two thoughts, most will give a finger to the law and secondly they represent the mindset of the primary offenders that brought this down on everyone, so fuck them and the obnoxious shitboxes they ride. Oh, and fuck Californistan while we're at it, where all overreaching and shitty legislation gets its start.

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I've lost my cool on laws like this before. Silver Lake sand dunes in Michigan. It's state run and you arent allowed in if your exhaust is over 95ish decibels. My YZF400 came in at around 102 or so with aftermarket pipe. At idle i was fine but they kept having me run the rpm's up until they told me i was to loud. All the while trucks are going around me sounding like top fuel dragsters. At that point i lost it. Gave the ranger and the 2 chicks runnin the booth some paddle tire roost. Also hit'em with the rev limiter Ba bababbabababa! Yeah F you guys! Then karma got me. In my fit of rage I let off the throttle figuring it would snap shut like usual and let out the clutch. But the thottle stayed pinned and i looped it out right in the parking lot. Now im really pissed because now i look like even more of a tool with blood pouring out of my mouth cuz i bit my tongue and cheek on the way down.

So now the point of the story is i dont want to have to act like an idiot in my home town if something like this speads to Ohio.

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I'm glad my bike was made before Jan. 1, 2013.

Yeah, so this won't even go into effect for over 2 years, and will only effect people with brand new bikes. That's something that a lot of people may have to worry about, but I won't be getting a brand new bike any time soon.

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Oh, and fuck Californistan while we're at it, where all overreaching and shitty legislation gets its start.

Ditto to that - I call it the Californication of America. Lots of bleeding heart idiots looking for a handout. Only there could they build a 500 million dollar Taj Mahal public school in the dead middle of the crappy part of L.A, and then issues California bonds to pay for it. Guess what CA still has to pay that money that they dont have. What are they going to do raise taxes? The state is the worst fiscally in the nation. Too many of them can't fathom a logical argument and think way too simular to this freak of a dumbshit chick... (think Pelosi)


Edited by mello dude
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Ditto to that - I call it the Californication of America. Lots of bleeding heart idiots looking for a handout. Only there could they build a 500 million dollar Taj Mahal public school in the dead middle of the crappy part of L.A, and then issues California bonds to pay for it. Guess what CA still has to pay that money that they dont have. What are they going to do raise taxes? The state is the worst fiscally in the nation. Too many of them can't fathom a logical argument and think way too simular to this freak of a dumbshit chick... (think Pelosi)

If CA was going to use these violations to raise more funds, they might as well institute the "failure to control" violation like they do here in OH. I was one of the lucky ones to earn it when I faceplanted on US-23 last year and had to pay $125 to the state for making a 6 in. gouge on the road with my frame slider. With how many accidents I used to see in the morning, it *might* make a dent in things.

Sadly enough, I used to teach for the school district that built said Taj Mahal public school. It's also the same one that hired a retired Navy admiral that never taught in a classroom and then pay him $300k a year with a car and a mortgage stipend to blow hot air out of his ass and do nothing. That school would've greatly benefited an area where parents actually give a damn about their kids and don't dump them to us teachers to babysit them for 8 hours a day. You can't throw money at education and expect it to improve. :nono:

I'm tempted to start teaching again out here. Maybe my view on education will improve with time.

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Laws like this make you wonder..... How pissed off was the person that decided to make this a law. Cali already has enough f-ing laws to deal with and this ridiculous law fits right their on the top. I mean I can see their point with harley's being obnoxiously too loud and some sport bike riders mashing the throttle at take off's on the street.

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Ditto to that - I call it the Californication of America. Lots of bleeding heart idiots looking for a handout. Only there could they build a 500 million dollar Taj Mahal public school in the dead middle of the crappy part of L.A, and then issues California bonds to pay for it. Guess what CA still has to pay that money that they dont have. What are they going to do raise taxes? The state is the worst fiscally in the nation. Too many of them can't fathom a logical argument and think way too simular to this freak of a dumbshit chick... (think Pelosi)

YouTube- City Council Fail

Is it just me? Or, was that chick in the video talking out her ass?!?

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I could not care less about this. Frankly, loud exhausts on any vehicle are annoying.

there is no need for any rider to have an obnoxiously loud pipe on his or her bike. It's not like modern sportbikes are down on power from the factory. I understand that less restrictive exhaust can free up a few more horsepower, but how many people; especially those on sportbikes, are really using all 100-160 hp their bike already puts to the wheel?

complete non-issue as far as i'm concerned. If anything, I'm happy it'll cut down on the HD "fags."

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  • 3 weeks later...

The govenator signed it...


Motorcyclists who tamper with their vehicle's emissions equipment to increase noise can be cited under legislation signed Tuesday by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Schwarzenegger, a motorcyclist himself, signed Senate Bill 435 to authorize state enforcement of a federal requirement that motorcycles display a label showing they meet noise limits.

The law applies to motorcycles or exhaust systems manufactured after Jan. 1, 2013. First-time offenders may be fined $50 to $100, which a judge may dismiss with proof of correction.

– Jim Sanders, Bee Capitol Bureau

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:wtf: ---Oh how I hate the do gooder idiot CA politicians, what starts out there eventually drifts west. Assholes!

FAIL.... drifts west? Do you mean east?? :dunno: or do they drift across the pond all the way around the earth before hitting the east coast and work its way back to CA??? just sayin:p

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FAIL.... drifts west? Do you mean east?? :dunno: or do they drift across the pond all the way around the earth before hitting the east coast and work its way back to CA??? just sayin:p

China has gone green and renewable(ish). Maybe it does go west first.

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