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Girl throws live puppies into the river... WTF?


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4chan can make your life miserable on soooo many levels, but its unbelievable what they can do with a youtube video and like 30 mins. before you know it you're fucked. you must respect the power of 4chan. its truly unreal. its awesome when they use their powers to put pieces of shit like that in their place. that and the whole Scientology thing.


How does it make your life miserable, by finding your personal info for fucked up people like the girl in this video?

Otherwise, what else can it do. I'm for real interested.

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It's basically like a hive of internet nerds that use their collective skills like army ants. They're pretty unstoppable when the hive decides they want to do something.

But usually that something involves making fun of people for lulz (typically they deserve it, but once 4chan get involves it goes well above and beyond normal cruel). A more recent example: Jessi Slaughter

Once involved in 4chans web -- "the consequences will never be the same"

Or, in some case like this puppy thing, they'll ferret out information and let the snowball roll from there.

Bottom line: You get in 4chans crosshairs -- it typically doesn't end well for you. You just have to hope they move on to something else and quit picking on you.

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It's basically like a hive of internet nerds that use their collective skills like army ants. They're pretty unstoppable when the hive decides they want to do something.

But usually that something involves making fun of people for lulz (typically they deserve it, but once 4chan get involves it goes well above and beyond normal cruel). A more recent example: Jessi Slaughter

Once involved in 4chans web -- "the consequences will never be the same"

Or, in some case like this puppy thing, they'll ferret out information and let the snowball roll from there.

Bottom line: You get in 4chans crosshairs -- it typically doesn't end well for you. You just have to hope they move on to something else and quit picking on you.

when they altered that time magazine 100 most influential people poll it was pretty epic

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They also tracked down the Lithuanian asshole that threw a dog off a bridge.


Don't watch the vid unless you have a strong stomach.

The death that I would give that motherfucker can't be described with words...he'd be wishing I'd just throw him off a bridge...


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I was never a "dog person" until I owned one, but honestly over breeding of dogs pisses me off just as much as this bitch throwing puppies into a river.

think about that next time someone tells you they're buying from a breeder. Some people who claim to love dogs do some pretty shitty things to the species...

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I think that any time there's a conflict between treating animals ethically and making a profit, the animals get screwed.

I believe the same situations are tolerated far less often with humans. It's not that I think it's ok when a mother leaves her child in a dumpster; I wouldn't dream of minimizing the cruelty that entails, but I think it's shitty for people to be selfish a-holes in any situation, and it happens a lot more often with puppies than infants.

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