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2nd near miss in 2 weeks- school bus


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I was on the other end of my road (very narrow country back road) on my way to work this morning. The road is so narrow that you have to pull into the grass to let another car pass. There is never any traffic on it, so I was going 50-55mph. The road bends to the left and then back right. It's heavily wooded, so I didn't have any idea there was a school bus taking up the entire road as I came around the bend to the left. The bus was also hauling ass, so I had very little time to do anything. Got on the brakes hard and the rear end stepped out... bus is still dead center of the road- not an inch of pavement for me to go around, so I headed for the ditch. Thank God there was nothing laying in the ditch, and that I was on the V-strom and not the Triumph. I was able to get into the ditch around the bus, and then back up onto the road. Happened so fast it didn't even really have time to rattle me... didn't even stop- just kept on my way to work. I have some weeds caught in part of the bike, but otherwise it looks no worse for the experience. I hope this is the end of my near misses for the season.

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Isn't a "near miss" a hit?


near miss • n. 1. a narrowly avoided collision, esp. between two aircraft. something narrowly avoided; a lucky escape: she had a near miss when her horse was nearly sucked into a dike. 2. a bomb or shot that just misses its target. something almost achieved: a victory in Houston and a near miss in the semifinals of the French Open.

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If it was me...I'd slow down...I'm just sayin...


Small road not wide enough for two cars to pass while staying on the tarmac? BTDT - in my cage. Three cops and two ambulances later, I go around those corners VERY slow, regardless of how many wheels I have under me.

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YOu should call the schools transportation services and complain about the drive on that road. They know the routes and who was driving. There is no excuse for that! :-(

I've thought about it. They just don't get over, even for cars. My wife gripes that they often make her go halfway in the ditch with her car. Then again, if I wasn't riding like an asshole, it wouldn't have been so close, so I'll call it even. I don't like to gripe anyway... well, except to you people. :D

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