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Elbow Surgery


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had elbow surgery tues. they repaired a tare on the medial epicondile & on the lateral side they scoped it and found evidence of a broken elbow from 3 years ago. the cartilage was all fucked up and they said it was bare. the surgery sucked but im doing ok thanks to 90 vicodin 750s with 2 refils

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glad it worked out man...hopefully you get lucky and it helps...usually surgery will not fix tennis elbow, it will come back...but since yours was due to a broken elbow, you may be alright

my tennis elbow is flared up today :( fucking sucks hardcore...off to search for those stupid Band-It things

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glad it worked out man...hopefully you get lucky and it helps...usually surgery will not fix tennis elbow, it will come back...but since yours was due to a broken elbow, you may be alright

my tennis elbow is flared up today :( fucking sucks hardcore...off to search for those stupid Band-It things

You dont look like much of a tennis player. :D

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Glad you're doing okay. Did you not know that you broke your elbow 3 years ago?
lol nope... i think he meant a hairline break but ill see the dr fri
Glad it went ok for you. :)
thanks! did you and matt get everything you needed from summit?
glad it worked out man...hopefully you get lucky and it helps...usually surgery will not fix tennis elbow, it will come back...but since yours was due to a broken elbow, you may be alright

my tennis elbow is flared up today :( fucking sucks hardcore...off to search for those stupid Band-It things

man i hope so, sorry to hear your having a flare up. have you tried massage therapy?
Glad you are holding up ok.
thanks man!
Good to hear you're healing up.
thanks! trade a doobie for some beans! lol just kidding!
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