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Except most scientists didn't believe the world was flat and even the ones who did were smart enough to realize evidence suggested otherwise.

Well, to be technical, nobody ever believed the world was flat. They believed it was a dome shape. And it was heavily disputed until Magellan sailed around the globe. That was proof that it was round. Yet still some today say the earth isn't a sphere. FYI.

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Well, to be technical, nobody ever believed the world was flat. They believed it was a dome shape. And it was heavily disputed until Magellan sailed around the globe. That was proof that it was round. Yet still some today say the earth isn't a sphere. FYI.

and to be even more technical it is not a sphere but an oblong spheroid :D

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Calling me naive doesn't make you right. I have read the Bible. I'm a fairly religious person. I am Christian. I don't go to church, but I do believe in God and pray. Imagine for a minute if Allah is God. Look at Moses, Mohammed, and Jesus. Now read stories from the Bible and stories from the Koran. You'll notice a lot more than one or two similarities. It goes on through all holy texts. I've actually written a few papers about this. It's my belief that there is one God, and every religion is a derivative. Each religion says it's the only right one. Now, you can call me naive all you want. You can believe in anything you want. That's the beauty of free will. I've already stated that it was my opinion.

The point I was trying to make is that, while you can believe whatever you want (free will and all) the Bible makes claims about it's authority and specific claims about who is God, and specifically says that Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life. Just because you want to believe in the "all paths lead to God" idea, doesn't mean the Bible will back up your claim. My comment was about the idea you presented not having any basis in reality concerning what the Bible has to say. If you are going to use it as a reference to base your idea on, then you have to deal with this fact.

Consider these verses:

Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."

Seems pretty exclusive... doesn't leave any room for any other path.

If we're going to talk about this, lets talk about it logically, based on facts rather than your opinion or my opinion.

It would be really nice to believe that all paths lead to God. It leaves room for everyone to take their own road without all this debating about what is true and what isn't. But just like there are physical absolutes (every motorcyclist knows about them), there are spiritual absolutes. There is absolute truth. Saying all paths lead to God is like saying all roads lead to Detroit. In reality, there is a specific way to get there. It's just plain common sense. So, either you believe in Jesus Christ as being the cure for the human flawed condition, and our separation from God as the result of that condition, as the Bible claims he is (and as He claimed he is) or you don't. If you hold him up as just a prophet and not being God come in the flesh as He claimed to be, you are saying that he is either a liar, or a lunatic, because what kind of man makes a claim to be the only way, and equal to God, unless he is either crazy, a criminal, or... He is who He said He is. His claim to be God and the only way to eternal life force us to make a decision about his character. If you believe Him, you must exclude all other paths. If you don't, you must reject Him outright, because there is no middle ground.

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The point I was trying to make is that, while you can believe whatever you want (free will and all) the Bible makes claims about it's authority and specific claims about who is God, and specifically says that Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life. Just because you want to believe in the "all paths lead to God" idea, doesn't mean the Bible will back up your claim. My comment was about the idea you presented not having any basis in reality concerning what the Bible has to say. If you are going to use it as a reference to base your idea on, then you have to deal with this fact.

Consider these verses:

Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."

Seems pretty exclusive... doesn't leave any room for any other path.

If we're going to talk about this, lets talk about it logically, based on facts rather than your opinion or my opinion.

It would be really nice to believe that all paths lead to God. It leaves room for everyone to take their own road without all this debating about what is true and what isn't. But just like there are physical absolutes (every motorcyclist knows about them), there are spiritual absolutes. There is absolute truth. Saying all paths lead to God is like saying all roads lead to Detroit. In reality, there is a specific way to get there. It's just plain common sense. So, either you believe in Jesus Christ as being the cure for the human flawed condition, and our separation from God as the result of that condition, as the Bible claims he is (and as He claimed he is) or you don't. If you hold him up as just a prophet and not being God come in the flesh as He claimed to be, you are saying that he is either a liar, or a lunatic, because what kind of man makes a claim to be the only way, and equal to God, unless he is either crazy, a criminal, or... He is who He said He is. His claim to be God and the only way to eternal life force us to make a decision about his character. If you believe Him, you must exclude all other paths. If you don't, you must reject Him outright, because there is no middle ground.

hey, do retarded people go to hell because they can't understand the concept of "God" that you espouse?

cause that would just not be kewl

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hey, do retarded people go to hell because they can't understand the concept of "God" that you espouse?

cause that would just not be kewl

Don't forget you can't get into heaven without accepting Jesus as your savior and being baptized, so babies and small children go to hell. And your family dog that spent years by your side, hell.

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jbot, you have really put me in quite the conundrum. I truly want to comment, but I can't. I mean, I already know I'm going to Hell, but now I have to wonder if I get there and some retarded folks are there, what the hell did they do?!

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No, and I dare say they perhaps understand better than we ever can.

well, you must not be going to heaven then. don't look at me like that, i don't make the rules. a man who read the bible (one which has probably been revised, translated, revised again, added to, subtracted from, shit upon, etc) makes the rules.

Don't forget you can't get into heaven without accepting Jesus as your savior and being baptized, so babies and small children go to hell. And your family dog that spent years by your side, hell.

i like this rule. if people can't be bothered to at least bath once and practice ritual cannibalism once in a while, they ought to go to hell. we're not talking about disney world here, this is the big leagues.

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