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Christian Sport Bike Assoc October 16th Ride


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Remember everyone, we will not depart until 10:00 so no need to get there before 9:30. Pastor Dave will not be there again this morning so the church will not be open. If you need to use the restroom you will need to go to the Speedway at the corner.

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Just want to thank you all for letting bob and i tag along.It was a great time and a true test for my husky which i am thrilled with....It was a class act ride...And great meeting everyone (forgive me but im terrible with names)...If i dont get to ride with you all again this year be safe have a great winter....lol...and god bless you all...

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John waited, and waited, and waited..until i finally lifted my head up for that pic with me at the head of the table. I thought he gave up..but he is sneaky. Anyone ever notice, how when he is riding down the freeway, he likes to tap, tap, taptaptap, tap tap, taptaptap his hand on his leg to his music? (i'm assuming his music, or he is singing to himself?)

I made it the entire ride..and for most of the ride, it wasn't bad. Lunch time, was painful for me, and I never really was the same after lunch. All the pain was starting to overpower my meds..so then I had to take even more meds to compensate. A little bit after lunch..Whoooooaaaaa... yeah..I started to realize I really had too many meds in me, and slowed waaaay down.

I had a lot of fun though, and I really enjoyed the route. Excluding the traffic, (once it warmed it) it was great! Too bad Ebon missed it all! I once again, got confused this ride. (I know, it doesn't take much to do that.) Last ride, it was a certain person (who shall remain unnamed) on a GPS enabled Bandit, who missed the turn, and really baffled my GPS. This time, it was a certain fearless ride leader, also with a GPS enabled bike!! who missed a turn, and made my Australian chick voice navigator get upset, then go kinda crazy by missing the side roads to get me back to the normal route. HA!! good times!

Ebon, you sadly missed Two great future memories of today's ride, which might not Ever happen again! For the first time Ever (at least for me heh)...we had to actually wait on John! The first memorable moment, he taught us All an important lesson... We were waiting at an intersection for 5-10 minutes for a couple riders, talking, laughing, taking a quick break. Then we all get ready to take off again. Suddenly one of those Kodak moments occur..or was it a GoPro moment? Yeah..we all watched, waited, maybe even pointed and laughed, as John taught us to Always make sure your camera batteries are fresh Before the ride! Dead batteries just don't work well for some reason? Thank you very much for that lesson Sensei

The second great memory, might have been the best part of the entire day for me.. drugged up and all...I managed to actually Pass Everyone, and then waited for them all at the next turn like I was supposed to. Sure...they might have been stuck in traffic....but that's just a minor detail. I passed everyone at once!!, and that's all I will remember.

Thank You John, for a great year. I accomplished my goal of making it to every ride this year, and getting home accident free each time! I had to leave early on a couple of them, but I at least started every ride. Might not sound like a big accomplishment, but for me, it is huge. Thanks for all the fun, great times, and great memories. Yeah, there are a couple mishaps that also stick out in my mind, but for the most part..just Great rides, with Awesome people! Hope all you front runners, didn't get tired of waiting on me this year. If you did..well, Tough!

Thanks Again John! I can't wait till next year!


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Turns out it was not dead batteries but where it was mounted it vibrated too much as caused a bad connection with the batteries. As soon as I missed the turn I briefly considered turning back but since I knew we could end up at the same place by going a little further I figured I would keep going. I figured you were going to bring up the moment when we stopped at the first gas station and I took off running to go to the restroom. I was about to wet myself, could not concentrate on anything but having to pee so I had to stop. Made a mental note to not drink so much water for breakfast next time.

The sad part of Ebon missing the ride was it was his route and he even picked the lunch stop which was very good by the way as well as cheap and relatively quick for as many as we had with only one server.

Ben, I really appreciated you making every ride. With the issues that you are dealing with that is saying something. I am looking forward to next year and hopefully some gatherings over the winter months just to keep the bench racing going.

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Ben your a trooper

trooper is often confused with stupidity! don't give me credit..I shouldn't have been out there. Before lunch, maybe..after lunch no. You should see what my foot looked like when I got home. Quoting a certain leader's reply text.. "That's ugly" nothing else..just that. It actually made me laugh

At least I can handle my meds pretty well, but someone probably should have slapped me


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I figured you were going to bring up the moment when we stopped at the first gas station and I took off running to go to the restroom. I was about to wet myself, could not concentrate on anything but having to pee so I had to stop. Made a mental note to not drink so much water for breakfast next time.

The sad part of Ebon missing the ride was it was his route and he even picked the lunch stop which was very good by the way as well as cheap and relatively quick for as many as we had with only one server.

I went across the street to the other gas station since I didn't feel like waiting. I missed the full leathers and boots sprint to the restroom. I never even knew about it until now. I can't believe I missed that!

Yeah..Ebon's route, and lunch place..and he missed it all. Poor guy

my pleasure making the rides..simply wish I felt better. Still working on getting those Good drugs I had a couple months back. Insurance won't pay for the meds, drug company won't help me because I have insurance. That doesn't make sense to me. My favorite nurse called the drug company and explained my situation to them. They are supposed to talk to my insurance and see if they can get them to cover it. They make money if they can convince them, so maybe they will actually try! I dunno, I just know I really wish I had those ones. They worked pretty much perfectly, with only side effect of making me thirsty. I can handle that. Kidney stone history makes me drink lots anyways. Maybe by Next years rides, I will have those meds!


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trooper is often confused with stupidity! don't give me credit..I shouldn't have been out there. Before lunch, maybe..after lunch no. You should see what my foot looked like when I got home. Quoting a certain leader's reply text.. "That's ugly" nothing else..just that. It actually made me laugh

At least I can handle my meds pretty well, but someone probably should have slapped me


Hey your doing something you enjoy so that's all that matters. And I'm sure there is a lot of riders that are glad you ride and look out for everyone.

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Hey your doing something you enjoy so that's all that matters. And I'm sure there is a lot of riders that are glad you ride and look out for everyone.

I am very happy Ben is out there. I always know when I see him everyone else is safe. If someone goes down he is always the first to notify me through my cell phone, thankfully I have my bluetooth headset playing my tunes so I can hear his call. :)

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Hey your doing something you enjoy so that's all that matters. And I'm sure there is a lot of riders that are glad you ride and look out for everyone.

I simply do what I can. I really do try to keep an eye out on those that I can see, and help Anyone, in any way I can.

I truly LOVE riding.. Going fast is fun, but I love riding at any speed. I even did a ride with all cruisers Last weekend, and still had a blast! I'm sure many can relate, that when you are on 2 wheels, nothing else matters. Not the pain/health problems, not the wife/gf (or lack of), not the mortgage, nothing. It's pretty much the only time that I ever feel even remotely close to being "normal" anymore. There is another reason, but yeah..I can't spill my entire life story in one thread!


you guys are going to make me blush! stop with the niceness towards me heh

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You missed a good ride and there were a couple motards on it as well, you would have fit right in if you would have brought the tard but I don't think you could have kept up with that Husky. That thing was fast and awesome looking as well.

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Figures, the wife make plans for the kids birthday on ride day and other sumos finally show up! I guess it wouldn't have mattered anyway because I was gonna ride the f4i I just picked so Id've missed out on the sumo fun anyway. :(

Those two need to head out this way with the sumo's.

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