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Winter is coming.

DTM Brian

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Anyone in here ride through winter?

I'm thinking about it this year. Ohio winters are pretty mild compared to where I grew up (New Hampshire), but can still be pretty cold. Every once in a while though, we have those 50 degree days when it would be nice to take a ride.

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i wouldn't say "through" winter. It's just too unpredictable.

my first year riding, I did a fair amount of winter rides, but now a lot more of my riding is commuting, so the gear needed to make a cold ride tolerable is more trouble than I have time for on weekday mornings.

My brother rides his bike from Columbus to Cleveland right before thanksgiving every year. He's never had to deal with snow on the ground until he got to my parents' street, but I know he's ridden through falling snow.

I've done that as well, but never for 50 miles at a time.

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Snowboarding is fun, pknpk has a great beginner program, but I prefer snowmobiles.

They can be had pretty cheap, too. I paid 400 for my 340 2 stroke, and it'll do 70 no problem.

+1. Winter = snowmobiling. Banging through the trails and ditches at an agressive pace or blasting across a lake or river at 120+ mph is hard to beat. Winter is what you make of it. Spend some money on some decent winter outdoor clothes and have some fun. Winter has been my favorite season since I was a kid.

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that is not proof of global warming lol

^This ..... They also had a colder than average summer out there this year. One hot day doesn't mean much. Plus, the earth has historically went through climate cycles.

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