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interesting read on loud exhaust


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sound is directional, how do people hear you coming when the exhaust is pointed to the rear?

bad argument

and false


you telling me you cant hear it until it goes by, because sound is directional and only being behind the pipes would be audible??

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When you hear a police siren, what do you do?

If you're like me, you're looking every goddamn direction trying to find the flashing lights, because the buildings around you make shit echo all over the place.

Loud pipes might alert me to the fact that a bike is somewhere in the are, but it doesn't make me any more likely to see it or avoid it in my car. Either you're paying attention to what's in front of you, or you're not.

Loud pipes annoy neighbors.

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I'm gonna have to say that I usually get annoyed by loud pipes. Especially on Harleys. I understand if it gets loud when you're at 8k rpm, but if your ears hurt around an idling engine, it needs something to shut it up.

Preferably something like common decency?

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I firmly believe in loud pipes save lives. Just like everything else there is a limit. I have vance and hines on my bike and it sounds good, not obnoxious not loud when I start it but loud enough to be heard while riding. Sound echo's off of everything so direction does not have much of an effect on this, of course it will be louder begind the bike but still heard in every direction.

As far as this specific article I completely disagree with them only because they are now making these bikes illegal due to sound but it is ok because they are police

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Both of those videos are poor examples and prove the point. They aren't THAT audible and don't become overly noticeable until they are already passing. Now put that camera in cage or helmet and see how much you can hear it. Not to mention it's often impossible to tell where the sound is coming from.

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bad argument

and false

you telling me you cant hear it until it goes by, because sound is directional and only being behind the pipes would be audible??

dude you just proved my point with that vid. you don't REALLY hear the car until as its passing and after. sure you can "hear" it because the video camera is focused on the object and out in open space. put the video camera with the microphone pointed opposite the oncoming cars direction (not pointed straight at it) inside a vehicle with the radio on and it's a completely different story.

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dude you just proved my point with that vid. you don't REALLY hear the car until as its passing and after. sure you can "hear" it because the video camera is focused on the object and out in open space. put the video camera with the microphone pointed opposite the oncoming cars direction (not pointed straight at it) inside a vehicle with the radio on and it's a completely different story.


I don't see how you are still arguing this. Right now, I am in my home, probably 200 feet from a very busy road. None of the cars' exhausts are "pointed" at me, and I am in a room insulated by multiple walls. I can still hear every vehicle that rolls by. Not just the loud mustangs or 190mph bikes(which I hope there aren't any...)

Sure, exhaust noise is loudest behind the vehicle, where it is being projected, but by the nature of compressional waves, which is how sound 'moves'; as soon as the air is pushed out of the muffler, waves are going in 360 degrees. Even back into the muffler...

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The only situation I can imagine when loud pipes would make a difference is here:

If I had louder pipes he could have heard me over his shoulder...

i have been in this spot before...heard bikes in my blind spot before i saw them (i look before changing lanes - i didnt merge on the guy, but did notice him by sound before i saw him)

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The only situation I can imagine when loud pipes would make a difference is here:

If I had louder pipes he could have heard me over his shoulder...

No it wouldn't have. That shit happens all the time no matter what vehicle you may be in, but what ever helps you justify whatever you might be compensating for.

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No it wouldn't have. That shit happens all the time no matter what vehicle you may be in, but what ever helps you justify whatever you might be compensating for.

:nono: What do you have to be a dick about it?

I'm not taking a stand on loud pipes. You won't see any post from me advocating either side. I'm just arguing that there ARE times when it could have helped. If there is a bike in your blind spot that is loud enough to hear then you're going to be aware of it's presence. Just like you won't notice every person in the movie theater, but you sure as hell notice the guy with the loud cellphone.

In my video the driver never saw me until my horn prompted him to check his shoudler. He responded to the sound of the horn. Now, if I had loud pipes and he heard those then would it have had the same effect as the horn?

My opinion, since you asked for it, is why not have an electrically operated exhaust cutout so you can be quiet when you need to be quiet and you can be loud when you are riding in a pack of cager and need to give them the benefit of perceiving you with an additional sense?

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I'm not too worried about the cagers hearing me coming because I stay out of their way & leave myself an out, should they do something stupid. I do know that since I installed my full system Yosh exhaust that every deer I've seen has been running away. This definitely wasn't the case with the stock system.

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at highway speeds, my shitbox neon's tire-noise is enough to drown out a HD unless it's in 4th gear at WOT. In that case, it's not going to be next to me for long.

loud pipes don't save lives; checking your blind-spot and not sitting in other people's blind spots saves lives.

ride like you're invisible. Being heard doesn't mean you're seen, or that people even care enough to look.

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Deer run away when they hear me coming on my bicycle... and yes I encounter them a ton when cycling in the mornings.

are you joking? I nearly hit a deer in the park last month while JOGGING.

i swear on my grandfather's grave that I got less than 10 feet from a deer on foot, and I was the only one getting scared.

I slowed to a stop to avoid (theoretically) chasing the deer back across the road and into the Lexus SUV that was rounding the bend. the deer barely even acknowledged me.

I've blasted the horn at deer, revved engines, and thrown things. Nothing scares those dumb fucks anymore.

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are you joking? I nearly hit a deer in the park last month while JOGGING.

i swear on my grandfather's grave that I got less than 10 feet from a deer on foot, and I was the only one getting scared.

I slowed to a stop to avoid (theoretically) chasing the deer back across the road and into the Lexus SUV that was rounding the bend. the deer barely even acknowledged me.

I've blasted the horn at deer, revved engines, and thrown things. Nothing scares those dumb fucks anymore.

gotta agree....my mustang with straight pipes wouldnt even scare them...had to come to a complete stop in the road while 2 of the damn things stood in the middle of the road blocking me....i was 30 ft away, stopped...revved up the engine a bunch, hit the horn, nothing....they just stared at me...bastards, i fuckin hate deer ..ide step on them like ants if i was able to

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are you joking? I nearly hit a deer in the park last month while JOGGING.

i swear on my grandfather's grave that I got less than 10 feet from a deer on foot, and I was the only one getting scared.

I slowed to a stop to avoid (theoretically) chasing the deer back across the road and into the Lexus SUV that was rounding the bend. the deer barely even acknowledged me.

I've blasted the horn at deer, revved engines, and thrown things. Nothing scares those dumb fucks anymore.

I had one run top speed into my parked car. They aren't the smartest things for sure.
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