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Conn. jury convicts man in deadly home invasion


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yea man saw this on the news....sick fuck...tied up the dad and made him watch the shit...forced mom to go to bank and withdraw money and then he robbed them, raped them, and burned the house down...wtf is wrong with people

i cant even imagine being that guy and living through seeing all of that and having your family taken from you in a way like that...i woulda told the guy to kill me also

supposedly he had a partner..guess that guys trial is next year sometime

and comparison to In Cold Blood?....this shit is much worse than what those two guys did, sure they killed everyone, but they didnt rape them and burn them

Edited by Steve Butters
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This is why I have firearms in the house, why I go to the range at least twice a month, have had and continue to take training, and am mentally prepared to use deadly force should it be necessary to protect my son or myself (or my dog....shhhh).

Such a beautiful woman and two beautiful girls. 3 lives wasted, and the father's life ruined. Who knows what those girls could have accomplished? Wives, mothers, doctor, business exec -- we'll never know thanks to two complete pieces of garbage.

Why did it take the jury 5 hours to come to a verdict? 5 minutes seems like plenty of time to me.

Well, now I'm in a great mood. Servers are gonna bounce just for my amusement...

Edited by jblosser
two, not to
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I'm usually against outsourcing American jobs, but...

in this case we should send this piece of shit and all of his kind to China. They send them to "labor camps" to never be seen again. Speculation is that they just take them to a field and put a round in them. Either way is good for me.

The other option is to let the victims' family decide his fate, a fate he must accept.

I would certainly suggest the family do the exact same thing to him.

Beat him, rape him, strangle him and torch him.

I can't stand the argument that the death penalty is "cruel and unusual" punishment.

This is my nerve getting hit......

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That is one sick mother fucker. "Oh, daddy taught me how to drink and steal when I was a kid. That's why I grew up to be a rapist, arsonist, and murderer." Give me a fucking break. Cut his nuts off and feed them to him....then use tin snips on all his fingers and toes, and watch him bleed out. Oh yeah, don't forget to nationally televise this shit as a warning to the other piece of shit fuckbags out there.

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That is one sick mother fucker. "Oh, daddy taught me how to drink and steal when I was a kid. That's why I grew up to be a rapist, arsonist, and murderer." Give me a fucking break. Cut his nuts off and feed them to him....then use tin snips on all his fingers and toes, and watch him bleed out. Oh yeah, don't forget to nationally televise this shit as a warning to the other piece of shit fuckbags out there.

Why don't you tell us how you really feel. don't hold back! :lol:

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Why don't you tell us how you really feel. don't hold back! :lol:

There's a reason why some countries don't have much crime...it is because they like the death penalty and other stiff punishments. Hell, I'd love to go back to hangings on the courthouse lawn.........I'm pretty sure we'd be a lot better off if we did, but there are too many liberal pussies out there.

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There's a reason why some countries don't have much crime...it is because they like the death penalty and other stiff punishments. Hell, I'd love to go back to hangings on the courthouse lawn.........I'm pretty sure we'd be a lot better off if we did, but there are too many liberal pussies out there.

Believe me, I am with ya. Eye for an eye.

I saw a video once where a man was convicted of raping a girl somewhere in the middle east. They took a pointed pole, shoved it where the sun don't shine and put it upright in a hole in the ground. A while later that pointed pole came up through his shoulder. He never raped again.

There is no accountablity for ones actions anymore. If you kill someone, you get to sit in a prison cell for life, maybe. Three squares a day, a roof over your head, start working on your law degree... I hate when someone gets "three consecutive live senteces" WTF!? If someone knew they would get the death penalty for killing someone, maybe they would think twice about it in the first place. But no, we need to coddle and rehabilitate these scum bags. All at the public's expense. Refuckindiculus.

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