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Anyone else have a fish tank?


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I used to have a fish tank when I was younger and then never had the time for one once I got older. Well my kiddo won a goldfish at the fair in August and we got her three more goldfish to go along. She picked out the other fish and everything to go inside, hence the pink gravel. lol

Well the last one died this past Friday. she was pretty heart broken so we caved and got her some new fish. We wanted some hardy and clean fish so we got three Tiger Barbs (I think that's the name) and two Albino Cory Catfish. The Barbs are schooling fish so it is a riot to watch them group together and chase one another around. I wanted a couple of fish to help keep the tank clean so we got the Cory Catfish. They are primarily bottom feeders although one of the two tends to stay at the bottom while the other likes to hang around near the top.

It's really interesting to watch these guys swim around and how they have their own personalities. I am really glad Brooke won that fish and got me back into this.

Thought I'd post up a video and a couple of pictures and see if anyone else had this as a hobby also. Judd, I know you got a good sized tank. Post up some pictures.

Video of the tank.




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I have two angels right now... they make babies then eat them.

I've always thought it was interesting how we get fish to clean up the bottom... buuuut they make waste too, and its gotta go somewhere, right? hrmmm

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I have two angels right now... they make babies then eat them.

I've always thought it was interesting how we get fish to clean up the bottom... buuuut they make waste too, and its gotta go somewhere, right? hrmmm

:lol: Good point. Well I have one less bottom feeder than "regular" fish so I guess it would help somewhat? Maybe they eat their own crap? :lol:

We had looked at the Angels but wanted more peaceful fish. Plus I heard they are quite a bit of work, right?

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the angels aren't that much work... i feed them in the morning and at night... uh.... that's it really. They aren't really that aggressive unless they're with fish they don't like, or if there are different sizes of angels in a tank, the big ones will pick on the little ones till they are the same size.

That lobster is sweet.

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Yeah, I have a 75 Gallon tank. It doesn't look very good right now, after the buying fish at pet-not-so-smart fiasco, FML. I lost several fish, and about half of the new ones. Before the fiasco, I had 3 angels, 2 were getting really big, the other must've been getting picked on, it wasn't growing, but Petsmart wiped them out, after having them for a couple years. I have a pictus catfish that's been around for at least 10 years, and has survived a few catastophes, such as when I had some fish that grew too big too fast, polluted the tank so bad it killed almost all of the fish, the ice storm where so many people lost power for days, and 4 or 5 moves.

Maybe I'll get around to getting some new fish, and making it look really good again ad take some pics... Someday.

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A while back, I had a small 30 gallon tank and about 10 neon tetras ( i think that is what they were called). I was relaxing watching the fish. We also had cats at the time too. The one cat would strech out to reach the top of the tank stand and peek into the tank. This would scare the fish, the fish would swim in a cricle and eventual one would jump right out of the tank by the opening for the rear tank light. Then the cats would have a nice treat. After a few days, we notice that a couple fish were missing, we just figured the other fish snacked on the missing ones, until I actually saw a fish jump out of the tank.

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A while back, I had a small 30 gallon tank and about 10 neon tetras ( i think that is what they were called). I was relaxing watching the fish. We also had cats at the time too. The one cat would strech out to reach the top of the tank stand and peek into the tank. This would scare the fish, the fish would swim in a cricle and eventual one would jump right out of the tank by the opening for the rear tank light. Then the cats would have a nice treat. After a few days, we notice that a couple fish were missing, we just figured the other fish snacked on the missing ones, until I actually saw a fish jump out of the tank.

That's funny! I had a few fish commit suicide before. I'm pretty particular about the openings in the top of the tanks now!

I used to have a 40 gallon tank on the stand for my 75, this left a ledge on the front and back. We had a cat that would get up on the ledge behind the tank, and would look like he was IN the tank! It was comical!

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I've been in and out of the fish tank game for a while now. I have two tanks currently, a 75 gallon and a 125 gallon. I am planning on turning my 125 into a salt water tank here soon. I used to keep African Cichlids in both of the tanks for several years.

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I'm thinking of getting Riley some dwarf sized koi fish for Christmas. She will be 4 and i think it will be good for her to have some responsibility. But the only thing i have ever had was a beta. It lasted almost 5 years though. Does a 20 gallon tank sound too big for a little girl? I guess ill have to try it and see.

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When I was a lot younger we had a salt water tank. I loved those fish but it was a lot of work keeping it clean and making sure all your fish weren't trying to eat each other. I think their final demise was when we left for a trip and the tank's heater went out :(. I had a beta fish that lived for 3 years, I cried when it died.

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I've been in and out of the fish tank game for a while now. I have two tanks currently, a 75 gallon and a 125 gallon. I am planning on turning my 125 into a salt water tank here soon. I used to keep African Cichlids in both of the tanks for several years.

I think it would be neat to have a salt water tank but I am definitley not ready for the care involved in that.

I'm thinking of getting Riley some dwarf sized koi fish for Christmas. She will be 4 and i think it will be good for her to have some responsibility. But the only thing i have ever had was a beta. It lasted almost 5 years though. Does a 20 gallon tank sound too big for a little girl? I guess ill have to try it and see.

Check out www.fishlore.com. There seems to be a lot of info on that site. Will tell you what dwarf koi need; tank size, food, temp, etc. And actually a larger tank is better because they are more consistent. They won't see temp swings or chemical spike as easily, they are more forgiving.

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I think it would be neat to have a salt water tank but I am definitley not ready for the care involved in that.

Check out www.fishlore.com. There seems to be a lot of info on that site. Will tell you what dwarf koi need; tank size, food, temp, etc. And actually a larger tank is better because they are more consistent. They won't see temp swings or chemical spike as easily, they are more forgiving.

Oh yeah. They definitely are a lot of work. I've had large fish tanks successfully for many years so I'm ready for the challenge, lol. My main thing is salt water tanks are so much more expensive in every aspect than fresh water. :cry:

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Oh yeah. They definitely are a lot of work. I've had large fish tanks successfully for many years so I'm ready for the challenge, lol. My main thing is salt water tanks are so much more expensive in every aspect than fresh water. :cry:

Yes they are, lol. Check this out:


Freshwater Approximate Total Cost: $270

Saltwater Approximate Total Cost: $635

Reef Approximate Total Cost: $1270

Think I'll stick with freshwater for right now, :lol:

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We've done several tanks for the kids over the years and have two now. One 55 gal with Ciclids and a tiny little thing in my daughters room for her 1 goldfish. I've always had a tank since a child and can't imagine life without one. Ciclids can be entertaining especially when you feed them other fish. The kids don't like that so much but it brings a smile to my face. :D Plus they change the landscape of the tank around regularly.

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Yes they are, lol. Check this out:


Freshwater Approximate Total Cost: $270

Saltwater Approximate Total Cost: $635

Reef Approximate Total Cost: $1270

Think I'll stick with freshwater for right now, :lol:

I tried to give you rep for this one but it wouldn't let me so....


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I tried to give you rep for this one but it wouldn't let me so....


You just don't want me to spend the money on a saltwater tank. ;)

There's nothing like coming home after a hard days work to have your fish waiting there, so excited you're home and ready to cuddle with you.

Most definitely. This is why you get a walking fish.

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a friend of mine has a 75 gallon freshwater tank.

I think he gave up on trying to maintain a saltwater tank, but he still buys and sells equipment. Last I talked to him, he had profited over $2,000 in the last year. That's with renting a truck, and paying his roommate to help him move the heavy stuff...

When I got my trailer, he was excited because we can move more 5 gallon buckets of salt water :p

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I like the Corys. I used to have dwarf cichlid breeding tanks and stuff.

Did you know you can take a half dried out goldfish found on the floor, and put it back in the water and it will live? Done that...

edit: oh and if the salt tank seems like too much, check out brackish tanks. Limited types of fish for them, but super easy to take care of.

Edited by ReconRat
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