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Tito fought Matt Hamill. I used to like Tito, but here recently he's more tough talk then action. He's punked out of like 2 or 3 fights, is always having surgery of some sort, and the last few fights he actually fought in he was anything but impressive. Matt Hamill used to be one of Titos' students. He took Tito to school tonight.

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didnt see that coming!! on a side note - diego sanchez put on a good fucking show!!! best fight of the night in my opinion i found a site online that was streaming it for free and plugged up through hdmi and watched it on the big screen at my girls house lol and i agree - tito needs to know when to just let it go

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Went to B-dubs last night to watch em. Just as the Cain/brock fight came on the waitress came up and asked if we had a red Honda accord in the parking lot. My girlfriend said yes that's my car. Then the waitress informed us that there had been a fight outside and someone had been slammed onto the hood. After looking at it one of the waitresses says one of the guys is still inside and she will get the manager. The manager tries to get the guys info but he trys to go out the door but the waitress points him out to us and the manager comes up and says he is running so he is calling the cops. We follow him out and my girlfriend asks him if he hit her car and not realizing I was behind her he says "bitch I didn't hit your fucking car". I go off tell the dude a bunch of choice words and tell him I know he hit the fucking car. He claims he got in a fight but not near the car. As the cops pull up he starts yelling at my girlfriend again. Her cousin stepped in and was ready to kill this jackass. I had to stop him to keep him from getting arrested. So to shorten up the story the cops say they can't do anything because he is the one who got slammed on the car not the one who did it. So I just shoulda beat the little fucker up and carried on. But o-well. Got a police report don't know if were going to claim it on insurance though.

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