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Martin Luther King Jr. Day


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First, I never said anyone was racist. The fact I pointed out I have a white GF was showing that because what MLK fought for made that possible. The fact I am able to do ANYTHING together with the majority is due to what he did. I am sure there are schools that teach differently than others, but I was speaking the education I have/had. I speak from fact, never speculation. More power to Obama for his run for Pres. He has a very good chance to win. However, that has nothing to do with MLK. Always living in the majority makes some ignorant to what other minorities, being ANY other race, not just black have to deal with when it comes to some things.

You dating a white chick has something to do w/MLK? :lol::lol::lol:Blacks and whites have been fukin long before MLK ....whats your point?

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Always living in the majority makes some ignorant to what other minorities, being ANY other race, not just black have to deal with when it comes to some things.

That's what I'm trying to say. So why do blacks get special things like black history month? Be a white kid for a day in an inner city school. You'd get fucked with a shit ton more than being a black kid in a suburban school.

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That's what I'm trying to say. So why do blacks get special things like black history month? Be a white kid for a day in an inner city school. You'd get fucked with a shit ton more than being a black kid in a suburban school.

Been there ...........satan agian is telling it how it is .......weird coming from satan? Man that sounds bad change your name !!!

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You dating a white chick has something to do w/MLK? :lol::lol::lol:Blacks and whites have been fukin long before MLK ....whats your point?

OK....if this is a serious comment....It has to be the absolute dumbest thing I have ever read to date....seriously, dude.

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OK....if this is a serious comment....It has to be the absolute dumbest thing I have ever read to date....seriously, dude.

I don't know, what he says is true. The only think MLK has to do with you dating a white girl is the fact you can say it without getting lynched. Funny how that works. I dated a half black girl in high school. I used to call her my little Oreo. Her mom thought it was funny as shit (white) but her dad wanted to kill me (black).

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OK....if this is a serious comment....It has to be the absolute dumbest thing I have ever read to date....seriously, dude.

Putty, I am serious ..What do you think mix couples only came around in the last 40 years? Your a fuking retard.MLK just made so you can run your mouth about it on internet!!!!

I asked what your point was from that comment dating white chicks?

Make a point please.

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First, I never said anyone was racist. The fact I pointed out I have a white GF was showing that because what MLK fought for made that possible......More power to Obama for his run for Pres. He has a very good chance to win. However, that has nothing to do with MLK..

So you can date a white chick and do stuff with the majority and attribute that to MLK but Obama being able to run for Pres has nothing to do with MLK??:confused:

Do you have an excuse for the reverse racism of today?

I am guessing there were many black men killed for standing up for their race, what makes "Micheal" King so special? A month to focus on the history of black people I can deal with.. but to set aside a day for MLK is BS. He didnt do anything that other black men wouldnt have done anyway.

Wheres Mexican history month?

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Well, it seems to me that means he made it possible.

I can honestly say no one is going to tell me who I can or can't date. Do to color or what the fuk ever.MLK I'm sure was thinking the same thing when he was beating up a white girl (because he hates white ppl)!!!Or did I miss something?

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The point is. Blacks and whites were not doing much of ANYTHING together, peacefully, before his movement. Therefore, regardless if there were 10,000 cases of black guys dating white girls before him...9,820 of them were hung from a tree and the other 180 are still on the run. His fight to end segregation had LOTS to do with the fact I can hold her hand and walk down the street TODAY and not be attacked by people who felt there was a problem with it. Btw, far from a retard....I've forgotten more than you've ever learned.

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I can honestly say no one is going to tell me who I can or can't date.

Nor can anyone tell me....NOW....but when MLK was around, I would not have been opening talking about it OR showing it, unless I wanted to be swinging.

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Obama being able to run for Pres has nothing to do with MLK??:confused:

Nothing to do with THIS CONVERSATION....We are talking MLK.....not OBAMA. Had you ever even heard of him before this election?

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The point is. Blacks and whites were not doing much of ANYTHING together, peacefully, before his movement. Therefore, regardless if there were 10,000 cases of black guys dating white girls before him...9,820 of them were hung from a tree and the other 180 are still on the run. His fight to end segregation had LOTS to do with the fact I can hold her hand and walk down the street TODAY and not be attacked by people who felt there was a problem with it. Btw, far from a retard....I've forgotten more than you've ever learned.

Atleast you won't forget me!!!! plus where did you get these #'s assclown ...you don't think some white and blacks didn't have peace before MLK....you are a racist.oR RETARDED like I said.Blacks and whites fought in WWII together right? So your boy MLK could have his fuking speeches .Those black guys they share a holiday w/ white vets....don't hear them crying about sharing a holiday.So maybe you forgot the important things its ok.apology accepted.And if your so hell bent on what he did. Why are you not doing anything to help his cause,Instead of making white ppl look bad for "not knowing". If your so smart change are minds try to remember alll the things your forgot and learn us somthin or be nagative and defensive and not share your FACTS!!

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Nor can anyone tell me....NOW....but when MLK was around, I would not have been opening talking about it OR showing it, unless I wanted to be swinging.

You live in Columbus, Ohio dude. That isn't true. It would've been frowned upon but you definitely wouldn't have been hung.

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Nothing to do with THIS CONVERSATION....We are talking MLK.....not OBAMA. Had you ever even heard of him before this election?

And you having a white g/f had something to do with the convo? Obama being able to do anything in politics is as much b/c of MLK as your personal life! Even though I still say the guy is worthless.. he died being the voice of blacks...he isnt the only one yet he has his own day? Not only was he not the only one but also, judging by the facts given in the post, he definitely wasnt the best to represent black history

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Remember when you were not alive 40 years ago so you really can make that comment with any certainty.

Actually, I did a paper on it in high school. Cleveland was bad. Real bad. But Columbus wasn't. Cleveland sucks anyways. Columbus > Cleveland.

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Actually, I did a paper on it in high school. Cleveland was bad. Real bad. But Columbus wasn't. Cleveland sucks anyways. Columbus > Cleveland.

I did a paper on outerspace once but that doesnt make me an astronaut. If your highschool papers were anything like the other 99.9% of high school papers then it probably wasnt the best piece of literature ever.

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I did a paper on outerspace once but that doesnt make me an astronaut. If your highschool papers were anything like the other 99.9% of high school papers then it probably wasnt the best piece of literature ever.


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I did a paper on outerspace once but that doesnt make me an astronaut. If your highschool papers were anything like the other 99.9% of high school papers then it probably wasnt the best piece of literature ever.

You definitely don't know me very well.......

Anyways, here's some reading for you:


In 1959 the Ohio Civil Rights Act of 1959 was enacted. This made it illegal to discriminate based on age, sex, and/or color when it comes to jobs, housing, and being able to patron private businesses. It also made public facilities non-segregated, though few were to begin with. Mostly, it was for jobs and housing. In Ohio, there were few segregated schools, mostly in Cleveland. These schools were "desegregated" with the Brown vs board of education ruling. A few private businesses wouldn't allow blacks to shop there, or would have special sections for blacks. Again, only a few private businesses did this. This was also made illegal by the Ohio Civil Rights act.

Now had this been Eastern Kentucky, I still wouldn't go around telling anyone about your interracial relationship. Those fuckers are just nuts.

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