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Martin Luther King Jr. Day


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You definitely don't know me very well.......

Anyways, here's some reading for you:


In 1959 the Ohio Civil Rights Act of 1959 was enacted. This made it illegal to discriminate based on age, sex, and/or color when it comes to jobs, housing, and being able to patron private businesses. It also made public facilities non-segregated, though few were to begin with. Mostly, it was for jobs and housing. In Ohio, there were few segregated schools, mostly in Cleveland. These schools were "desegregated" with the Brown vs board of education ruling. A few private businesses wouldn't allow blacks to shop there, or would have special sections for blacks. Again, only a few private businesses did this. This was also made illegal by the Ohio Civil Rights act.

Now had this been Eastern Kentucky, I still wouldn't go around telling anyone about your interracial relationship. Those fuckers are just nuts.

What was MLK doing in 1959?

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You definitely don't know me very well.......

Anyways, here's some reading for you:


In 1959 the Ohio Civil Rights Act of 1959 was enacted. This made it illegal to discriminate based on age, sex, and/or color when it comes to jobs, housing, and being able to patron private businesses. It also made public facilities non-segregated, though few were to begin with. Mostly, it was for jobs and housing. In Ohio, there were few segregated schools, mostly in Cleveland. These schools were "desegregated" with the Brown vs board of education ruling. A few private businesses wouldn't allow blacks to shop there, or would have special sections for blacks. Again, only a few private businesses did this. This was also made illegal by the Ohio Civil Rights act.

Now had this been Eastern Kentucky, I still wouldn't go around telling anyone about your interracial relationship. Those fuckers are just nuts.

There are a lot of things that are illegal and they still happen that is why we have prisons. I have taken the time to speak to several "older" people and the way they talk and there feelings about "blacks" doesnt coorelate with your insight. Ohio isnt known for being forward thinking. Believe it or not the rest of the country views ohio as a bunch of hicks. I still see couples of different ethnicities getting dirty looks.

The fact is your not black so you really dont know how they feel.

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There are a lot of things that are illegal and they still happen that is why we have prisons. I have taken the time to speak to several "older" people and the way they talk and there feelings about "blacks" doesnt coorelate with your insight. Ohio isnt known for being forward thinking. Believe it or not the rest of the country views ohio as a bunch of hicks. I still see couples of different ethnicities getting dirty looks.

The fact is your not black so you really dont know how they feel.

Do you ? Dirty looks is a sign of the times evryone hates life.I get dirty looks from white ,black,yellow ....that will happen till the end of time.Dirty looks do mean shit.

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Yup. He was in India. Gandhi had used the non-violent civil disobedience theories written by Henry Thoreau (spelling?). MLK used the same theories, and went to India in 1959 to study the legacy left behind by Gandhi's death. He wrote a book from this studying titled "Measure of a Man".

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Yup. He was in India. Gandhi had used the non-violent civil disobedience theories written by Henry Thoreau (spelling?). MLK used the same theories, and went to India in 1959 to study the legacy left behind by Gandhi's death. He wrote a book from this studying titled "Measure of a Man".

Thats kinda ironic.

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LOL....You guys giving wikiped and google some good business today.

The fact is your not black so you really dont know how they feel.

That's what I meant by people who have always lived in the majority have no idea what minorities face. Like or leave it....

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There are a lot of things that are illegal and they still happen that is why we have prisons. I have taken the time to speak to several "older" people and the way they talk and there feelings about "blacks" doesnt coorelate with your insight. Ohio isnt known for being forward thinking. Believe it or not the rest of the country views ohio as a bunch of hicks. I still see couples of different ethnicities getting dirty looks.

The fact is your not black so you really dont know how they feel.

They'll get dirty looks by older people in every state. I'm not saying blacks had it great in the 50s and 60s in Ohio. I'm saying Putty wouldn't have been hung, then or now, regardless of MLK.

You're right, I'm not black. I'm very white. German, protestant, and white. Are you black?

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Keep posting so ppl tune in.

I was a minoritie in high school ...I think everyone at some point in their life has feelt like that.

Angrish you are right. AT SOME POINT everyone has been in the minority. EVERY DAY IN AMERICA, I wake up I am a minority. EVERY FUCKING DAY. I don't have the benefit of saying, "back when I was in school I was a minority," or "back in my old neighborhood." That's the difference. Satan says when he was in school it was rough for him. Cry me a river... I'm sorry you had a rough four years where people treated you different based upon color. That sucks. It really does. I'm not being sarcastic either. But, the day you graduated high school, you didn't have to deal with those idiots anymore. Myself and other minorities don't get that benefit that you had to move on.

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They'll get dirty looks by older people in every state. I'm not saying blacks had it great in the 50s and 60s in Ohio. I'm saying Putty wouldn't have been hung, then or now, regardless of MLK.

You're right, I'm not black. I'm very white. German, protestant, and white. Are you black?

I am more white than snow, except the 3/128 american indian. I trust Putty enough to be in my home, so I will trust enough when he says how he feels about a topic. I have been the minority before, I have lived in or around chicago, detroit, cleveland and columbus. If you really want to talk about how black people should feel, there are some neighborhoods in Detroit I would love for you to visit I guarantee you will be sweating bullets.

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I am more white than snow, except the 3/128 american indian. I trust Putty enough to be in my home, so I will trust enough when he says how he feels about a topic. I have been the minority before, I have lived in or around chicago, detroit, cleveland and columbus. If you really want to talk about how black people should feel, there are some neighborhoods in Detroit I would love for you to visit I guarantee you will be sweating bullets.

What? I worked in detroit...bfd white and black isn't the issue...THEY ARE FUKING BROKE....that will make everyone hate evryone.And if you go through the hood w/ something someone wants your in for a battle no matter your color or what low income hood.

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I am more white than snow, except the 3/128 american indian. I trust Putty enough to be in my home, so I will trust enough when he says how he feels about a topic. I have been the minority before, I have lived in or around chicago, detroit, cleveland and columbus. If you really want to talk about how black people should feel, there are some neighborhoods in Detroit I would love for you to visit I guarantee you will be sweating bullets.

That's about the same as me telling Putty and Cleaner to go visit Pikeville, KY if he really wants to feel oppressed. I trust Putty wholeheartedly. If I didn't, he wouldn't be a friend and a moderator. I just look at the black people I know. They're definitely not oppressed.

Angrish you are right. AT SOME POINT everyone has been in the minority. EVERY DAY IN AMERICA, I wake up I am a minority. EVERY FUCKING DAY. I don't have the benefit of saying, "back when I was in school I was a minority," or "back in my old neighborhood." That's the difference. Satan says when he was in school it was rough for him. Cry me a river... I'm sorry you had a rough four years where people treated you different based upon color. That sucks. It really does. I'm not being sarcastic either. But, the day you graduated high school, you didn't have to deal with those idiots anymore. Myself and other minorities don't get that benefit that you had to move on.

Huh? When did I say people treated me different because of color? I understand you're a minority every day. I'm not trying to argue that. However, does being a minority earn you special treatment? Does it justify a month of black history? Or MLK day? Blacks out number every other minority in the US. Does that mean we should give black history month to the Asians or Mexicans? Do you feel oppressed on a daily basis? If so, how? Why? Help my cracker ass understand this instead of just telling me you're life is rough.

This is the census from 2000. I'm curious what the differences will be for 2010.




White alone



Black or African American alone



American Indian and Alaska Native alone



Asian alone



Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone



Some other race alone



Two or more races:



Two races including Some other race



Two races excluding Some other race, and three or more races



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What? I worked in detroit...bfd white and black isn't the issue...THEY ARE FUKING BROKE....that will make everyone hate evryone.And if you go through the hood w/ something someone wants your in for a battle no matter your color or what low income hood.

Very true. I'm from Toledo (pretty much a suburb of Detroit). The whole area is fucking poor and going to shit quick. Same thing's happening with Cleveland.

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Angrish you are right. AT SOME POINT everyone has been in the minority. EVERY DAY IN AMERICA, I wake up I am a minority. EVERY FUCKING DAY. I don't have the benefit of saying, "back when I was in school I was a minority," or "back in my old neighborhood." That's the difference. Satan says when he was in school it was rough for him. Cry me a river... I'm sorry you had a rough four years where people treated you different based upon color. That sucks. It really does. I'm not being sarcastic either. But, the day you graduated high school, you didn't have to deal with those idiots anymore. Myself and other minorities don't get that benefit that you had to move on.

I'm sure your life sucks everyday when your on your bike ,out drinking w/ your friends ,working and making money......sorry what was you saying I don't follow?Maybe if you moved on there wouldn't be that little hint of you being a little racist.

Just so you know it happen after school here and there till I was old enough to understand true hate was.You sould walk amile in a man shoes before comments like that...I doubt very seriously you was oppressed your whole life you would be rich from all the law suits you could file!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I just talk to a(black) plumber that worked for me a while ago,I asked him if he was oppressed in any way ....he laugh at me and said "we could have a black pres, what the fuck are you talking about"I told him what the thread was about,He also went on about MLK.He knew all the stuff I just found out!!He said "Its 2008 who gives a fuk the guys dead and we get a day off work" and then made a bunch of white jokes <they are funny!!He also said he didn't understand how I got in a argument on internet w/ black dudes about MLK he asked if I was sure they were not a bunch of bleeding heart white liberals...I almost crap my pants.

I would like to say I'm not arguing ...debating ....MLK did great things.But some of his actions are debatable <sp? soooo with that said I would like to apologize if I said something to offend anyone.I'm still learning evryday the best I can .....

Putty post #66

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I'm sure your life sucks everyday when your on your bike ,out drinking w/ your friends ,working and making money......sorry what was you saying I don't follow?Maybe if you moved on there wouldn't be that little hint of you being a little racist.

Just so you know it happen after school here and there till I was old enough to understand true hate was.You sould walk amile in a man shoes before comments like that...I doubt very seriously you was oppressed your whole life you would be rich from all the law suits you could file!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, big man there you are Angrish. Dude, walk a mile in a man's shoes??? You don't even know me. Your ignorance shines given the fact you are willing to comment on things you don't know about. You don't know me or anything about me. You don't know me or of the things I have gone through in my life. Nor do you know how "rich" I am.

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Wow, big man there you are Angrish. Dude, walk a mile in a man's shoes??? You don't even know me. Your ignorance shines given the fact you are willing to comment on things you don't know about. You don't know me or anything about me. You don't know me or of the things I have gone through in my life. Nor do you know how "rich" I am.

How bad is it ...give a little so everyone can walk in your shoes.I don't believe that you oppressed everyday..I don't think anyone would believe that.You don't have to get mad just tell me. I want to know how you are oppressed in this day and age.Honestly doesn't seem right...

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How bad is it ...give a little so everyone can walk in your shoes.I don't believe that you oppressed everyday..I don't think anyone would believe that.

READ THE THREAD!!! I never said I was "oppressed" everyday. That's your words, not mine. The word, "oppressed" was brought up by YOU, not me.

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